• 服务接触过程及其提供的客户体验形成了电信服务竞争力

    Service contact process and customer experience form telecom service competitiveness.


  • 论文提出客户服务竞争力物流企业核心竞争力重要体现

    The most important opinion of this paper is that the competence of customer service is the main idea of core competence of logistics enterprises.


  • 目的让度价值角度认识门诊护理服务提高门诊护理服务竞争力

    Objective From the customer delivered value to know nursing of outpatient, increasing competition power of nursing.


  • 企业战略竞争力可以核心能力加以说明,它包括:核心竞争力产品服务竞争力、核心业务竞争力三个层面。

    Strategic competitiveness of an enterprise may be illustrated by its core ability that consists of core competitiveness, product and service competitiveness and core business competitiveness.


  • 你们产品服务具有竞争力吗?营销怎么样

    Are your products and services competitive? How about marketing?


  • 我们欢迎世界各国竞争力产品服务进入中国市场各国投资者提供更加公平透明的创业环境

    We welcome the entry into our market of competitive goods and services from around the world, and will provide a fair and more transparent environment for foreign investors.


  • 服务领域竞争力因此生产力

    There is little competition, and therefore low productivity, in the service sector.


  • 未来相信我们看到需要生产率服务产品成本创造力混合保持经济竞争力

    In the future I believe we'll see the need for productivity, cost of services and goods, and creativity needed in some mixture to keep an economy competitive.


  • 今天IT预算迫使组织寻找降低项目成本丧失竞争力也不牺牲产品服务质量方法

    Today's lower it budgets are forcing organizations to find ways to reduce project costs without losing their competitiveness and sacrificing the quality of their products and services.


  • 通过降低银行电信交通服务成本可以提高各国出口产品竞争力

    And by lowering costs through liberalized banking, telecommunications, and transport services, this can make countries' exports more competitive.


  • 随着市场动向开始促使企业体系结构成形随着组织核心竞争力发生更改这些更改要求整体服务设计影响进行分析。

    As new market dynamics shape the enterprise architecture, or as an organization's core competencies change, these changes require an analysis of their effect on the overall service design.


  • 其次美国钻探石油天然气历史悠久进而衍生出庞大的具有竞争力的石油服务行业专业设备完善,专业技术成熟。

    Second, America has a long history of drilling for oil and gas, which has spawned a huge and competitive oil-services industry bristling with equipment and know-how.


  • 直到服务行业形成有竞争力市场之前,充电价格不会划算

    How much a zap of volts may cost is open to speculation until a competitive market exists for the service.


  • 捐赠产品核心竞争力服务可以各机构提供巨额储备稀缺金融资源释放出来输送到其他地方

    The donation of product, core competencies and services can allow agencies great savings and free up scarce financial resources for channelling elsewhere.


  • 他们更低成本或者更具竞争力特性提供和一样的服务,这引起的破坏可要甚于内部体系架构改变所引起破坏。

    And the disruption they can cause by offering your services at lower cost or with more compelling features is far greater than any disruption that will be incurred for internal architectural shifts.


  • 这些网站基本都遵循类似模式:一家在线购物企业一家当地商家合作竞争力的价格提供后者产品服务的优惠券。

    The websites generally follow a similar format: A daily deals company partners with a local business, which offers one of its products or services at a deep discount.


  • 鉴于亚洲生产商成本成熟市场地位这些国家无法成为竞争力劳动密集型产品服务出口国

    These countries are uncompetitive exporters of labour-intensive goods and services, given the low costs and established positions of Asian producers.


  • 坚持以质取胜,提高出口商品服务竞争力

    We should sharpen the competitive edge of our goods and services for export by ensuring good quality.


  • 带来了管理服务领域的竞争力Verizon可以利用扩展企业业务

    It brings decent competence in managed services, something Verizon can use as it grows its corporate business.


  • 另外GOOGLE准备选择一个多个城市以他们所声称的“竞争力价格至少5万或者甚至是潜在的50万的用户提供G级带宽服务

    Separately, Google plans to select one or several cities where it will offer gigabit service at what it calls "a competitive price" to at least 50,000, and potentially 500,000, people.


  • 现在假设银行必须客户开发Internet服务在线银行在线贷款发放系统保持竞争力,结果会怎么样。

    Now suppose the bank must develop an Internet service, on-line banking, or an on-line loan origination system for its customers if it is to remain competitive.


  • 这些战略计划使我们能够贴近中国市场更快认清市场需求开发出更多个性化产品服务,同时价格具有相当强的竞争力,我们估计中国电动工具市场将未来几年内以8%的速度增长。

    These plans will enable us to stay closer to the Chinese market, identify the market needs faster, and develop more customized products and services, all at a very competitive price.


  • 在这个落后的无竞争力市场上,迪吉·塞尔集团凭借现代科技创新性的服务,已经取得了巨大的成功。

    Digicel has prospered by introducing modern technology and innovative services into stodgy, uncompetitive markets.


  • 并且,服务所占经济比重意谓拉美地区出口竞争力绝对不够的。

    And the economic weight of services means it is not enough for the region to talk only about export competitiveness.


  • 富有竞争力出口业与农业服务相匹配,后两者避开竞争经济规模不足,同时使用信息技术上行动迟缓。

    The competitive exporting industries are not matched in agriculture and services, which are shielded from competition, lack economies of scale and are backward in their use of information technology.


  • 使得提升服务竞争力举措愈加重要。

    That makes measures to boost competition in services all the more vital.


  • 缺乏竞争力包括出口商在内公司带来了麻烦,他们被迫利用服务来;软弱竞争力更加普遍地降低了生产力

    The lack of competition imposes costs on firms, including exporters, which are forced to use their services; and weak competition reduces productivity more generally.


  • 要建立具有竞争力音乐使服务运作更加完美,预付费音乐服务还有一些难题,但是这些难题现在几乎已经解决了。

    Subscription music has had its issues ranging from getting competitive libraries to making the services work right (I used to call it "PlaysForPrettySure"), but these issues are mostly solved now.


  • 产品市场竞争力不如美国银行服务欧洲市场正在整合当中。

    Product markets are not as competitive as America's, and the single European market has yet to become a reality in areas such as banking and services.


  • 产品市场竞争力不如美国银行服务欧洲市场正在整合当中。

    Product markets are not as competitive as America's, and the single European market has yet to become a reality in areas such as banking and services.


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