• 如果西班牙陷入临,那么所有当前危机处理机制变成不够的。

    If Spain falls into crisis, then all current mechanisms for dealing with the crisis will turn out to be inadequate.


  • 年前偶然想到一个大胆主意直升飞流动冰川上,测量流动的速度

    Four years ago he hit upon the daring idea of landing on a moving glacier in a helicopter to measure its speed.


  • 即使西班牙陷入临,认为破坏有限主权债务危机的国家集团具体欧洲银行

    Even if Spain descends into crisis, I think the damage would be limited to specific European banks with big holdings of sovereign debt from crisis countries.


  • 荷兰阿姆斯特丹起飞前往底特律航班机降分钟回到19a,边抱怨着胃痛条毛毯

    He came back to seat 19a on the flight from Amsterdam, Netherlands, to Detroit just minutes before landing, complaining of a stomachache and asking for a blanket.


  • 从离地面米高飞机下来就可以着陆,准确地说是跳进海里……一年一度的度假还没等飞机降落就开始了!

    Jump out of airplane in a few meters from the ground, namely jump right into the sea... and annual leave already starting!


  • 现在屏幕上看到了乘坐的士兵飞机。

    Now, on a large screen, I saw his plane land and the soldiers descend.


  • 日本公共广播公司NHK对熊猫抵达进行实况转播包括跑道上以及装有两只大熊猫的笼子飞机上下来场景

    The scene of their arrival at the airport, with an aircraft landing on the runway and their cages taken out of the plane, was broadcast live on Japan's public broadcaster NHK.


  • 这位飞行员放弃了使用速降绳计划专注于把机降下来

    The pilot scrapped the plan to fast-rope and focussed on getting the aircraft down.


  • 美国航空公司发言人装置某些部分损毁右侧一个发动机撞击机翼脱落。

    A spokesman for American Airlines says part of the plane's landing gear collapsed, and one engine on the right side fell off the wing from the impact.


  • 2004年,60名唯利是图者搭乘私人哈拉雷机场时,他们遭到了逮捕。

    Together with a group of 60 mercenaries, Mann was arrested in March 2004 when their private plane landed at Harare airport.


  • 群人外国记者身边倾诉他们怨言他们明白为什么这么落到机场但是他们能得到援助那么

    As a crowd gathers to air their grievances to a foreign reporter, they say they don't understand why so many planes have landed at the airport but so little aid has reached them.


  • 咆哮者可将特制的涡轮飞机飞过留下气流里来实现对武器进行充电使重新进入活跃状态。

    The Growler is able to keep its weapons charged up and humming by lowering special turbines into the airstream that rushes past the plane when it is flying.


  • 通过屏幕画出路径可以引导飞机直升随着关卡推进,屏幕飞行器数量越来越多

    The game sees you guiding planes and helicopters into land by drawing paths for them across the screen, with panic levels rising as the volume of aircraft on screen increases.


  • 四月伊拉克航空公司20年间巴格达飞往伦敦飞机也成了闹剧因为代表科威特律师机降落时试图扣押飞机。

    In April the first Iraqi Airways flight from Baghdad to London for 20 years ended in farce as lawyers acting for Kuwait tried to impound the aircraft on arrival.


  • 那天较晚些时候五个人质发现纳里曼众议院,之后尸体被搭乘直升机降屋顶特种部队收拾干净。

    Later that day, five hostages were found dead in Nariman House, after it was cleared by special forces who had dropped onto the roof from a helicopter.


  • 飞行员飞越庭院的时候进入较高悬停开始落的时候,感觉黑鹰离开

    But as the pilot passed over the compound pulled into a high hover and began lowering the aircraft he felt the Black Hawk getting away from him.


  • 最后将该图像进行计算去斑处理,得到一张50纳米分辨率的图片

    Finally, the image is cleaned up by a computer program and the 50-nanometre-resolution picture emerges.


  • 周末14遭到指控的间谍离开美国俄罗斯消失茫茫人海中。 他们飞的地点可能远离自己的故土,如何开始新的生活也充满未知之数。

    The 14 alleged spies deported from Russia and the United States vanished into obscurity over the weekend after landing far from home and facing uncertainty over how to restart their lives.


  • 拘留中心灯光引导直升机降

    The lights from the facility guide the helicopter.


  • 康奈尔大学研究表明开放式办公室即使是非常低噪音使得员工们的工作压力变大,完成工作的

    According to a Cornell University study, even low-level noise in open-style offices can result in higher levels of stress and lower task motivation.


  • 机降落将要一瞬发动机发出了不和谐之音,煞是意外

    Just at the moment when the wheels were about to touch the tarmac, the engine note rose unexpectedly.


  • 新的长途战机如今直接将德国机降地面使动弹不得,将大片更为安全的蓝天还给盟军

    New, long-range fighters could now destroy German Luftwaffe planes on the ground, making the skies even safer for the Allies.


  • 霍华德.特曼,斯莱特只不过巧妙处理了个容易引起争端的情况,事实上,是一个具名的乘客落之后言语攻击,才会触怒斯莱特她争锋相对

    He said his client was simply trying to defuse a testy situation when a passenger, who has not been identified, started giving him hell after the plane landed. And that sparked Slater’s tirade.


  • 一个微型计算替代目前现在需要连接线单个的计算机。

    A microcomputer will replace a standalone computer that is wired to the unit in the current prototype.


  • 反恐组派来的直升机降落,载泰瑞金姆

    The CTU chopper lands to pick up Teri and Kim.


  • 环球飞行者”号抵达机场时,特用了降落伞延缓机降落的速度。

    As GlobalFlyer approached the airport, Fossett deployed small parachutes to slow the craft down.


  • 环球飞行者”号抵达机场时,特用了降落伞延缓机降落的速度。

    As GlobalFlyer approached the airport, Fossett deployed small parachutes to slow the craft down.


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