• 滤清器防止杂质颗粒进入油泵机械机构

    The filter prevents foreign particles from entering the pump mechanism.


  • 由于零部件时刻会受到分布液体中的杂质颗粒影响,需要减少杂质对于零部件的磨损

    Because components are all affected by the presence of particles suspended in the fluid, you need to reduce wear and tear of components.


  • 感生磁场具有电磁净化作用可以有效地消除杂质颗粒以及偏析偏析气孔形成的机率。

    The induced electromagnetic field possesses the action of electromagnetic purification, and effectively removes formation of impurity grain, segregation, negative segregation and gas cavity.


  • 结果表明本质相同可以统一起来,而且磁性杂质颗粒在其驱动下的运动规律相同。

    The results show that two kinds of magnetic forces can be united, and the moving rules of magnetism particles can be described with the same theory also.


  • 分析了处于交变磁场中的磁性杂质颗粒受力情况,比较了由交变磁场和恒磁场产生的磁场力。

    The force acting on the magnetic impurities in alternative magnetic field was analyzed , and the magnetic forces formed in alternative and steady magnetic field were compared.


  • 油液污染液压系统发生故障工作寿命减少主要原因,减少油液污染的简单有效措施就是去除油液中的杂质颗粒保证油液清洁度

    The contamination is the main reason for the malfunction and reducing of the working lifetime, for solving this problem, it's better to eliminate the dirty particles and keep the oil clean.


  • 文中合金中的富铁杂质颗粒分离对象,利用流动试验研究磁感应强度、分离通道截面形状金属熔体回路尺寸分离效率影响

    Study is made on the influence of electromagnetic field on iron-rich phase of the Al-Si alloy with Mn as de-ironing additive.


  • 机组运行时,大量灰尘固体颗粒杂质由于重力、惯性扩散接触静电等综合作用,灰尘沉降堆积过滤元件上。

    The unit operation, a solid particles of dust and impurities by gravity, inertia diffusion, contact resistance leave, static comprehensive effect, dust settlement piling up in filtering elements.


  • 滤芯破损未经过滤大量金属颗粒杂质的油进入主机导致主机损坏

    Without the filter core damage filter with large amounts of the impurities metal particles into the host, and lead to host oil damage.


  • 隔膜相比,单螺杆泵输送各种混合杂质含有气体固体颗粒纤维介质可输送各种腐蚀性物质

    And diaphragm compared to single-screw pump can transport all kinds of mixed impurity containing gas and solid particles or fibers of the media, but also transport all kinds of corrosive substances.


  • 夹杂物金属凝固过程中残留在其内部杂质非金属颗粒

    Inclusion. Foreign material or non-metallic particles entrapped within the metal during solidification.


  • 选用进口调节阀时,如果介质为纤维、含杂质、含颗粒选用V型带切断调节阀

    In the selection of imported valves, if the medium containing fibers, containing impurities, containing particles should be used in the V-belt cut off valve.


  • 精密过滤器也称保安过滤器,进一步去除水中悬浮颗粒其它杂质采用陶瓷、微孔无毒塑料蜂房管状滤芯

    Precision filter, namely core filter, can further remove the suspended solids and other impurity in the water, it is made of micro hole chinaware, micro hole non-toxin plastic and cell pipe core.


  • 滤芯作用压机专用油中的金属颗粒杂质等,使进入主机的油是非常干净的,保护主机安全运行。

    Oil filter's role is to filter out the air compressor for oil metal particles, the impurities, so as to make into the host is very clean oil, to protect the host safety operation.


  • 本文利用显影动力学方法一种溴化银乳剂研究了各乳剂颗粒不同大小杂质中心形成情况。

    The formation of the two kinds of the largest impurity centres, of different sizes in emulsion grains was investigated by a method based on development kinetics on a pure silver bromide emulsion.


  • 闸板的斜面边缘能够将杂质排出切割流体介质中的固体颗粒

    The beveled knife like edge pushed aside or cuts through solids in the flow stream.


  • 本文利用显影动力学方法研究了感光乳剂颗粒不同大小杂质中心氧化剂作用行为

    The behaviour of the two kinds of the largest impurity centres of different sizes in emulsion grains under the action of oxidizing solution is studied by a method of development kinetics.


  • 滤芯可以有效地我们进化空气杂质浮尘颗粒工业可以起到净化水质、使其达到工业使用标准洁净度功效

    Air filter can effectively help us evolve off the air impurities and dust particles, in industry still can rise to purify water quality, to achieve industrial use the standard cleanliness efficacy.


  • 石英砂作为过滤应用:石英砂过滤容器结合,用于截留水中悬浮物胶体颗粒杂质,从而起到过滤作用。

    Quartz sand filter material is applied to filter vessel, quartz, used to intercept water suspended particles impurities, colloid and filter function.


  • 轻柔擦洗不含任何苛刻颗粒只需短短分钟即可溶解皮肤表面死亡细胞杂质

    This gentle scrub, containing no harsh granules, simply dissolves dead cells and impurities on the surface of the skin in just a few minutes.


  • 水力压裂过程中存在损害主要包括粘土膨胀颗粒运移损害、机械杂质引起堵塞损害、支撑裂缝导流能力损害

    The damage during hydraulic fracturing mainly included clay swelling and grain migration, built up created by mechanical impurities, the damage of fracture conductivity and so on.


  • 碟片滚筒精选机用于小麦清理,小麦中分离燕麦大麦篙子其它颗粒杂质,它根据筛选物长度进行筛选

    APPLICATION: The separater is designed according to the length of the grain to separate oat, barley, coclke and other granular impurities from the wheat.


  • 碟片滚筒精选机用于小麦清理,小麦中分离燕麦大麦篙子其它颗粒杂质,它根据筛选物长度进行筛选

    APPLICATION: The separater is designed according to the length of the grain to separate oat, barley, coclke and other granular impurities from the wheat.


  • 颗粒杂质被截留过滤袋内完成过滤过程。

    The filtered grain impurity is stayed in the bag and so it finished the filtration.


  • 这种滤油器不用停车拆洗就可以自动冲洗杂质异物,阻止部分颗粒进入液压系统

    The oil filter is not only capable of automatically flushing the impurity without stopping and demounting but also capable of stopping part particles entering the hydraulic system.


  • 作用过滤容器结合用于截留水中悬浮物胶体颗粒杂质

    Its effect is combined with filtering containers, used to intercept the water suspended colloid other granular impurities.


  • 硅胶的特点胶质细腻没有颗粒,没有杂质耐磨,回弹力好。

    Pad printing silicon rubber requires to be exquisite, without granules or impurity, and has advantages of wearability and resilience.


  • 硅胶的特点胶质细腻没有颗粒,没有杂质耐磨,回弹力好。

    Pad printing silicon rubber requires to be exquisite, without granules or impurity, and has advantages of wearability and resilience.


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