• 西亚2009年2月开始她们的生意利用的做成环保染料。

    He says he and Iasia started the pellet business in February 2009 to turn reclaimed wood into fuel for eco-friendly heating.


  • 第一爸爸无法举起时,只是开了个玩笑那天晚些时候看到独自在外用力的想举起头。

    The first time he couldn't lift a heavy log, he joked about it; but later that same day I saw him outside alone, straining to lift it.


  • 他又赢得了奖励。那个滑翔机手拿银杯得意地照相机姿势的男孩自然而然地长成了一个发明家最大的兴趣制造越来越轻巧、越来越巨大机翼

    The boy who posed proudly for the camera with abalsa-wood glider and a silver cup grew naturally into the inventor whose chiefjoy was to make wings ever lighter and ever larger.


  • 坦言,每一发射最为紧张的时刻

    Jing said candidly the time before each launch was his tensest moment when he had butterflies in his stomach.


  • Rob根本“不公元12世纪犹太人战争之前犹太教后来Mishnaic(有关塔德经的第一部分)andTalmudic(塔德经) 犹太教的区别。”

    Rob did not "understand the difference between Judaism prior to the two Jewish wars in the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. and later Mishnaic and Talmudic Judaism."


  • 国际专家协助下,专家小组目前3个月对阿拉城市所有耐多药结核病例进行一核查。

    International experts are helping, and a panel in Almaty now reviews all MDR-TB cases in the city every three months.


  • 2003年,波诺尔第一代表罗马尼亚参加国际比赛,并自己16岁的时候平衡自由体操比赛中获得两枚银牌。 2004年5月,波诺尔在欧洲锦标赛中获得三枚金牌。

    She competed in her first major meet in 2003 when she took part in the world championships and earned a silver medal in the team event on her sixteenth birthday.


  • 海风电台每天进行两短波播音,我去访问时,这家电台的董事长,同时也是韩国问题教授弘正坐在狭小胶合板广播台前例行播音,这的是最近核军备谈判新闻

    COMJAN’s chairman, is sitting in the tiny, makeshift plywood radio booth, reading news about recent nuclear-arms negotiations for one of Shiokaze’s twice-daily shortwave broadcasts.


  • 第一出现,是印度河谷居民发现蓝属植物叶子在干枯之后变成深蓝色,且发酵之后的状物会牢固地印在衣服上。

    It first appeared when residents of India's Indus Valley discovered that the leaves of indigo plants turned dark blue when dried and, as fermented pulp, clung attractively to garments.


  • 最近一拽着那条已荒废往上攀爬时,看到断壁残垣”,很是惊讶

    Pulling my way up the rusty log chain for the very last time, it was surprising anything remained of the old treehouse.


  • 成功了。”哈利提醒道节课终于做到消失圈里现身。

    "I've only done it once," Harry reminded him; he had finally managed to disappear and dematerialize inside his hoop during their previous lesson.


  • 第一部电影六岁看到法沙时候惨了此后一直跳过

    When I first watched the movie, the scene of Mufasa's death made me - a six-year-old girl at that time - cry, and since then, I have always skipped that part.


  • 曾经这个国家最大城市阿拉的一所医院验过的居然是剃须刀片。

    She once had some blood taken in a hospital in Almaty, the country's biggest city, with a razor blade.


  • 降血糖面包是以面包专用南瓜粉、荞麦粉、糖醇原料,加入即发活性干酵母经过发酵法精制而成的。

    Using specialized bread powder, powder of pumpkin, bitter buckwheat powder, xylitol as raw materials, functional bread was made by one time fermentation with dry active yeasts promptly.


  • 曾经因为出色的厨艺派往日本瑞士领事馆工作,先生第二任职花园饭店

    He was transferred to the Japanese Consulate in Switzerland for his excellent cooking skills. This is the second time that he works for the Okura Garden Hotel.


  • 16世纪期间克里鞑靼入侵露西亚总共91

    In total, during the 16th century Crimean Tatars invaded Russia 91 times.


  • 纤维素酶活聚糖合适酶解条件下降低涂布纤维细小组分含量增加浆料的滤水速度

    Cellulasepoor xylanases can reduce the content of fines in the light weight coated secondary fibers and increase drainage rate under appropriate enzymolysis condition.


  • 纪录手工雕版活字印刷。

    Record the experience for Engraving movable type, hand-printed.


  • 下一我会肉串的签字之类的东西。

    Next time, I will plan this, and I could use pop sticks or wooden skewers.


  • 毫不费力地弹跳,站到了上,抓住那个男人脑袋抽打,到了左侧,另一击中右侧

    I sprung effortlessly from the ground up to the wooden rafter and grabbed the shaggy haired man by his head then began to snap it, once to the right, then to the left.


  • 终于到达一个港口时,打开了,塔这才第一日光下扫视了在那儿一部分船舱。

    When the ship finally arrived in a port, the wooden cover was opened wide and Kunta could see in daylight for the first time across the part of the ship where he had been chained.


  • 由于展馆为临时建筑,因此设计上选择了质量结构,构架拆卸重装、二利用

    Given the temporary nature of the pavilion, a lightweight construction was chosen, with its wooden frame that can be disassembled and reused after the Exposition.


  • 用了皇室牌户外地板防蜡油的地板使用皇室牌地板清洁剂清洗六个检查涂层,有需要再重新涂上。

    Decking treated with Ronseal Decking Oil can be cleaned using Ronseal Decking Cleaner. The coating should be inspected on a 6 monthly basis. Re-coat as appropriate.


  • 1980年,著名的华裔科学家彭佳第四远征罗布泊失踪

    In 1980, Peng Jiamu, a noted Chinese scientist, went missing on his fourth expedition to the Lop Nur and was never found.


  • 大量试验表明,代替一脱色处理能优化其它工艺操作,可应用糖生产。

    The result showed the ultrafiltration treatment can cut down impurity and purify the xylose …


  • 大量试验表明,代替一脱色处理能优化其它工艺操作,可应用糖生产。

    The result showed the ultrafiltration treatment can cut down impurity and purify the xylose …


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