• 目前该领域世界范围内的研究进入原型机实验阶段标准制定阶段。

    Current research in WSN has come to the prototype platform verification and standard charting stage.


  • 介绍最近研制双向进气第二小孔阀型二级脉管制冷实验情况。

    In this paper an experimental investigation on a recently developed two stage double inlet pulse tube refrigerator with a minor orifice is introduced.


  • 论文最后给出了处理实验平台上进行的数字上下变频系统实验结果

    The last part gives the test results of digital up convert and digital down convert system, produced by the experimental platform.


  • 针对当前单片实验设备现状研制了一套便携式单片diy实验板。

    Aimed at the problems existing in lab devices for single chip microcomputer module, a portable DIY lab device with single chip microcomputer is developed.


  • 这位苏联科学家木桌上,借糟糕灯光实验的是吸尘器而不是压缩

    The Soviet scientist made his experiments with a bad light, on wooden tables, using an old vacuum cleaner instead of a compressor.


  • 如在实验中,参与者被要求接触这样程序现在大多数个人电脑都2M内存而作为台老式却仅仅有1 M。”

    Participants in one experiment interacted with a program that said something like "Most PCs these days have at 2mb of memory."Being an older model I only have 1mb.


  • 如在实验中,参与者被要求接触这样程序现在大多数个人电脑都2M内存而作为台老式却仅仅有1 M。”

    Participants in one experiment interacted with a program that said something like "Most PCs these days have at 2mb of memory." Being an older model I only have 1mb.


  • 现在,最后一丝希望寄托英国美国同时进行实验结果上,就是北美航空公司(NAA)设计的P - 51战斗装上劳斯莱斯公司设计的“灰背引擎

    The only glimmer of hope was the outcome of experiments being made in England and the US to mate the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine to the airframe of the North American Aviation (NAA) P-51.


  • 是因为实验技术一种X光乘客进行全身扫描查看他们是否携带隐藏武器炸药

    That’s because the technology being tested is an X-ray machine that makes a full body scan of passengers to see if they are carrying concealed weapons or explosives.


  • 然而有两件事改变了一点。零号启动实验失败,以及,也就是第三适格者的到来

    However, two events changed that: the failed activation test of Unit-00, and the arrival of the Third Children, Ikari Shinji.


  • Kindle2实验的“听”的功能——就是能把任何书籍转换有声的功能,引起了一些争议

    This Kindle 2 has generated some controversy with its experimental read to me function that transforms any book into an audio book.


  • 同样,其中一个“粉碎安排演员但是第三小组中,实验在向小组指导说明时,这个演员就大声地问道:“就是可以作弊了么?”

    Again, one of the shredder groups had no actor in the room, but in the third group, as the experimenter gave instructions to the group, the actor asked aloud, "So, is it okay to cheat?"


  • 实验达2吨,没有任何翼(wing),只有两个移动副翼(flap)控制移动

    The Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle is a 2-ton "lifting body," with no wings whatsoever and only two moving flaps that will control its movement.


  • 科学信念主要来自实验结果也是我们理论家工作如果喜欢痛击所有可能性,就坐在台打字猴子,”

    "Scientific conviction comes primarily from experimental results, but it's also the job of us theorists to, if you like, bash out all the possibilities, like monkeys on a typewriter," he says.


  • 但是闲话电视报道未来实验研究者认为电视未来隐形眼镜里。

    But researchers at the future Laboratory believe the future of television is in contact lenses, reports TV Tattle.


  • 在这里他们选择那些生活水平低下当地人为实验对象,其中26%的人没有接受过正规教育只有一半人有电视没有一个汽车极少数家里电话

    There, they recruited local people whose standard of living was low: 26% had no formal education, only half owned TVs, none had a car and only a tiny minority had a telephone in the house.


  • 化学实验室里标准大小磁共振文件柜差不多做成微型核磁共振一个咖啡差不多

    A standard chemistry lab's NMR machine approaches the size of a file cabinet, but the new device is only about as big as a coffee cup.


  • 物理测试实验室内普通计算虚拟可以个人工作使用下班分配用于夜间回归测试

    Just like ordinary computers in a physical test lab, virtual machines might be used by individuals during work hours and assigned to nightly regression tests during off hours.


  • 编写定制客户用于驱动实验触发服务器感兴趣代码路径

    A custom client was written to drive the experiments and trigger the code paths of interest on the server.


  • 研究团队邀请几个少年坐在隐藏摄像的屋内进行实验每次屋内只许一人

    The research team invited younger childrenone at a timeto sit in a room with hidden cameras.


  • 这种战斗新西伯利亚契卡洛夫制造厂制造,有一个标本交给了这个实验

    Fighter jets of this kind were constructed at Novosibirsk Chkalov aircraft factory and one specimen was given to the laboratory.


  • 马斯博士同事利用一个用来侦测物质内部结构不是医用人体台式CT完成他们实验

    Dr Marschner and his colleagues used a benchtop version of CT, developed for looking at the structure of materials rather than at human bodies, for their experiment.


  • 我们实验传真接收产品提交表单然后进行审核。

    We have a fax machine in the lab that receives product submission forms for when we do reviews.


  • 客户启动实验,首先服务器连接发送简单HTTP请求,请求目的是获取一个700 MB的ISO文件

    The client starts the experiment by connecting to the server and sending a simple HTTP request for a 700mb ISO file.


  • 因为只有少量客户参与实验迁移,所以很容易进行手工更新

    Because only a few clients participate in your pilot, you can handle manual updates easily.


  • 那年伯查德正在做有关冷冻隔热材料实验实验使用新的方法做出一种密度泡沫材料

    While Burchard was experimenting with refrigerator insulation, he came up with a novel way of molding low-density foam.


  • 法拉利实验型599装备了台12缸的内燃七档位自动变速器同样一个电动马达

    Ferrari’s experimental 599 has the car’s V12 engine coupled to a seven-speed automated gearbox which also contains an electric motor.


  • 法拉利实验型599装备了台12缸的内燃七档位自动变速器同样一个电动马达

    Ferrari’s experimental 599 has the car’s V12 engine coupled to a seven-speed automated gearbox which also contains an electric motor.


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