• 利用虚拟化一个主要好处,虚拟化系统能够自动进行一些更改以便管理员能够响应当前条件

    With virtualization, one of the main benefits is the ability of the virtualization system to make changes automatically for the administrator in response to current conditions.


  • 消极方面看容器装入条件数据请求模式响应不可预知的,所以必须开发过程中添加大量的基于方案的装入测试

    On the negative side, the container's response to load conditions and data request patterns is unpredictable, so extensive scenario-based load testing must be added to the development process.


  • 工具典型用户业务分析人员他们可以分析规则根据需要修改规则,响应不断变化的条件

    The typical user of this tool is a business analyst who can analyze the rules and modify them as appropriate to respond to changing conditions.


  • 例如可以多个条件合并响应时间呼叫同时增加到超过目标级别时,用户可以得到警报。

    Multiple conditions can be combined, so users can be alerted, for example, when response time and call volume both increase above target levels at the same time.


  • 不是应该进行灵活更改响应市场条件事实上门户为了帮助实现此类灵活性设计的。

    This is not to say that you shouldn't be flexible in changing to respond to market conditions; in fact, portals are designed to assist in this type of flexability.


  • 境况按照预先定义间隔条件进行评估调用相应自动响应通知方法

    The situation evaluates the conditions at predefined intervals and invokes the appropriate automated responses and notification methods.


  • 如果对于能够处理请求所有服务器而言以下任一条件则将有效请求返回一个503响应

    If any of the following conditions are true for all the servers that are capable of handling the request, then a 503 response is returned for valid requests.


  • 如果符合条件消息存在操作并不等待消息出现。只是简单地新的刷新间隔周期组装一个刷新响应将它返回调用者

    If no message exists, the operation does not wait around for one; it simply prepares another refresh Response with a new refresh interval period and returns that back to the caller.


  • 这个响应请求数据内部标签条件数据相关性

    The term for this internal tagging of response and request data is data correlation.


  • 如果条件满足服务器就会认为客户机提交修改可以接受的,返回适当成功响应

    If the conditions are met and the server considers the modifications submitted by the client to be acceptable, it will respond with an appropriate success response.


  • 常规耕作条件下,春季作物土壤水份含量响应耕地得多。

    Under conventional till, crop response to spring soil water content was considerably greater than under zero till.


  • 如果请求接受,响应提供贷款定价条件相关细节

    If the request is accepted, details about the pricing and conditions of the loan are provided with the response.


  • 如果存在发送来的符合条件消息操作组装返回一个适当的请求响应

    If a message is delivered, the operation prepares and returns an appropriate Request Response.


  • 这个条件响应应该列为Active

    The condition or response should be listed as Active.


  • 触发器——评估响应条件

    Trigger — a condition to evaluate, and respond to.


  • 对于某些任务包括WebSphereXD响应某些条件需要采取操作描述

    For some tasks, this includes a description of the action WebSphere XD wants to take in response to some condition.


  • Retryon重试条件):确定错误响应是否导致重试以及导致重试方式

    Retry on: Determines whether, and how, fault responses cause a retry. The following values are valid


  • 然后结果图形化,从而显示应用程序对于大多数测试条件提供的次秒级(sub - second)响应性。

    The results were then graphed to show that the application provided subsecond responsiveness for a majority of test conditions.


  • 现在必须处理cancel审批响应因此添加AwaitingApproval状态Canceled状态转换一个审批响应“cancel”时的检查条件

    The approval response of cancel must now be handled, so a transition from the Awaiting approval state to the Canceled state is added with a condition that checks if the approval response is "cancel".


  • 大多数语言一样Scalaif测试一个条件表达式然后根据结果来跳转响应语句中。

    As in most every language, Scala's if evaluates a conditional expression, then proceeds to a block if the result is true or branches to an alternate block if the result is false. A simple example.


  • 可以帮助业务响应快速改变条件(可以种更快捷的方法应用业务分析大量混合结构数据)。

    It can help your business respond more quickly to changing conditions (by being able to apply business analytics to larger amounts of mixed-structure data in a more rapid way).


  • 精确性产生了一种提供作出响应的、远程穿越支援火力聚能火力的能力,决定性胜利创造条件

    Its precision reach affords the ability to provide responsive, long-range lateral supporting fires as well as shaping fires that set the conditions for decisive victory.


  • 他们仍然条件响应了,一个困扰着他们国家最高机构的深刻合法性危机以及他们想象看门狗——媒体

    Still, they respond, however incoherently, to a profound crisis of legitimacy afflicting their country's highest institutions, and their supposed watchdog, the media.


  • 该表中的所有都代表用户负荷运行条件下所收集响应代表积极用户服务器性能

    All the values in this table present the corresponding value collected during the full user load run time, which presents the server performance for active users.


  • 优化阶段我们开发一个系统预测模型通过响应面的等高线或者数学优化,寻找合适的操作条件

    In the optimization phase, we develop a predictive model for the system to find useful operating conditions through response surface contour plots and perhaps mathematical optimization.


  • RationalQuantify能使我们查明瓶颈RobotSiteLoad能使我们在极高的负载测试软件确保系统能够最坏条件进行响应

    Rational Quantify enabled us to pinpoint bottlenecks, while Robot and SiteLoad enabled us to test software under peak loads to ensure that the system could respond to worst-case conditions.


  • 上述请求响应如下所示)包含带有指定认证有效的时间段的属性条件的认证断言

    The response to the above request (shown below) contains the authentication assertion with an attribute/condition that specifies the time period when the authentication is valid.


  • 一些元素只能请求响应符合一定条件才能使用这些指它们有公共行为属性

    Several elements can be conditionally used only when the request or response matches conditions. All these elements share common behavior and attributes.


  • 本文考虑导弹水下发射时力学环境条件,给出了导弹模型水下点火响应测试试验原理实现方法。

    In considering the mechanical ambient for missile launching under water, principle and implementation for measuring the dynamic response of missile model under water are give out.


  • 本文考虑导弹水下发射时力学环境条件,给出了导弹模型水下点火响应测试试验原理实现方法。

    In considering the mechanical ambient for missile launching under water, principle and implementation for measuring the dynamic response of missile model under water are give out.


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