• 承认偷盗行为条件释放了

    He was conditionally discharged after admitting the theft.


  • 多库恰耶夫承认这样文明不得不应对包括巨大潮汐因光子捕获产生高能量密度在内的非常规条件

    Dokuchaev admits such a civilization would have to cope with extraordinary conditions including huge tidal forces and massive energy densities as photons become trapped.


  • 每个承认就业类别有着不同要求条件授权逗留期限

    Each employment category for admission has different requirements, conditions and authorized periods of stay.


  • 承认海洋我们共同的家园正是我们作出拯救海洋承诺的前提条件

    And the commitment to save the oceans begins with a recognition that we all share them.


  • 眼下的难题内塔尼亚胡坚持巴勒斯坦承认以色列一个犹太国家或许这是延长冻结计划的条件

    The other tricky one that has come to the fore is Mr Netanyahu's insistence that the Palestinians should acknowledge Israel as a Jewish state, perhaps as a quid quo pro for a further freeze.


  • 苏丹宣布承认具有南北双重国籍的公民,同时希望北方也能做出相应的互惠条件

    The south says it will recognize dual north-south citizenship and has urged the north to reciprocate.


  • 内塔尼亚胡承认共存是条件的演讲充斥着好听的承诺言辞回避

    Mr Netanyahu hedged his acceptance of two states with conditions, promises and evasions.


  • 俱乐部球员口头协议尽管可能为当地劳动法承认服从劳动法,但并不符合第二条第二款中[2]各条件强制性

    Oral arrangements between a club and a player, although possiblyadmissible by and in conformity with local labour law, are not in line with themandatory nature of the conditions of art. 2 par. 210.


  • 行刑者开出条件,要他『拒绝承认信仰摧毁圣母像』。

    The executioner had one condition, ‘Just renounce your faith and destroy this statue of the Blessed Mother.’


  • 最终目标承认其他国家可比较项目因此外国游客符合条件参与国际注册旅客项目公告说。

    Eventually, the goal is to recognize comparable programs in other countries so that foreign visitors will be eligible for participation in International Registered Traveler, the notice states.


  • 所以为什么不无条件内战承认美国已经不可救药失败,并同意现在离开时候了,伊拉克独自的解决一切呢?

    So why not call it a civil war without qualification, admit that America has failed beyond redemption, agree that it is time to go, and let Iraqis fight it out on their own?


  • 即使承认这些条件情况下,论述食用大豆防止疾病抵抗忧郁直接联系起来,这做法本身存在问题

    Given that, there is still a problem with the arguer directly correlating the eating of soy with the prevention of disease and depression.


  • 作为现实主义者我们承认并不存在一个过程技术语言或是平台可以所有条件下都能够好的工作。

    As realists, we acknowledge that no one process, technique, language, or platform is good for all situations.


  • 科学家承认人类活动已经深刻地改变地球气候如今,越来越的科学家开始提出这样一个问题:人类可否利用自身改造环境的力量使恶化的气候条件重新变好?

    Now that scientists agree that humans have profoundly changed the Earth's climate, many have begun asking if we can use our globe-altering power to simply change it back.


  • 菲利普斯承认中东严酷的气候确实寻找储存水源带来了巨大挑战,这种情况即使是最好条件普遍存在,但这不是造成今日巴勒斯坦水资源问题的“罪魁祸首”。

    While Phillips says the Middle Eastern climate makes it difficult to get and keep water even under the best circumstances, there is no reason for the Palestinian water crisis.


  • 法规学术条例规定条件承认其它大学毕业生同等类似学力大学学位

    To admit Graduates of other Universities to Degrees of equal or similar rank in the University under conditions laid down by Statute or Academic Ordinance.


  • 这些条件男方都完全承认了。

    The man agreed to all these conditions.


  • 作为监视Veronica条件,Abruzzi的手下叫监狱内已经判了终身监禁某个囚犯承认谋杀就是父亲指控的宗谋杀。

    In exchange for watching her, Abruzzi’s people had someone already doing life in prison confess to the murder that his father was accused of.


  • 为了说清楚这种依赖关系条件我们首先应当确定意志表现概念承认是属于的,不是属于的。

    To explain the conditions of that dependence, we have, first of all, to reinstate the conception of the expression of will, referring it to man, and not to the Deity.


  • 但我们也承认柔和光线也为那些引人的照片创造了良好的条件

    Admittedly the soft lighting must have helped create these rather appealing shots.


  • 是个危险时期,”太阳月亮咖啡店的老板张惠承认付的租金使纳西族房东能够改善居住条件,搬新城去住

    "This is a dangerous time, " admitted Zhang Hui, owner of the Sun Moon Café, whose rental payments enabled her Naxi landlord to upgrade to the new town.


  • 重述了自己两个先决条件——巴勒斯坦承认以色列一个犹太国家,以色列保持整个约旦河西岸安全控制

    He repeated his two prerequisites - that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state and that Israel maintain security control over the entire West Bank.


  • 老年人价值体现社会老年人尊重,对老年人价值的承认生活工作提供条件

    The aged values embodiment refers to the social admiration to the aged , the recognition of their values and the conditions provided for their life and work .


  • 期待可能性意志相对自由反映,是对客观条件限制人的意志自由的作用的承认

    Expectant probability reflect relative freedom of human volition and admit the fact that objective conditions can restrict freedom of human volition.


  • 前提条件竟然洛特撒谎承认自己恶魔来往罪行”,保全自己身,体面终结此案

    But the prerequisite is to Plott lie even to recognize themselves and the devil from the "crime" to preserve his own name itself, the end of a decent case.


  • 我们关心我们现在与未来,于历史上针砭,我们不会由于技能血统、等不同条件今昔不同的合法地位的承认的限制而感觉受到恐吓

    We do not feel threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, or they of various ts of different traditions.


  • 文章围绕仲裁裁决得以承认执行条件,来透析公共政策适用国际仲裁中的价值

    With focus on the conditions of arbitraments' acknowledgement and enforcement, the article explains the value of application of order public in the international commercial arbitrations.


  • 文章围绕仲裁裁决得以承认执行条件,来透析公共政策适用国际仲裁中的价值

    With focus on the conditions of arbitraments' acknowledgement and enforcement, the article explains the value of application of order public in the international commercial arbitrations.


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