• 世界似乎再也不到关于这场战争的消息了,就让告诉你们吧:人员机器坎大哈上方天空来往繁忙,试图完成他们来到完成的目的。

    And while the world doesn't seem to hear so much about this war any more, let me tell you: the skies above Kandahar are alive with men and machines, attempting to finish what they came here to do.


  • 代表美军艰难但又不体面十年战斗顶峰标志这台世界上令人生畏战争机器的重新定位

    It represents the apogee of a decade of hard and often inglorious fighting by American troops, and a reorientation of the world's most formidable war machine.


  • 位记者已经看过足够的电影知道有着一半意识力的战争机器神明那里获得暗示而且本能地更喜欢人类搏斗

    This reporter has seen enough movies to know that semi-sentient battle machines take their cues from zombies and instinctively prefer human buffets.


  • 阿富汗叛军已经使用无人侦察机了,我们已经看到了这些令人印象深刻(可能改变战争)的机器其他方面有所应用

    Flying drones are already being used by insurgent forces in Afghanistan, and we've seen how impressive (and potentially game-changing) those machines can be in other applications.


  • 伊拉克运行美国战争机器慢慢逐步停转的程度:美国空军的统计数据,上个月美军伊拉克次空袭没有

    This is how far the U.S. war effort in Iraq has wound down: There wasn't a single American airstrike in Iraq last month, according statistics from the U.S. air Force.


  • 他们出售真实性拟真度,”带波士顿口音大汉 Coop看起来流行科幻游戏战争机器》里浑身肌肉太空士兵

    They’re selling authenticity and realism, ” said Coop, a thick man with a Boston accent; he looks not unlike one of the muscled space marines in Gears of War, a popular sci-fi video game.


  • 小组称为“国际机器武装控制委员会”,它战争进程自动化系统加快,同时该系统也没法让人类做出负责任决定

    The group, known as the International Committee for Robot Arms Control, said warfare was accelerated by automated systems, undermining the capacity of human beings to make responsible decisions.


  • 先进战争已经机器模式转变成软件通讯系统,精密硬件战争

    The ability to efficiently make war has gone from a model based on men and machines to one which is in part based on software, communications systems, and sophisticated hardware.


  • 但是还是小心那些JACKDRIPPER这样疯狂盲流将军突然决定发动战争而且又凑巧在不知不觉的情况下触发俄国末日机器

    What we have to watch out for is the chance a deranged, fluid-obsessed Army general like Jack D. Ripper will decide to start a war and unknowingly trigger a Russian doomsday machine.


  • 如同Brookings机构分析师P .W .Singer战争机器》中描述的那样,机器崛起导致之前参战国家所遵循的规则失效的可怕前景。

    As Brookings Institution analyst P. W. Singer describes in "war of the Machines," the rise of robots leads to the frightening prospect of making obsolete the rule book by which nations go to war.


  • 俄罗斯经济战争摧垮了,工厂桥梁破坏了原料被抢掠了矿井被水淹没了机器损坏了

    The Russian economy was devastated by the war, with factories and Bridges destroyed, cattle and raw materials pillaged, mines flooded, and machines damaged.


  • 帝国全盛期无人驾驶飞船需求不大,此时帝国战争机器源源不断的克隆人军校学员作为补充

    Demand for pilot-less craft was low during the height of the Empire, when the Imperial war machine had an endless supply of clone and Academy-trained personnel from which to draw.


  • 喜欢雷利普-一个建筑机器人的战争》中雷利普打开飞船舱门机器主教手臂躯干七零八落的特效画面

    I love the alien versus Ripley-in-a-construction-robot battle scene where Bishop's head, torso and arms slide across the grating when Ripley opens the outer hatch.


  • 帝国全面战争自诩全面重写ai机器具有宽广战略战术智能,陆地大海战役地图上提供让人敬畏对手

    Empire: Total War will boast a full re-write of the ai with a wider range of strategies and tactics, providing a formidable opponent on land, sea and on the campaign map.


  • 科学使我们生活更加美好,使我们的机器更加有效但是,科学使我们的街道天空更加拥挤,使我们的战争具有大的杀伤性

    Science has made our lives more comfortable and our machines more efficient, but it has also made our streets and skies more crowded and our wars more deadly.


  • 目前这个历史特殊时期惟有一个超级大国仰仗其无与伦比战争机器规模,独享自己的方式来解决世界事物的特权。

    In this particular juncture of present history, only one super power proclaims the sole right of solving the world ills in its own manners depending on unprecedented size of war machine.


  • 五月的时候有消息报道说,影片官方阵容包括斯嘉丽·约翰逊饰演的寡妇、杰瑞米·雷纳饰演鹰眼、安东尼·麦基饰演的猎鹰以及·钱德尔饰演的战争机器

    As announced in May, the film's official lineup also includes Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow, Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye, Anthony Mackie's Falcon, and Don Cheadle's War Machine.


  • 因此这些很好的提示,给大家观点美国其实一个战争贩子军事机器,通过自身庞大军工企业复合体将势力扩展世界

    So that might well chime with your view that America is a sort of warmongering, military machine, out to overpower the world with its huge, industrial-military complex.


  • Singer战争机器》中描述那样,机器崛起导致之前参战国家所遵循的规则失效的可怕前景

    Singer describes in "war of the Machines," the rise of robots leads to the frightening prospect of making obsolete the rule book by which nations go to war.


  • Singer战争机器》中描述那样,机器崛起导致之前参战国家所遵循的规则失效的可怕前景

    Singer describes in "war of the Machines," the rise of robots leads to the frightening prospect of making obsolete the rule book by which nations go to war.


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