• 正是这些权利保证大学独特法律地位学术地位这些权利的获得往往市民和教会的权利发生一定的冲突。

    It was these rights guaranteed the unique legal and academic position of universities. However these rights were always in conflict with the citizen's rights and the churches' rights.


  • 大多数州都保证免费适当教育权利

    Most states guarantee the right to free and adequate education.


  • 法律保证所有儿童入学权利

    The law guaranteesall children the right to go to school. 


  • 这项公约保证批准公约的国家里,残疾人享有与其他任何人同等权利

    The convention would assure that, in ratifying countries, people with disabilities have the same rights as anyone else.


  • 我们必须继续我国自由基础上再接再厉,保证所有美国人能得到平等机会经济保障公民权利

    We must continue to build on our Nation's foundation of freedom and ensure equal opportunity, economic security, and civil rights for all Americans.


  • 经历中许多问题不仅是发生选举机器上还有其他终端上,这些设计为了保证选民两次机会选择的权利

    In his case, most of the problems occurred not with the voting machines but with other terminals, designed to ensure that people are entitled to vote and have not voted twice.


  • 卖家物品拿给克里斯拍卖时,他们会签署一张保证,证明他们对该物品拥有完整的权利尽管拍卖行不能确保事实一定如此

    When sellers put art up for sale at Christie's, they sign a warranty that they have clear title, although the auction house cannot guarantee that this is correct.


  • 现在第一有了具备法律约束力国际文书,可以保证批准公约国家促进保护残疾人权利

    For the first time, a legally binding international instrument now exists to guarantee that States that have ratified the treaty will promote and protect the rights of people with disabilities.


  • 一个保证生存质量权利不断增长人口面前它已难越难以达到

    Every human being has a right to a certain quality of life, which is harder to achieve with growing population.


  • 而这次,众欧盟国家的保证已经得很明白了:条约不会影响爱尔兰堕胎态度、制订公司税率权利或者是爱尔兰的中立

    The guarantees make clear that the treaty does not threaten Ireland’s stance on abortion, its right to set corporate-tax rates or its neutrality.


  • 每一个人我们享有更多权利,可是,我们还保证质量不断改进服务降低成本

    Everybody has more rights than we do, yet we are somehow supposed to achieve quality, continuous improvement, and reduced costs.


  • 必须考虑各个国家地方要求保证侵犯其它公司名称权利

    Thought must be given to state and local requirements and making sure you don’t infringe upon the rights of someone else’s business name.


  • 因为自己自己的,有时候还是必要的,所以这种权利必须保证没有实践机会权利毫无意义的。

    The right is guaranteed because forking is sometimes necessary, and rights are meaningless if they are not exercised.


  • 不能全面解决粮食危机,它将引发连锁反应会使包括健康受教育权利在内的其他基本权利也难以保证

    She said a failure to respond to the food crisis in a comprehensive way could trigger a domino effect by putting at risk other fundamental rights, including the right to health or to education.


  • 需要退货时候,没有一家公司能够优先考虑使用便捷,或者尊重顾客的权利保证满意,以及照顾老客户

    Nocompany can top them for ease ofuse or for respecting consumer rights when itcomes to refunds, ensuringsatisfaction, and taking good care of loyalcustomers.


  • 能够保证具有授予许可方的所有权利吗?

    Are you able to warrant that you have all the rights you are granting to the licensees?


  • 4月美国华盛顿迄今最高级别的卫生设施会议,水援助组织努力保证这两项人类基本权利能够继续优先得到考虑

    With the first ever high-level meeting on water and sanitation taking place in Washington in April, WaterAid is working to ensure the need for both these basic human rights remains high on the agenda.


  • 暴行出现原由除了是要保证印度巴基斯坦所有社区拥有同等权利驱动力排除吞并其它社区科汗女士写道

    Despite the pledges of equality for all communities in the new India and Pakistan, the driving force behind the violence was to eliminate or devour the other community, writes Ms Khan.


  • 王邦福领事表示最终调查结果公布不便更多评论此事,但领事馆尽力保证蒋海松的合法权利得到妥善保护,确保庭审公正性

    Wang did not comment further on the case until final investigation results were out, implying that the consulate will work to ensure Jiang gets a fair trial and his legal rights are fully protected.


  • 保证以书面形式放弃前款规定的权利的。

    The surety waives in writing the right provided in the preceding paragraph.


  • 我们首先保证每个公民都拥有这个权利,它甚至比医疗保健更重要。

    We need to guarantee the essentials, above all health care, to every citizen.


  • PTI引述不愿透露姓名官员的话称,协议保证印度反应堆供应不受阻碍,以及保证再加工用过核燃料的权利

    The pact would guarantee unhindered supply of uranium for Indian reactors and the right to reprocess spent fuel, PTI quoted unnamed officials as saying.


  • 权利公约反映关于保证所有儿童18岁以下年轻人福祉标准方面取得国际共识。

    The CRC reflects the international consensus on standards for ensuring the overall well-being of all children and young people up to the age of 18 years.


  • 这个保证权利使用打字机

    This guarantees you the right to use the typewriter.


  • 这个笔记一个诺言所有男人保证生活不能让与权利自由追求快乐

    This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


  • 这个笔记一个诺言所有男人保证生活不能让与权利自由追求快乐

    This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


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