• 本文把企业知识产权战略分为企业技术创新战略、专利战略、技术标准战略品牌战略。

    The intellectual property strategy into business enterprises to technological innovation strategy, patent strategy, technical standards strategy and brand strategy.


  • 强调企业商业生态系统如何攫取领导地位战略不同,本文研究重心放在了企业战略如何塑造成功商业生态系统上。

    Unlike the strategic viewpoint which focus on how to occupy leadership position of business ecosystem, this paper focuses on how to build successful business ecosystem for company's strategies.


  • 此外本文专家综合起来,建立了基于煤炭企业竞争优势评价方法

    Moreover, the dissertation gives the coal enterprise's competition superiority evaluation method of based on entropy that synthesizes expert weight and entropy weight.


  • 本文所提出现代企业教育教育提升到战略高度通过文化熏陶体验,促进整体团队学习和进步。

    Reacting to the modern enterprise education, this article puts the education to a strategic height, and use cultural arts experience for the whole team to learn and progress.


  • 本文沿着科斯的思路企业理解一种人力资本使用权交易粘性组织

    Following Coase's idea, we define the firm as a coherent organization for transaction of human capital usufruct.


  • 本文层次分析法应用于岗位价值评估中的评价因素权重确定,具有很强操作性企业科学管理提供可靠依据

    This text applies AHP to appraisal factor weights assessing problem in the job evaluation, has very strong operation and offer the reliable basis for scientific management in the enterprise.


  • 本文通过数学解析的方法,阐述工业企业开展热能利用必须回热利用置于首位促使工艺生产的强化与燃料的更大节约

    It is shown through mathematical analysis that the regenerative utilization in industry must be put in the first place so as to effect secondary utilization of thermal energy.


  • 本文致力于创业营销理论应用于高新技术企业创业中。

    This article makes efforts to apply entrepreneurial marketing theory to the entrepreneurial activity.


  • 其次为了弥补企业社会责任理论对象性明晰缺陷本文视线转向利益相关者理论。

    Secondly, in order to make up for the theory of corporate social responsibility is not clear target of the deficiencies, the paper attention to the stakeholder theory.


  • 本文主要目标致力于先进营销组合策略理论合理、更系统运用中小零售企业里面去。

    The main objective of this paper is dedicated to the marketing combination strategy of advanced theory more reasonable and more systematic use of it to small and medium-sized retail enterprises.


  • 本文我国企业分为三类根据每类企业经营特点管理水平选择相应预算管理模式

    This paper classifies enterprises in our country into three types, and chooses relevant the model of budget management according to the business characteristic of each type and management level.


  • 本文预算管理应用于铁路企业中,预算管理重要性来使财会部门认识到预算管理对铁路企业带来的重要作用

    This paper applied the budget management in the railway enterprise, explained the importance of financial budget management to realize the important role of budget management in railway enterprise.


  • 本文基于顾客终身价值企业现有顾客分为忠诚顾客、潜在忠诚顾客一般顾客大类

    This text divides the present customers into three categories, loyal customers, potential loyal customers and general customers based on the customer lifetime value.


  • 内容提要本文服务看作零售企业产出运用中国零售业上市公司2008年的数据零售企业毛利润率的影响因素零售企业行为模式进行了分析

    Abstract: The essay uses service as output of retail enterprise, analyzes the influcing factors of retail enterprise margin and action mode basing on the 2008 data of listing companies of China.


  • 本文试图新的调查手段引入抽象企业文化诊断研究

    This paper attempts to introduce new investigative tools in the diagnosis and research of the abstract corporate culture.


  • 本文跨国企业战略联盟看作一个网络结构,首先分析这个网络的边界在此基础上,确定了内部网络要素以及外部网络要素。

    This paper looks strategic alliance of MNC as a network structure. Firstly, analyze the boundary of this network, then distinguishes the internal and external factors of the network.


  • 本文跨国企业战略联盟看作一个网络结构,首先分析这个网络的边界在此基础上,确定了内部网络要素以及外部网络要素。

    This paper looks strategic alliance of MNC as a network structure. Firstly, analyze the boundary of this network, then distinguishes the internal and external factors of the network.


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