• 指出,《内科医学年鉴》、《美国医学会杂志柳叶刀生物医学期刊非常重视数据审查。

    He noted that biomedical journals such as Annals of Internal Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association and The Lancet pay strong attention to statistical review.


  • 指出,《内科医学年鉴》、《美国医学会杂志柳叶刀生物医学期刊非常重视统计评论

    But he noted that biomedical journals such as Annals of Internal Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association and The Lancet pay strong attention to statistical review.


  • 正如那里博士同事实验生物学期刊》上发表报告所指出那样,这种影响确实发生

    As Dr Narici and his colleagues report in the Journal of Experimental Biology, this is in fact what happens.


  • 科学期刊报道指出我们个人网上生活多样化当地经济就越景气

    Because a study in the journal Science shows that the more diverse our personal networks, the stronger the local economy.


  • 期刊当代生物学发表研究指出首座头鲸的曲子在全世界通用,在任何海域都能听得到。

    But a study, published in the journal Current Biology, shows that this song changes over time and spreads around the oceans.


  • 研究人员发表于《酒精中毒:临床实验研究期刊上的报告指出,研究证实少量或适量饮酒有助于预防中风心脏病

    In a report in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental research, the researchers note that light to moderate drinking has been shown to help protect against stroke and heart disease.


  • 期刊分子神经变性一文中,科学家指出痴呆症对脑部的破坏“或许可以通过健康饮食来调理,甚至是清除。”

    Scientists say the findings, published in the journal Molecular Neurodegeneration, suggest the ravages of dementia "might be slowed or avoided through healthy eating".


  • 心理科学近期趋势期刊上的文章指出

    That's according to a review article in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science.


  • 今天BMJ期刊研究者发表报告,报告指出,对于喝酒人来说,在他们一口酒的时候,消化过程减慢了。

    For the wine-drinkers, the researchers report today in the journal BMJ, digestion slowed along with the first sip.


  • 社会指数研究期刊发表报告指出可能是因为年龄大懂得珍惜

    The report, published in the journal Social Indicators Research, said this could be due to older people being more appreciative.


  • 篇最近美国医学会期刊文章指出了当中原因同时也是一个关于父母对发烧的认知进行已久的讨论我们了解到当中牵涉情绪

    A recent paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association pointed out one reason, and a longstanding discussion about parental perceptions reminds us of the emotional context.


  • 研究报告心理科学期刊上发表。研究人员指出善于交际、活泼踏实勤奋、有责任心更加快乐。

    People who are sociable, active, stable, hardworking and conscientious tend to be happier, the researchers reported in the journal Psychological Science.


  • 这项研究的结果刊登美国心理学市场营销期刊》上,文章指出:“所谓的‘安慰式购物心理’对于商家益处是不言而喻的,它能使消费者情绪高涨,并且不会后悔或者内疚的心理。”

    The study, published in the Journal of Psychology and Marketing in the U.S., concluded: ‘Retail therapy purchases were overwhelmingly beneficial, leading to mood boosts and no regrets or guilt.


  • 研究人员科学期刊指出这种分子治疗如同老鼠抗抑郁剂一样有效

    This molecular therapy worked about as well as giving mice antidepressants, the researchers reported in the journal Science.


  • 这项研究的结果刊登美国心理学市场营销期刊》上,文章指出:“所谓的‘安慰式购物心理’对于商家益处是不言而喻的,它能使消费者情绪高涨,并且不会后悔或者内疚的心理。”

    The study, published in the Journal of Psychology and Marketing in the U.S., concluded: 'Retail therapy purchases were overwhelmingly beneficial, leading to mood boosts and no regrets or guilt.'


  • 时候,医学期刊开始有零星报道指出中的运动表现出来

    Back then, scattered reports began to appear in medical journals describing people acting out movements in their dreams.


  • 兽医行为期刊一个研究指出奴不需要害怕因为限制猫的食物而被猫讨厌。

    But a new study in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior suggests that owners need not fear rejection if they restrict their cats' calories.


  • 科学期刊太平洋标准中的一篇文章同样指出诸如临床验证或者皮肤科专家认可”这类术语没有产业标准认证。

    An article from Pacific standard magazine also points out terms such as "clinically proven" or "dermatologist recommended" have no industry standard definition.


  • 美国大学健康期刊中的一份研究报告指出居住地方使饮食有所不同

    Where you live can make a difference in your diet, says a study in the Journal of American College Health.


  • 沙夫教授指出这些发现以及2003年伊利诺斯大学所做研究,并没有出现任何一本有同行评审的学术期刊中。

    Those findings, and research done at the University of Illinois in 2003, did not appear in a peer-reviewed journal, Professor Schaffner noted.


  • 本文叙述了近年来期刊工作的主要变化指出了现刊工作存在的问题,提出了改进建议。

    This paper describes main changes in periodical working in recent years. points out some problems, and gives some proposals.


  • 通过编辑作者科技期刊编辑出版过程中各自权利分析,指出编辑与作者自身权利的认识的误区及其权利的界限。

    By analyzing the rights of editors and authors of sci-tech journals in the process of the publishing, some misunderstandings and differences of the rights are proposed.


  • 指出当前高校期刊工作存在问题网络环境下高校图书馆期刊服务工作进行了论述

    The article points out the problem in the periodical work of academic libraries, and discusses in the network environment the periodical service of academic libraries.


  • 英国医学期刊刊登文章指出滚烫茶会增加食道癌的风险

    The British Medical Journal study found that drinking steaming hot tea has been linked with an increased risk of oesophageal cancer.


  • 文章采用对话形式,深入浅出地讨论了如何实现期刊社会效益经济效益,指出最佳方式知识重组

    This dialogue tackles with the economic and social benefits of periodicals and points out the best method of periodical management which is the knowledge reorganizing.


  • 本文通过对论文的编排校对等编辑加工过程出现错误进行分析指出提高期刊质量加强期刊编排的标准化规范化势在必行。

    The paper indicates that raising periodical quality, strengthening periodical arrangement standardization and normalization are imperative through the analysis of error in edition process.


  • 本文分析了科技期刊中文摘要一些常见的不规范现象指出编写中文摘要注意问题

    This paper analyses some subnormal phenomenon of Chinese abstract of technology peridoical and points out the problem that should be noticed in writing chinese abstract.


  • 本文网络期刊质量评价标准方法进行了探讨,指出纯网络期刊质量控制的重点是内容控制。

    This paper has discussed the quality standards and control methods of electronic only journal, focusing on the content control.


  • 本文网络期刊质量评价标准方法进行了探讨,指出纯网络期刊质量控制的重点是内容控制。

    This paper has discussed the quality standards and control methods of electronic only journal, focusing on the content control.


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