• 特别讨厌他人干扰束缚某种界限

    Especially dislikes interference from others or being restricted by a set of boundaries.


  • 农民束缚于封建制度之下没有人身自由

    Under the bondage of feudalism they had no freedom of person.


  • 变化要么束缚过去否则将让自由走向未来

    Change will either chain you to your past or free you to your future.


  • 我们没有使过去完整,我们就让自己束缚过去生活抑制甚至扼杀了我们梦想

    When we don't complete the past, we harness ourselves to the old life and dampen, or even kill, our dreams.


  • 那么更愿意共度一生:是那些自己束缚于致恶人?还是那些期望最佳的人?

    So who would you rather spend your life with: those who brace themselves for the worst or those who anticipate the best?


  • 这种想法差不多就是Web编写一种全新的内容语言学习过去的经验又不束缚过去。

    The idea is pretty much to start from scratch in developing a content language for the Web, learning from the past without being enslaved to the past. Examples of big changes include.


  • 全盘接受,法律迫使全盘接受每位公民法律约定使他们束缚于绝对服从中

    He accepts entirely, or the laws force him to accept entirely, the covenant that every citizen has with the laws that binds them to absolute obedience.


  • 音乐摆脱电脑束缚为什么以数码格式购买的音乐要获得解放不想束缚移动播放器笔记本电脑了。

    GET music OFF your COMPUTER Why: Because music bought digitally wants to be freed, not imprisoned in your portable player or laptop.


  • 艺术家:“VHS代表了一些仍然存在但已过时东西我们束缚他们的初始价值,最后慢慢便形成了习惯怀旧甚或忠诚

    Says the artist, "The VHS represents outdated things that continue to exist, bound to us by their initial value, and now wound up in habit, nostalgia, or loyalty."


  • HTML中立——也许现在阅读文章正是这种格式——添加了标记,而这些标记容易引起输入(或者使束缚于HTML增强型编辑器)。

    HTML is fairly neutral — and is probably the form you are reading this article inbut it also adds tags that are easy to mistype (or which commit one to an HTML-enhanced editor).


  • 通过数值方法直接求解非线性薛定格方程以及法近似求束缚一个“凹槽”中的单个空间光孤子解,这种光孤子的存在没有值范围,总是稳定传输的。

    By means of the variational approximation and direct simulations we demonstrate the one-soliton state trapped in a channel has no existence threshold and is always stable.


  • 仍然需要致力保持这种状态打破忙碌文化对我束缚

    But, I still need to work on being still and breaking free from the culture of busyness.


  • 保持法官独立性也是必要的寻思着法官到底受到多大束缚无法建立废除任何法令,服从议会主权

    It was necessary, too, to keep judges independent. He mused on how constrained they were: unable to initiate or annul anything, and subject to the sovereignty of Parliament.


  • 受制国内反种族隔离法律束缚南非啤酒厂1990年时只局限满足国内消费者,而今天成为世界啤酒厂之一。

    South African Breweries in 1990 was a local brewer confined to its home country by anti-apartheid laws. Today it is one of the world’s three largest beer companies.


  • 作为毕生献身界定自由捍卫自由的人,拉尔夫·达伦多夫最先感受到某种发自肺腑渴望势难束缚”的一刻所珍爱的时刻。

    AS A man who spent his life defining and defending liberty, Ralf Dahrendorf treasured the moment when he first felt that “visceral desire not to be hemmed in”.


  • 如同音符一样掠过他感性想像有点类似蝴蝶形象,因为蝴蝶是灵魂穿透意识摆脱人间束缚古老象征

    Flitting through Bauby's sensuous visions like a signature is the tiny image of a butterfly, the ancient symbol of the soul escaping its earthly cocoon through the power of consciousness.


  • 把握当下,别去想着怎么欺骗现实沉溺过去我们摆脱面对死亡的焦虑关注恐惧束缚

    Being in the moment, instead of attempting to cheat the moments and relish in the past, can free us from our unnecessary worries, concerns and fears about our mortality.


  • 援助曾经给予那些因为没有得到帮助而斗争摆脱压迫规则束缚人们,这些勇敢斗士们的使命普遍情况来看无法成功

    Assistance was given to those who are fighting to throw off the yoke of oppressive rule simply because without help, the valiant fighters' mission could not be successful as universally ordained.


  • 并非停止存在而是静态,这个不受燃料束缚状态下扩散开来,弥漫空间。

    Rather than ceasing to exist, it became dormant and in that state - unbound from any particular fuel - it became diffused throughout the cosmos.


  • 试着放纵自己,却牵绊过多束缚依循规律生活只是具失去灵魂的躯壳。

    Try to indulge yourself, always trying to too many restrictions, to follow the law of life is a lost soul.


  • 但是时候大海,汹涌澎湃、浪卷很大程度是我行我素仅仅臣服狂风暴雨,从来没有道接受人类法律束缚的念头。

    But the sea in those old times heaved swelled and foamed very much at its own will or subject only to the tempestuous wind with hardly any attempts at regulation by human law.


  • 进一步指出这些来自电子共振穿量子结构中的量子束缚

    Furthermore, these peaks are due to the resonant tunneling via bound states in the quantum structure.


  • 天才悲剧舒适名望所束缚

    The tragedy of genius to be tied down by a small and comfortable fame.


  • 这种结社活动附着男性文人结社边缘,没有成为主流文化的一部分,也没有使她们摆脱封建礼教的束缚

    The activities were pushed to the fringes of association formed by men of letters, had not become the mainstream culture and enabled them to get rid of fetter of feudal ethics and rites.


  • 座轻松建造,摆脱地面束缚而悬双层花园上方。

    The other was made lightheartedly, emancipated from the ground, in the air, is flying at a double height over the garden.


  • 座轻松建造,摆脱地面束缚而悬双层花园上方。

    The other was made lightheartedly, emancipated from the ground, in the air, is flying at a double height over the garden.


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