• 土耳其计划利用底格里斯河幼发拉底河建造大型水力发电工程

    Turkey plans to harness the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for big hydro-electric power projects.


  • 这个报导中,我们将以土耳其重点,它是第一个利用清洁技术基金实现可再生能源能源效率目标国家

    In this story, we focus on Turkey, the first country to use the Clean Technology Fund to help meet renewable energy and energy efficiency goals.


  • 几个新兴市场尤其是波罗的海国家土耳其)出现了巨额经常账户赤字,它们依靠低成本资金流入弥补这些赤字。

    Several emerging markets, in particular the Baltic states and Turkey, run large current account deficits and depend on inflows of cheap capital to finance these deficits.


  • 城市里充斥一流的土耳其浴场可以在里面舒适的躺个把小时出入桑拿蒸气薄荷

    And the city is also full of great Turkish baths where you hang about semi naked for hours, popping in and out of the saunas and steam rooms and sipping mint tea.


  • 巴黎银行原本土耳其北非地区还承受着尚可的压力,但是现在存款抵押的贷款也让他们感到头疼了,而对此情况解释银行在那边分支以前更多了,所以还需要时间调整)。

    The bank has a decent presence in Turkey and north Africa but now that lending without raising deposits is frowned upon, the expansion there will be more branch-based than before—which takes time.


  • 西土耳其摔跤艺术一个组成部分。

    Kurash is a member of Turkish wrestling arts.


  • 最近几周土耳其突尼斯澳大利亚已经他们的各种各样计划引进各自的过滤方案制造了头条新闻

    In recent weeks, Turkey, Tunisia, and Australia have all made headlines for their various plans to introduce new filtering schemes.


  • 那些依赖国际银行间市场募集资金国家包括匈牙利土耳其乌克兰俄罗斯,将容易受到外部金融危机打击

    Countries dependent on international interbank markets for funding, including Hungary, Turkey, Ukraine and Russia, were most vulnerable to external financial shocks.


  • 过去土耳其中学女童数量2001-02年42%增加2005-06年的51%。

    Over the last four years, the number of Turkish girls in secondary school has increased, from 42% in 2001-02 to 51% in 2005-06.


  • 阿古斯塔·韦斯特兰公司意大利开设了一个培训中心训练土耳其工程师

    AgustaWestland has opened a center in Italy to train Turkish engineers on the program.


  • 土耳其以此报复以色列拒绝去年扣押土耳其在加沙地带巡逻队道歉

    The Turks presented this as a result of Israel's refusal to apologize for the armed seizure of the Gaza-blockade-running Turkish flotilla last year.


  • 几百土耳其东南部Agacli乡村亚美尼亚人一直在种植蚕丝

    FOR centuries Armeniansin the village of Agacli, in south-east Turkey, cultivated silk.


  • 该行出售可转换债券筹资11.8亿欧元提供土耳其金融银行(Finansbank)的少数股份

    The bank will also sell convertible bonds to raise 1.18 billion euros and offer a minority stake in its Turkish unit, Finansbank AS.


  • Zapiro作为南非位最主要漫画家,他创作的漫画描绘了乔治•布什通过轰炸土耳其(Turkey又火鸡的意思)群岛(Canary有金丝雀的意思)应对禽流感,还描绘了医生在给布什做结肠镜检查时却看到了布什的大脑(讽刺布什没有大脑)。

    Zapiro, a leading South African cartoonist, has depicted George Bush responding to bird flu by bombing Turkey and the Canary Isles, and has shown doctors finding his brain during a colonoscopy.


  • 事实几十这个国家期望土耳其其他地方工人有礼貌客人那样离开

    The fact is that for several decades the country did expect workers from Turkey and elsewhere to leave like polite guests.


  • 包括我们最亲密盟友——英国法国加拿大丹麦挪威意大利西班牙希腊土耳其——这些国家几十与我们并肩战斗。

    This includes our closest Allies - nations like the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Turkey - all of whom have fought by our sides for decades.


  • 或许,对自信希腊旅行社只是凹坑。旅行社今年希腊旅游虽然不及到土耳其塞浦路斯旅游人数那么多,但还是略有上升

    This will be only a small dent, perhaps, to the confidence of Greek tour operators, who say arrivals are slightly up this year, albeit not as much as in destinations like Turkey and Cyprus.


  • 西色雷斯的局势紧张,因为希腊土耳其几十一直敌人

    The situation there often tense, for Greece and Turkey have been enemies for decades.


  • 过去几十经验说明土耳其艘航船需要强硬外部稳定,不会漂浮危险水域

    Turkey’s experience of the past few decades suggests that the country needs firm external anchors to stop it drifting into dangerous waters.


  • 土耳其地毯如此贵重以至于人们经常节日它们窗户上。

    Turkish carpets were so valuable that they were often rented out so people could hang them from their Windows on festive days.


  • 土耳其士兵母亲们走上街头他们的儿子们已经持续25之久痛苦战争中,一些老兵们扔掉他们的勋章假肢以此表达他们愤怒

    Mothers of Turkish soldiers who died in 25 years of bitter fighting have taken to the streets. War veterans have cast off MEDALS and prosthetic limbs in anger.


  • 土耳其世界第八奇迹这里参观没有任何限制

    The Turkish people call it the eighth wonder of the world and people who visit the place do not argue.


  • 萨拉.佩林乔姆斯基最新出的举例,俄语中,动词“读”可以区分她是否读完全书土耳其语中,通过动词“读”可以分辨出说这话的人亲眼目睹的,是被告知的,还是猜的。

    Take a sentence such as "Sarah Palin read Chomsky's latest book." In Russian, the verb would have to indicate whether the whole book was read or not.


  • 几十土耳其那些爱惹是生非的将领们常常令人畏惧而又尊敬

    FOR decades Turkey's meddlesome generals inspired fear and respect.


  • 伊朗期望另一取得百分之二十的浓缩铀燃料伊朗愿意将自己的交由土耳其看管吗?

    Does Iran expect to get the 20% enriched fuel rods from another source, while its own uranium is under Turkish guard?


  • 这次震动是地震频发土耳其过去十年爆发的严重地震,已造成至少264死亡超过1000人受伤

    At least 264 people died and more than 1, 000 people were wounded in the the worst tremor to hit earthquake-prone Turkey in the past decade.


  • EbubekirKeskin位37岁土耳其商人,他3年前喀麦隆杜阿拉,用土耳其意面交换当地木材

    Ebubekir Keskin, a 37-year-old Turkish businessman who settled in Douala, Cameroon, three years ago, swaps Turkish-made pasta for local timber.


  • 艾德蒙女巫出卖整个家庭换取土耳其软糖的时候,是否真正知道糖的味道呢?

    Didd Edmund actually know what Turkish Delights tasted like when he sold out his entire family to the White Witch for a box?


  • 艾德蒙女巫出卖整个家庭换取土耳其软糖的时候,是否真正知道糖的味道呢?

    Didd Edmund actually know what Turkish Delights tasted like when he sold out his entire family to the White Witch for a box?


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