• 最初感染感染性最强各感染可能传播艾滋病毒。

    This early period of infection represents the time of greatest infectivity but transmission can occur during all stages of the infection.


  • 一时没有乔治奥•瓦萨里这样人物,这位文艺复兴艺术家传播同时代伟大成就;他的著作《艺苑名人传》至今被广为阅读

    The period had no Giorgio Vasari, the Renaissance artist who publicised the magnificent achievements of his contemporaries; his book, “The Lives of the Artists”, is still widely read.


  • 传播不会潜伏发生

    Transmission does not occur during the incubation period.


  • 小猫度过隔离确保不会其他动物传播疾病

    It will be kept in quarantine for about three weeks to make sure it doesn't pass any infectious disease to other animals.


  • 传播生命周潜伏

    Transmission, life-cycle and incubation period.


  • 根据2009年艾滋病患者医疗传播疾病》中的研究文章,割礼所产生预防效果来源于以下几个临床事实

    According to researchers writing in a 2009 issue of AIDS Patient Care and STDs, the prophylactic effect of male circumcision is owed to the following physical facts.


  • 2007年12月至2008年1发现家畜流行病事件数量有增无减,该段传播另外23个以上的城镇。

    An increase in the number of epizootic events was observed between December 2007 and January 2008, reaching more than 23 new municipalities in that period.


  • 经过8 -10潜伏后,被感染蚊子探寻吸食血液时,终生传播病毒

    After virus incubation for eight to 10 days, an infected mosquito is capable, during probing and blood feeding, of transmitting the virus for the rest of its life.


  • 相反,这项成果进一步证实了高丁他们2002-2005间形成并公开发表理论,即认为海啸在开阔的深海传播间,可以通过遥感方法对造成的海水汹涌程度进行观测。

    The findings confirm a theory, developed by Godin and published in 2002-05, that tsunamis in the deep ocean can be detected remotely through changes in surface roughness.


  • 这种过度狂热、且大幅传播“婴儿潮”促使官方中国新闻社专门发表了报道,以揭穿“羊年的小孩走运”这种“毫无根据”的民间传说

    But the babymania is so widespread that the state-run China News Service issued a report trying to debunk the "unfounded" myth of bad luck for those born in Year of the Sheep.


  • 称为“空窗”,如果献血进行,那么存在较小残留风险可能会传播病毒

    This period is referred to as the "window period," and if a donation is made during this time there remains a very small residual risk of viral transmission.


  • 通过一时现代建筑思想传播中国建筑师建筑思想转变等方面的论述,揭示中国现代建筑思想体系的形成过程。

    To show the ideological system of Chinese modern architecture by expounding the spread of modern architectural ideologies and the transformation of Chinese architects' modern thought in architecture.


  • 社交媒体谣言当做事实传播,给医疗建议蒙上阴云有时还会削弱政策例如有关儿童免疫的政策。

    Social media propagate rumours like they were facts, clouding medical advice and sometimes undermining policies, like those for childhood immunization.


  • 大卫索伯恩:〈作为审美媒介电视〉,《大众传播批判研究》杂志,第4第2(1987年6月号):第161-173页。

    Thorburn, David. "Television as an Aesthetic Medium. " Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Vol. 4, No. 2 (June 1987): 161-173.


  • 定容燃烧弹火焰进行拍摄分析基础,研究生物添加剂滞燃,火焰传播影响

    In this dissertation, based on analysis for the combustion in a constant volume combustion bomb, the parameters such as combustion delay period, combustion-flame propagation have been investigated.


  • 目的探索预防窗口献血者导致输血传播HIV方法

    Objective to explore a new method to prevent HIV transmission by blood donors in window phase.


  • 结论:妊娠uu感染通过垂直传播方式影响子代发育导致出生体重

    Conclusions: UU infection during the period of pregnancy can affect the embryonic development and result in the low body weight of new life through vertical transmission.


  • 特别要指出如果一个的确感染艾滋病病毒,即使所谓的“窗口”,此人传播艾滋病病毒。

    "Of particular note is that if a person is indeed infected with HIV, even in the so-called" window period ", this person can spread HIV."


  • 更长的潜伏可能反映方法学诊断确切性、传播途经感染剂量其他因素不同

    The longer incubation period could reflect differences in methodology, specificity of diagnosis, route of transmission, infectious dose, or other factors.


  • 甲型H1N1流感季节性流感强的传染性潜伏相对比较容易导致集团感染跨国传播成为国际公共安全的问题。

    The influenza a (H1N1) has more strong infectious ability than the seasonal influenza, the latent period is short, so the group infection will be raised easily and become international transmission.


  • 模拟结果表明网络蠕虫潜伏免疫措施强度影响网络蠕虫传播过程重要因素

    The simulation results show that the latent period of Internet worms and the immunity measure intensity are important factors to influence Internet worm propagation procedure.


  • 病毒爆发于猪身上,秋冬季为多发全年传播类似流感

    Swine influenza viruses may circulate among swine throughout the year, but most outbreaks occur during the late fall and winter months similar to influenza outbreaks in humans.


  • 社会转型文化变迁新文化传播过程作为大众传媒主体——编辑活动客观上扮演了一个非常重要角色

    During the period of social transformation, editing work, as the leading body of public media, plays a very important role in the process of cultural transition and new culture's spreading.


  • 它们具有不同起波年份、起波波峰带,波的优势传播方向有效作用范围又有所不同。

    They are of different wave-originatedtimes, wave-originated stages, and wave-crest belts, and different preferential propagation directions and effective action ranges for each stage.


  • 2007年TED传播迅猛发展,并且预测了巨大金融风暴

    By the middle of 2007 the TED spread was exploding, signaling enormous financial turmoil.


  • m取样线置于二尖瓣流入道心尖获取彩色左室舒张血流传播图测量fpv

    Color m mode Doppler echocardiography studies were obtained from mitral valve orifice toward the apex: the rate of flow propagation velocity (FPV) from apical 4 chamber views.


  • 危机突发媒体作用体现方面激发公众情绪中实现危机传播基调统一

    Facing emergency, the functions of the media are embodied in the following three aspects: to reach the unity of keynote of the crisis spreading through inspiring the public;


  • 传播研究不仅用于SARS潜伏计算而且可作为评价SARS防控效果一个重要指标

    Study on transmission chains is not only applied to the calculation of SARS incubation period, but also used as an important indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of SARS prevention and control.


  • 目的研究一类具有饱和接触潜伏染病传染非线性SEIRS流行病传播数学模型动力学性质。

    Aim Dynamical behavior of a kind of nonlinear SEIRS model of epidemic spread with the saturated rate, which has infective force in both latent period and infected period, is studied.


  • 目的研究一类具有饱和接触潜伏染病传染非线性SEIRS流行病传播数学模型动力学性质。

    Aim Dynamical behavior of a kind of nonlinear SEIRS model of epidemic spread with the saturated rate, which has infective force in both latent period and infected period, is studied.


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