• 1967年亨利•朱伯指导获得了比勒陀利亚大学的音乐学士学位

    He obtained his BMus degree from the University of Pretoria in 1967 under the guidance of Hennie Joubert.


  • 1981年起,约翰·卢斯一直导师亨利•朱伯密切合作组织比勒陀利亚举行的南非大学各大国际音乐比赛

    From 1981 John Roos has closely collaborated with his mentor, Hennie Joubert, organising and presenting the international music competitions at Unisa in Pretoria.


  • 朱伯特夫妇通过戏剧性的故事情节惊险距离镜头展现了一个引发共鸣问题:“狮子之母”和她的幼崽不会成为地球上最后的狮子?

    Dereck and Beverly Joubert weave their dramatic storytelling and breathtaking, up-close footage around a resonating question: Are Ma di Tau and her young to be among the last lions?


  • 奇尔以聪慧机智闻名

    Julie Burchill is famous for her rapier wit.


  • 一轮对阵利安·特雷的比赛中,终于职业生涯中第一次获得147次官方突破

    He finally compiled the first official 147 breaks of his career during a first-round win against Julian Treiber.


  • 今天年度人物并列第二两位人选,利安·阿桑马克·扎克没有受到很多传统权威尊敬

    Like two of our runners-up this year, Julian Assange and the Tea Party, Mark Zuckerberg doesn't have a whole lot of veneration for traditional authority.


  • 首席执行官马克·克·曾经说过:最终计划公司上市但是具体上市时间仍在争论中。

    Chief executive Mark Zuckerberg has said he eventually plans to take the company public, and the timing is the subject of hot debate among investors.


  • 伍兹的经纪人马克史坦格称,伍兹的庇特豪宅并没有背任何债务他拒绝透露详细信息

    Mark Steinberg says simply that there is no debt on Woods' Jupiter Island home, and declined to elaborate.


  • 如果利安尼先生失败了,布·格先生就是一个可能受益者

    If Mr Giuliani fizzles, Mr Bloomberg is a likely beneficiary.


  • 10月25日丹尼尔·埃尔斯伦敦前线俱乐部利安·阿桑奇对话提出了这样的问题

    That was the question raised when Daniel Ellsberg sat down with Julian Assange on October 25th, at the Frontline Club in London.


  • 扎克格受到校长-佛斯特(DrewFaust其他大学教职工洛叶布楼(LoebHouse)前举行的简短的欢迎,佛斯特哈佛大学发现下一代技术型企业家地方

    President Drew Faust and other University officials, who met with him briefly at Loeb House. Faust said that Harvard was a good place to look for the next generation of technology entrepreneurs.


  • 湿度监测网络包含12个节点费利比高速大桥网络7个,而比里线隧道26个

    The Humber Bridge humidity-monitoring network involved just 12 nodes, the Ferriby Road Bridge network had seven and the Jubilee Line tunnel had 26.


  • 一百年观察到80%意大利财富集中于20%的意大利人口中。但是,约瑟夫·认识到错误的命名了法则

    A century ago, Pareto observed that eighty percent of the wealth in Italy went to twenty percent of the population.But Joseph Juran came to recognize that he had misnamed this principle.


  • 1月16日,《社交网络金球奖中荣获4项大奖包括最佳剧情片最佳导演。该影片是一部讲述“脸谱网创始人马克戏剧类影片。

    "The Social Network", a drama about the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, won four awards at the Golden Globes on January 16th, including those for best picture (drama) and best director.


  • 1月16日,《社交网络金球奖中荣获4项大奖包括最佳剧情片最佳导演。该影片是一部讲述“脸谱网创始人马克戏剧类影片。

    The Social Network ", a drama about the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, won four awards at the Golden Globes on January 16th, including those for best picture (drama) and best director."


  • 英国《每日邮报》1116日报道社交网站“脸谱”创始人马克15发布新的通讯系统服务,称电子邮件已是穷途末路。

    According to the Daily mail on November 16, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, unveiled his website's new messaging system and hailed the death of email on November 15.


  • 这一当中,Facebook社会点击用户增加了5亿而其网站的创办者马克格也荣登时代周刊年度风云人物

    The title caps a year of rapid ascent for Facebook in which the social network hit 500 million users and founder Mark Zuckerberg was named Time magazine's Person of the Year.


  • 与先前的传言一样透露说5亿"脸谱"注册用户拥有一个以"Facebook.com"结尾的电子邮件地址

    Mr Zuckerberg revealed that, as rumoured, the 500million people signed up to Facebook will have access to a 'Facebook.com' email address.


  • Facebook创始人- - -马克·扎克评为2010时代》杂志年度人物利安·阿桑遗憾落选。

    Sorry Julian Assange, but Time magazine's Person of the Year is Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook.


  • 阿拉苏菲派(Sufi)传统音乐专家力安.拉尔.艾迪恩.韦斯Julien Jalal Eddine Weiss)的话来说,其效果像是“用非洲的邦哥小对鼓(亦称曼波鼓)来演奏莫扎特奏鸣曲”那样。

    The result, according to Julien Jalal Eddine Weiss, an expert on classical Arab and Sufi music, was likeusing African bongos in a Mozart sonata”.


  • 名为可可利叶斯只鸽子收集数据用来即时回复市民消息,告知市民所在地污染水平

    Data from three of the pigeons, called Coco, Julius and Norbert, will then be used to instantly reply, telling them about the level of pollution in their area.


  • 莉娅认为导演史蒂文·索德合作事件非常愉快事,只要机会希望再次合作。

    ANNCR: Julia thought that working with Steven Soderbergh was the most fun she could have and she was eager to do it again.


  • 不过这个观点遭到了道琼斯指数公司大宗商品部全球负责人迪•冈兹格的反驳,他在一份新的分析报告中表明,新一轮衰退即将到来

    But a new analysis from Jodi Gunzberg, global head of commodities at S&P Dow Jones Indices, argues against this consensus, and instead makes the case that we're headed for another recession.


  • 不过这个观点遭到了道琼斯指数公司大宗商品部全球负责人迪•冈兹格的反驳,他在一份新的分析报告中表明,新一轮衰退即将到来

    But a new analysis from Jodi Gunzberg, global head of commodities at S&P Dow Jones Indices, argues against this consensus, and instead makes the case that we're headed for another recession.


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