• 大多面向严肃读者维基文库中一些文学珍宝寻,可以尝试本杰明富兰克林传”或者亚伯拉罕林肯演讲”。

    More tuned towards the serious reader, there are some literary gems to be found in Wikisource. You might like to try out ‘The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklinor Abraham Lincoln’s speeches.


  • 人们最初嘲笑本杰明·富兰克林想法

    Benjamin Franklin's idea was first laughed at.


  • 很少有人本杰明·富兰克林那样代表早期美国精神

    Few people can stand for the spirit of earlier America as much as Benjamin Franklin.


  • 本杰明·富兰克林84时创作了一些最好作品,巴勃罗·毕加索直到80多岁还在画布上作画

    Benjamin Franklin produced some of his best writings at the age of 84, and Pablo Picasso put brush to canvas right through his eighties.


  • 美国历史上本杰明·富兰克林一位科学家发明家作家同时也是美国革命领袖

    In American history, Benjamin Franklin was a scientist, inventor and writer as well as a leader of the American Revolution.


  • 但是涉及实际目标时,本杰明·富兰克林可能会视为方面榜样,而人们征求意见通常证明最佳选择

    When a practical goal is involved, however, Benjimin Franklin may best be regareded as a role model in this respect and asking people for advice often turn out to be the prime alternative.


  • 本杰明·富兰克林自学成才自力更生典范他出身寒微,后来成为著名科学家哲学家政治家

    There's Benjamin Franklin, the very model of the self-educated, self-made man, who rose from modest origins to become a well-known scientist, philosopher, and statesman.


  • 1752年,本杰明·富兰克林钥匙风筝上,在暴风雨放飞发现闪电一种形式。

    In 1752, Benjamin Franklin tied a key to a kite and flew it in a storm to find out that lightning was a form of electricity.


  • 本杰明·富兰克林沉思,“这个世界上除了死亡税收没有什么确定无疑的”。

    "In THIS world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes," mused Benjamin Franklin.


  • 认为单行短笑话本杰明·富兰克林创造或者说是由他推向大众。”

    "The one-liner, he says, was" invented, or at any rate brought to the forefront, by Benjamin Franklin.


  • 本杰明·富兰克林明白闪电怎么回事。这种好奇加上自己想像进行那个著名实验,证明闪电电火花一个原理。

    Benjamin Franklin wondered about lightning he combined his curiosity with imagination and carried out his well-known experiment to show that lightning and an electric spark are the same thing.


  • 乔治·华盛顿博彩业为贪婪孩子邪恶兄弟,伤痛父亲”,本杰明·富兰克林1746年费城组织彩票业

    George Washington called gambling "the child of avarice, the brother of iniquity and the father of mischief", but Benjamin Franklin organised a lottery in Philadelphia in 1746.


  • 本杰明富兰克林托马斯•杰斐逊杰出人物清楚地表明了他们看法只有品德成为我们指南,才能体验真正成功幸福

    Such eminent figures as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson made clear their belief that we can only experience true success and happiness by making character the guideline of our lives.


  • 本杰明·富兰克林认为历史最有智慧最为务实之一。

    Benjamin Franklin is regarded as one of the wisest and most practical men in history.


  • 因此本杰明富兰克林约翰杰伊约翰•亚当斯能够利用欧洲列强纷争在动一枪一卒也没有移居一人的情况下获得一大片领土

    So Benjamin Franklin, John Jay and John Adams were able to exploit the rivalry of the European powers to acquire this huge territory without either conquest or migration.


  • 大约又过了150本杰明·富兰克林利用风筝偷电’,是已知最早有关电容器实验

    About 150 years later, Benjamin Franklin reportedly used a kite to experiment with one of the earliest-known electrical capacitors.


  • 如果这样就不能加入本杰明·富兰克林李奥纳多·达芬奇无眠分子”行列

    If you are do, you cannot join the likes of Benjamin Franklin and Leonardo da Vinci in the ranks of the sleepless elite.


  • 我们工作热情以及自我改善倾向来自本杰明·富兰克林

    Benjamin Franklin imbued in us the zeal to work and encouraged the inclination for self-improvement.


  • 本杰明·富兰克林曾经说过:“热爱生命吗?”

    "Dost thou love life?" Benjamin Franklin once said.


  • 新版纸钞中,本杰明·富兰克林的头像与嵌入油墨闪亮自由钟相连,只要将稍加倾斜,自由消失。

    In the new note, Benjamin Franklin is joined by a shiny Liberty Bell inside an inkwell, which seems to disappear as you tilt the note.


  • 制宪元勋喜剧演员本杰明·富兰克林曾经,“夹在律师之间的老百姓像是在两只猫之间的。”

    Benjamin Franklin once heckled, "A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats." Founding Father and stand-up comedian.


  • 作为爱因斯坦传本杰明·富兰克林作者,艾萨克森懂得如何著述颂扬那些备受崇敬与世长辞天才们。

    As a biographer of Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Isaacson knows how to explicate and celebrate genius: revered, long-dead genius.


  • 这一起草委员会托马斯·、约翰·亚当斯本杰明·富兰克林、罗杰·谢尔曼罗伯特- R -来温斯顿组成,并由杰佛逊担当主笔。

    The committee, consisting of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston, pressed on Jefferson the task of writing their report.


  • 伴随美国学童成长的本杰明·富兰克林托马斯·爱迪生这类发明家故事

    American schoolchildren are raised on stories about inventors such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison.


  • 个披着磨损披风、提着灯的向导指向一片闹鬼墓地圣彼得墓地本杰明-富兰克林视线的记录,传说他游荡城市的街道上。

    A cape-wearing, lantern-carrying guide points out "haunted" graveyards (St. Peter's Cemetery) and reports sightings of Benjamin Franklin, who's said to roam the city's streets.


  • 本杰明·富兰克林不喜欢秃头作为1784年给女儿表明火鸡取代秃头鹰的想法。

    Benjamin Franklin disliked the choice of the bald eagle as the national bird, and it was in a letter to his daughter, in 1784, that he proposed putting the Turkey in its place.


  • 本杰明·富兰克林不喜欢秃头作为1784年给女儿表明火鸡取代秃头鹰的想法。

    Benjamin Franklin disliked the choice of the bald eagle as the national bird, and it was in a letter to his daughter, in 1784, that he proposed putting the Turkey in its place.


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