• 一个位于延髓背侧、包绕于孤周围的Y字形柱状团。

    The nucleus tractus solitarius is the Y shape columnar nucleus that lies in dorsal medulla and encloses solitary tract.


  • 大量纤维形成主要分布两侧、迷走神经最后

    Most of the fibers form the solitary tract and distribute bilaterally to the nuclei of solitary tract, the dorsal nuclei of the vagus nerve and the area postrema.


  • 认为P_3(或N_3)三叉神经及三叉神经脊突触突触后混合电位

    It was not the rnuscle potential. We believe that P3(N3 )is mixedpresynaptic and postsynaptic potentials evoked from the trigeminal root and nucleus of trigeminalspine bundle.


  • 延髓ER分布下神经、迷走神经、三叉神经束核网状结构;

    In the medulla oblongata, ER distributed in the hypoglossal nucleus, dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve, nucleus of spinal trigeminal tract, nucleus of solitary tract and reticular formation;


  • 标记细胞主要见于后、大中缝网状前庭及孤束核王喜莲参加了本研究技术工作。

    The labeled cells were found mainly in the dorsal column nuclei, nucleus raphe magnus, reticular nuclei, vestibular nuclei and nucleus of tractus solitarius.


  • 血管密度包括脑桥、下橄榄小脑相连系的团,及楔束核、上橄榄展神经

    The high density nuclei consist of the pontine nuclei, inferior olivary complex and so on which have connections with cerebellum, cuneate nucleus, superior olivary nucleus and abducent nucleus.


  • 用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)逆行传递法,44只大白鼠脑研究了楔、内小脑蚓部皮质投射

    The projections from the external cuneate and the dorsal column nuclei to cerebellum in 44 rats were examined by means of HRP.


  • 本文采用HRP逆行追踪顺行结合法对猫三叉神经尾侧脊束核-丘脑-皮质通路在丘脑腹后内侧的突触联系型式进行了研究。

    The synaptic relationship between the trigeminothalamic terminals and thalamocortical projecting neurons were studied by using anterograde degenerating combined with HRP retrograde tracing methods.


  • 强大亚原子粒子可以用来粉碎原子,其强烈程度足以使它们融合

    But a powerful beam of subatomic particles could be used to crush nuclei together strongly enough so they fuse.


  • 目的研究中央外侧痛觉调制中的作用机理

    Objective: To study the effect of parafascicular nucleus (PF) and central lateral nucleus (cl) on pain and their mechanisms.


  • 这些病灶沿着纤维延伸均未受累提示病灶向下延伸原因水肿所致。

    These lesions extended along long fiber tracts and spared the red nucleus, suggesting that this downward extension was due to edema.


  • 本文介绍了辐射使电子元器件失效机制以及离子分析技术加固研究中的若干应用

    The mechanism of radiation damage effects on electronic devices and the applications of ion beam analysis in the investigations of radiation hardening were presented in this paper.


  • 由于可以纯净放射性注入样品中去,使得其固态物理特别是涉及半导体中的杂质缺陷问题的应用成为可能

    Since pure radioactive ion beam can be implanted into material directly, research on solid physics especially on impurity and defect in semiconductor become possible.


  • 注入胆囊收缩素-A受体拮抗剂L-364,718翻转八肽胆囊收缩素对抗电针镇痛作用

    The injection of cholecystokinin-A receptor antagonist L-364,718 in parafascicularis nucleus could reverse the antagonism of cholecystokinin octapeptide to the effect of electroacupuncture.


  • 外侧动脉供应延髓网状结构、脊迷走神经背等。

    The lateral group supplies reticular formation, spinothalamic tract and dorsal vagal nucleus.


  • 对照实验结果进一步表明,F肌动蛋白存在于大蒜细胞F肌动蛋白纤形成三维网络结构

    These results indicate that F_actin is in the nuclei and forms network structures in the nuclei of garlic cells.


  • 不同衰变方式半衰期放射性生物医学领域不同应用

    Radioactive ion beams with different decay modes and half-lives can be applied in many aspects of bio-medical fields.


  • 主要分布脑桥小脑、苍白球壳、延髓白质纤维脊髓外侧且与髓鞘变性脱失分布一致。

    Their main distributions were transverse fibers of the basis pontine, the white matter of the cerebellum, striatopallidal fibers and lateral column of the spinal cord.


  • 注射动眼神经外部累及内侧动眼神经的少部分。

    Injection in exterior OMN affected little parts of medial longitudinal fasciculus and OMN.


  • 通过角体超薄切片横切面观察膜内包被的衣壳数变动于110之间,只包被1个衣壳的数目最多,占总数的80.04%,病毒排列图式上存在差异。

    Numbers of nucleocapsids observed in an envelope in their cross sections ranged from 1 to 10, and the frequencies at 1 nucleocapsid was significantly higher than the others, almost 80.04% of the all.


  • SEM观察结果表明刚性PAM尼龙6中的存在形式,以尼龙—6结晶为表的棒状结晶体。

    The observation by means of SEM show that the state in which the rigid chain PAM in nylon6 is rod shape crystal which use chain or chain — bunch as core, and nylon —6 as coating.


  • 介绍了放射性弹性散射实验测量分布进行归一化方法

    A normalization method for experimentally measured angular distribution in elastic scattering experiment in which the radioactive ion beam was used as the projectile has been developed.


  • 房室细胞移行细胞染色质、肌丝原纤维及其分支也多、发达完整。

    The cells in the HB were larger than the transitional cells, with abundant chromatin in the nuclei, more myofibers and myofibrils and branches. The intercalated disks were well developed.


  • 正中外侧动脉主要来自脊髓前动脉,前正中群动脉供应舌下神经、内侧丘系部分锥体等中缝两侧结构;

    The arteries of the anteromedian and anterolateral groups arose from the anterior spinal artery, and also from the vertebral artery and basilar artery.


  • 视前内侧内有密集NOS阳性神经纤维

    The density of NOS positive fibers also could be seen in the arcuate nucleus and medial forebrain bundle.


  • 结果人脑埋伏于尾-壳前肢腹侧形成的薄板之间

    Results:The NAc in human brain was buried between the rostral caudate-putamen with the anterior limb of internal capsule and the thin plate formed by uncinate fasciculus.


  • 译:原子电子不同位置上运动,某些原子中对离最远的电子只有很微弱在原子内。

    Electrons of atom have orbits at different distances from the nucleus. For some atoms the electrons in the farthest orbits have only weak forces binding them to the atoms.


  • 快速点燃法需要的强激光器也少因为第一激光之后反应依靠燃料内部能量可进行下去。

    Fast ignition also takes less powerful lasers, because the reaction rides on the energy contained in the pellet after the first pulse.


  • 快速点燃法需要的强激光器也少因为第一激光之后反应依靠燃料内部能量可进行下去。

    Fast ignition also takes less powerful lasers, because the reaction rides on the energy contained in the pellet after the first pulse.


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