• 这样做是有意义因为底层协议提供基本服务网络电缆信号传输

    This makes sense, as the bottom protocols provide very basic services such as transmission of signals over network cables.


  • 指出电缆公司不得不他们网络提供电视电影服务的公司付费

    Cable companies, he points out, have to pay for the television shows and films they deliver over their networks.


  • 欧洲造船厂擅长设计电缆铺设其他服务船只

    Europe’s shipmakers are adept at designing cable-laying ships and other service vessels.


  • 多亏激烈竞争以及最近海底电缆到达肯尼亚,手机钱包服务价格将会大降同时数据联通速度加快

    Thanks to robust competition, and the recent arrival of several submarine cables, Kenya has seen a collapse in the price and increase in the speed of data connectivity.


  • 可以服务之间拉起FibreChannel电缆交换机模拟坏掉FC 电缆;您可以禁用服务/存储器某个交换机端口,以模拟交换机失败

    And you can pull a Fibre Channel cable between your servers and switch to simulate a broken FC cable; you can disable one switch port of your server/storage to simulate a switch failure.


  • 想想计算机网络也许想像线的计算机出,连接越来越大的电缆直到它们进入而丑陋充满服务建筑

    Think of a computer network, and maybe you imagine that little blue cord running from your computer, connected to bigger and bigger cables, until they meet a big ugly building filled with servers.


  • 大部分美国只有类宽带服务商可供选择要么电信要么用电缆的。

    Most Americans have a choice of only two broadband providers, either a telecoms or a cable operator.


  • 对抗光纤服务电缆公司已经将光导线路铺设区域接点,人们可以通过现有电缆把网络连入家中

    To counter FiOS, the cable companies have run fibre to the neighbourhood node, from where the connection continues to the home through their existing cable.


  • 由于位于日本多条电缆受损,因此通往国际部分互联网服务特别是通往美国的网络服务面临着速度较慢的问题。

    But Internet traffic to some international destinations, especially the U.S., is still experiencing slower speeds due to several damaged cables that land in Japan.


  • 只是我们老鼠靠近服务电缆就是了

    We've just got to keep the rats away from the server cables.


  • 这种观点,对主体运营公司威胁更多来自于能够提供更加便宜服务(或是免费”)的电缆公司,而不是单纯网络语音公司

    On this view, the real threat to incumbents comes more from cable operators offering cheap (or "free") VoIP services than from pure-play VoIP companies.


  • Telmex业务进一步三重播放提供商削弱这些服务通过电缆提供电话互联网电视业务。

    Telmex's business has been further weakened by the emergence of "triple play" providers which offer phone, Internet and television by cable.


  • 其中之一就是电信服务商(telcos),年轻网络生猛数据通过它们的电缆传送

    One was the traditional telcos, on whose wires these feral bits of the young Internet were being sent.


  • 如果想要存取仅仅希望电缆线调制解调器DSL服务他们是?

    If you want fast access from home, your only hopes are cable-modem and DSL services. Or are they?


  • 交换机这一边介质通过介质电缆接到服务网卡上,把数据服务上传送到交换机主干网上

    A media card on the switch side connects to the server nic through a media cable and transfers data from the server to the switch backplane.


  • 虽然大规模互联网中断情况极少会出现,但是2006年十二月一次地震造成台湾附近海底电缆破坏东亚经历了个月的网络中断缓慢速度网络服务

    Large-scale Internet disruptions are rare, but East Asia suffered nearly two months of outages and slow service after an earthquake damaged undersea cables near Taiwan in December 2006.


  • 确保岛上基本服务设施。岛上一般发动机海底电缆供电

    Check it's set up with basic services. Islands usually rely on generators or submarine cables for power.


  • 有线电缆数据服务传输规范(DOCSIS)基于光纤同轴混合网(hfc)宽带多媒体接入应用而开发工业标准

    Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) is an industry standard developed for broadband access applications of high speed multimedia via Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC).


  • 一直工作不知疲倦地触点公司不仅一个服务供应商电缆同样也可以是其它产品需求

    I have been working tirelessly with my contacts in the companies not only to be a service provider for the cables but also other products on demand.


  • 因为没有电缆适配器残疾人当地WCF服务(无线网络运行)不能发现

    But the because there was no cable, the adapter was physically disabled and the local WCF service (which was running on the wireless network) could not be found.


  • 惠普关心保持服务竞争力它们的电缆越来越庞大数据中心难以降温急需能源

    Hewlett-Packard's concern is keeping its servers competitive: their cabling is getting bulkier, and data centres are becoming much harder to cool and increasingly energy hungry.


  • 以前取消电缆服务,但我丝毫也想念

    A year and a half ago I turned off my cable service and I haven't missed it at all.


  • 仪器是提供全能电气服务技术人员的唯一选择。可功率电缆任何可能负载元件进行电流测量简单快速确定运行状态

    Unique tool for all service technicians. Makes current measurement at the power cable of any load component possible for simple and quick recognition of operating status.


  • 开发光伏电缆集成解决方案目的是我们客户安装公司提供一项增值服务

    The development of photovoltaic cable integrated solution is intended for our clients, install a value-added service provided by the company.


  • 另外两个电缆大楼中央服务中继接收设备然后继续下跌地下25毫米聚乙烯管道

    Two other cables from the receiving equipment drop in trunking in the central service duct of the tower block and then continue underground in 25 mm polythene conduit.


  • 自动网络恢复网络能够迅速恢复服务自动从灾难性故障网络电缆切断恢复。

    Automatic network restoral is a term which reflects the ability of a network to restore service rapidly and automatically following a catastrophic failure, such as that of a network cable cut.


  • ABC任何城市结算帐单以支出包括安全水源改道Muni服务运动街头电缆适应阶段和录音设备

    ABC will foot the bill for any city expenditures, including security rerouting of Muni services and movement of street cables to accommodate the stage and recording equipment.


  • 同样电线电缆运营商也在捆绑销售的方式保护他们核心产业,只不过不是语音服务而是电视服务。 还有,他们也会遇到来自同行业卫星电视提供商现在电信运营商的竞争压力。

    Similarly, cable operators are using bundles to protect their core business, which is not voice but television, as it, too, comes under attack from satellite-TV providers and now telecoms operators.


  • 本文光纤电缆混合网络(HFC)为基础,提出一种应用计算机数据传输、有线电视广播电话通信综合服务方案

    In this paper, we propose a HFC based comprehensive servicing solution that is applied in the computer data transmission, wireline television broadcasting and telephone communication.


  • 本文光纤电缆混合网络(HFC)为基础,提出一种应用计算机数据传输、有线电视广播电话通信综合服务方案

    In this paper, we propose a HFC based comprehensive servicing solution that is applied in the computer data transmission, wireline television broadcasting and telephone communication.


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