• 美国游客度假喜欢囤积价廉质优的加勒比姆酒

    American tourists enjoy stocking up on inexpensive high quality Caribbean rum while they're on vacation.


  • 教授补充可能是因为艺术家创作《西斯教堂以面包红酒为生的缘故。

    This was possibly because the artist had been living off nothing but bread and wine while working on the Sistine Chapel, Franco said.


  • 西丝·帕金斯:第一位女性内阁成员。她提倡8工作制、更严格工厂安全法规以及保护妇女儿童劳动力法规。

    Frances Perkins the first woman cabinet member who advocated the 8 hour day, stricter factory safety laws, and laws for the protection of women and children in the labor force.


  • 当饮酒变成一种习惯,无法控制很快就开始整天大量喝伏特加姆酒一些淡啤酒

    She soon moved on to downing large amounts of vodka, rum and lager throughout the day as her habit spiraled out of control.


  • 17觉得将来某一天自己嫁给――原话是:“知道就是,”。

    When she was 17, Lonnie says, she realized that she would marry him someday—“I knew it was fate,” she says.


  • 法国召开的一个新闻发布会上被问及飞机坠落机长是否飞机座舱里,阿斯尼亚表示对此没有任何信息

    Asked whether the chief pilot was in the cockpit when the plane went down, Arslanian told a news conference in France that there was no information either way.


  • 上个月刚过完70岁生日的西斯·福特·科波拉:《泰特罗》年轻开始计划的一部影片,当还没有名气运气也没降临到他身上。

    FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA, who turned 70 last month, says that "Tetro" is the kind of film he set out to make as a young man, before fame and fortune sidetracked him.


  • 拾级而上,游客经过中庭那样很漂亮的,墙上稀奇古怪地悬挂西斯·钱特里爵士雕刻的名人胸像

    On the ascent you pass a wonderful wall, the full height of the atrium, with Sir Francis Chantrey's busts of worthies hanging strangely in space.


  • 国际足联技术指导奥希耶克德国赢得1990年世界杯茨贝肯鲍尔助手作为红宝石队教练赢得了2007年联赛冠军。

    Former FIFA technical director Osieck was also Franz Beckenbauer's assistant when Germany lifted the 1990 FIFA World Cup and won the 2007 AFC Champions League as coach of Japan's Urawa Red Diamonds.


  • 多数正常人”则对西斯过失更为友善看法打算糖果送给格洛里亚东西自己手里无法抗拒自己享用诱惑

    Most normal people would take a kinder view of Frances's failings: she intended to give the candy to Gloria but when it was actually in her hands, the temptation to eat it herself became overwhelming.


  • 瑟斯清楚地记得坐在公寓里阅读有关这种新型亚斯普杰氏症席卷全国文章的情形。

    Frances remembers sitting in his condo reading articles about this new epidemic of Asperger's that was sweeping the nation.


  • 因此啤酒泡沫稳定性来源于一种很强的吉布斯-戈尼效应这种效应吸附蛋白质可以有效改变表面张力最优化的。

    Beer foam stability is thus promoted by a strong gibbs-marangoni effect, which is optimized when absorbed proteins are efficient at changing the surface tension.


  • 回答却给了个启示:我们思索幸福,我们通常想到一些非同寻常的事,纯粹快乐极致——但是随着我们年纪越来越大,那些极端的快乐好像越来越少了。

    But Lan’s answer reminded me that when we think about .... happiness, we usually think of something extraordinary, a pinnacle of sheer delight---and those pinnacles seem to get rarer the older we get.


  • 1219年夏天西斯越过防线到达尼罗河畔苏丹营地,苏丹本来有完全理由拒绝会见这样一个传播异教信仰

    When Francis crossed enemy lines to reach the sultan's camp near the Nile during the summer of 1219, the sultan had every reason to dismiss a man who wanted to preach his enemy's faith.


  • 星期五,美国职业棒球大联盟克克来夫地美国领头职业棒球队的主场揭幕战开始底特律老虎球迷里●克西斯头上戴着一个老虎玩具

    Detroit Tigers fan Rick Francis wears a tiger toy on his head before the start of their MLB home opener against the Cleveland Indians in Detroit, Mich., on Friday.


  • 罗克默默无闻干着苦力活基廷却在声名卓著的纽约&埃耶尔公司平步青云。

    While Roark toils in obscurity, Keating rises through the ranks of theprestigious New York firm Francon &Heyer.


  • :“一直,当穿着海军制服——戴着白帽、穿着工作背心喇叭裤是什么模样呢?”

    Plumb says, "I kept wondering what he might have looked like in a Navy uniform: a white hat, a bib in the back, and bell."


  • 一位如此著名的演员—今年奥斯卡角逐中凭借在丹尼·伊尔的电影《127小》里的演出成为有力竞争者—为何冒险开创第二事业

    Franco is such a celebrated actor-he's a frontrunner in this year's Oscar race for his performance in Danny Boyle's 127 hours-why would he even risk a second career?


  • 妻子一家餐厅用餐,隔壁位先生走过来说道:“柏!”

    One day, when Plumb and his wife were sitting in a restaurant, a man at another table came up and said, "You're Plumb!" You.


  • ·斯通是在上周参加戛纳电影节(CannesFilmFestival)发表这番言论的。

    Ms Stone made her comments during a visit to the Cannes film festival last week.


  • 去世,他把自己一些作品留给了萨拉伊,后期的伴侣西斯科·梅尔兹(Francesco Melzi)则继承了他的笔记

    When he died, he left some works to Salai, while his more recent companion Francesco Melzi inherited his notebooks.


  • 当地间27日凌晨2许,印度尼西亚首都雅加达以南唐格地区发生蓄水湖大坝决堤事故,目前造成58死亡

    At least 58 people have been killed after a dam broke in the area of Tangerang south of Jakarta, Indonesia early Friday morning.


  • 哥教授在接受意大利报纸LaStampsa采访说:“每一幅画作中的人物都我们展示人类敏感和脆弱特征,而这些都不依赖画家本身的意志和感知。”

    Franco told the Italian newspaper, La Stampsa: "The people depicted [in art] tell us about their vulnerable humanity, independently of the awareness of the artist."


  • 哥教授在接受意大利报纸LaStampsa采访说:“每一幅画作中的人物都我们展示人类敏感和脆弱特征,而这些都不依赖画家本身的意志和感知。”

    Franco told the Italian newspaper, La Stampsa: "The people depicted [in art] tell us about their vulnerable humanity, independently of the awareness of the artist."


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