• 机场扫描系统秘密测试结果表明,它不能查出隐秘武器装备

    Airport screeners still fail undercover tests of their ability to spot concealed weapons.


  • 分析了电视机场扫描电流电压波形形成特点

    The formation and characteristics of the wave of electricity and voltage in proper route and adverse route in TV scanning was analyzed; The measure methods of OTL circuit were introduced;


  • 其他因素包括国际机场扫描设备的落后以及缺乏专业扫描仪器

    Other factors include poor screening at international airports and a lack of specialized screening machines.


  • 乘坐飞机旅行乘客面临新的安全警告机场扫描仪现在更加注意热水瓶性的保温饮料罐。

    Passengers traveling by air face a new security alert. Airport screeners are extra-focused on thermos-type insulated beverage containers.


  • 他们写道:“只用这种模式使用机场扫描仪会导致癌症很难即使坐飞机的人,这种风险也许极其

    The estimation of cancer risks associated with these scans is difficult, but using the only available models, the risk would be extremely small, even among frequent fliers.


  • 文章简述电视机场扫描电路组成工作原理此基础上分析了电视机场扫描电路的检修方法及其常见故障的维修给出具体的维修实例。

    This paper briefly states the composition of TV field scanning circuit and its working principles, on which the common breakdowns and how to repair are analyzed and some examples are given.


  • 机场用于扫描行李机器也是威力越来越大。

    Machines used to scan luggage at airports are getting more powerful too.


  • 正如这次圣诞节机案之后英国机场实行强制性电子全身扫描一样,真正袭击面前,什么口舌上争论消失不见了。

    Debate evaporates in the face of a real attack, as was seen this year when some British airports introduced compulsory "electronic strip-search" scanners following the Christmas underpants plot.


  • 全身扫描在试用作为即将进行机场安全评估其中一项急需测评的内容

    Trials of body scanners have already taken place and these are being assessed urgently as part of an immediate review of airport security.


  • 底特律机场警卫乘客们做了两次身体扫描他们让绝大部分通过检查,其它部分的检查与往常无异说道

    In Detroit they had two of the body scanners, which they were sending most people through, but other than that it was the same,” she said.


  • 公司现在大型购物中心设置了柜台提供免费的20秒钟的全身扫描——机场除了没有安检员地轻拍。

    It is setting up kiosks in malls to offer a free 20-second full-body scan - a lot like the airport, minus the pat-down alternative that T.S.A. agents offer.


  • 美国国土安全部5日宣布,将在11个机场部署全身扫描仪,加强探测潜在威胁

    The US Department of Homeland Security announced Friday a list of 11 airports to be equipped with full-body scanning machines to better detect possible threats.


  • 在众多关于机场安全扫描搜身侵犯隐私争议之中,美国的一家机场宣布更换原先提供旅客身体详细图片扫描

    Amid all the controversy about invasive body scans and pat-downs, one U.S. airport has announced plans to replace scanners that provide a detailed picture of the traveler's body.


  • 几周以来,不少美国人对于机场安检处所使用全身扫描可能的搜身方式表示了不满。

    Some Americans have objected in recent weeks to the use of revealing full-body scanners and extra-thorough patdowns at airport security checkpoints.


  • 机场检查点使用效果良好这种技术地铁站应用并不实际,因为地铁乘客人数太多无法一一扫描

    While this can work successfully at airport checkpoints, he said it is impractical in applications like underground stations because the number of passengers would be too overwhelming to scan.


  • 印度卫生部表示印度各主要机场增设体温扫描此同时,在全国各地增加实验室数量

    The Ministry of Health says it is enhancing thermal scanning of arriving passengers at India's major international airports and is increasing the number of testing laboratories around the country.


  • 于是反向推算了一下扫描生成符合机场安检要求图像所需X射线剂量

    He calculated backward to figure out how big an X-ray dose would be needed to get the kind of images the machines produce.


  • 912日,谢赫到达乌鲁木齐机场,在手提箱经过安检扫描被捕了。

    Shaikh landed in Urumqi airport on 12 September and was arrested after his suitcase was scanned.


  • 为了防止圣诞节那天企图爆炸底特律航班的飞机事故发生,英国荷兰加拿大机场开始计划使用全身扫描增加安检。

    Airports in Britain, the Netherlands and Canada have said they plan to use full-body scanners to foil future terror attempts like the Christmas Day attempt to blow up a Detroit-bound flight.


  • 整个过程大约历时分钟并且这个扫描可以置入现有机场货物处理系统

    The whole process takes about a minute, and the scanner can be slotted into existing airport freight-handling systems.


  • 首相呼吁无论必要的建议技术全身扫描是否英国机场广泛使用,都应该快速行动提高安全

    The prime minister has pledged to "move quickly" to improve security wherever necessary and suggested new technologies such as full body scanners may become more widely used at UK airports.


  • 机场或者游乐园用户可以在排队时候就可以交易做好准备这样扫描完QR就可以提取现金了。

    At an airport or amusement park, a user could prepare the transaction while waiting in line and then complete the withdrawal simply by scanning the QR code.


  • Breckon博士认为智能扫描系统将会最先机场例如复查行李包裹,以防检查员漏检。

    Dr Breckon thinks intelligent scanning systems will at first operate in the background at airports, for instance rechecking bags in case human inspectors have missed something.


  • 加纳宣布截止到下个阿克拉国际机场安装全身扫描

    Ghana has announced it will install full-body scanners at Accra's international airport by next month.


  • 关于人类核辐射真相在于:没有理由担心核电站的堆芯熔机场扫描机场X光扫描仪现在已经毫米波扫描所取代了

    Here's the truth about you and radiation: There's no reason to worry about power-plant meltdowns or airport scanners, where the X-rays have been replaced by millimeter wave machines.


  • 关于人类核辐射真相在于:没有理由担心核电站的堆芯熔机场扫描机场X光扫描仪现在已经毫米波扫描所取代了

    Here's the truth about you and radiation: There's no reason to worry about power-plant meltdowns or airport scanners, where the X-rays have been replaced by millimeter wave machines.


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