• 回调类处理服务器返回数据

    The callback class will process the data returned from the server.


  • 仔细看看这个服务器返回数据形态

    Pay close attention to the shape of the data returned by the server.


  • 请求服务器之后,我们需要一个函数接受服务器返回数据

    After a request to a server, we need a function to receive the data returned from the server.


  • Firebug显示发送服务器数据服务器返回的数据

    Firebug shows data sent to the server and the data returned by the server.


  • initui函数获取服务器返回的数据创建一个Organizer对象

    The initUi function takes the data from the server and creates an Organizer object.


  • 这样两个原因保持例子简单说明有时候可能希望用户能够修改服务器返回数据

    That's intentional for two reasons: To keep things in the example simple and to show you that sometimes you want users to be able to override what a server says.


  • 某些情况下(显示服务器返回数据),字段可能具有尽管字段未设置字段(不设置某些类型的字段时,SDO将为其分配缺省值)。

    In some cases, such as when displaying data that has come back from the server, a field might have a value even though it is unset (SDO assigns a default value for some types when they are unset).


  • 这种操作模式下,驱动程序返回控制应用程序直至自己数据服务器发送的请求完成

    In this mode of operation, the driver does not return control to the application until its own request to the database server is complete.


  • 然后学习了如何传递参数服务器方法以及如何服务器返回复杂数据

    You then learned how to pass arguments to your server-side methods, and how to return more complex data in your responses from the server.


  • 足以填充AT Q缓冲区数据返回联邦服务器

    Return of data to the federated server sufficient to fill a single ATQ buffer.


  • 话说,异步使得联邦服务器所有远程操作都可以并发地进行,只有返回数据处理除外。

    In other words, asynchrony enables all remote operations except for the processing of returned data by the federated server to proceed concurrently.


  • 服务器查询结果返回CGI脚本脚本围绕返回数据构建一个HTML页面页面发送至用户浏览器

    The server returns the query results to the CGI script, which builds an HTML page around the returned data and sends the page to the user's browser.


  • 话说,服务器履行请求(HTTP就绪状态4)但是没有返回客户机预期数据

    In other words, the server fulfilled the request (meaning the HTTP ready state is 4), but is probably not returning the data expected by the client.


  • 对于xmljson格式而言服务器返回作为文本串行化股票数据

    For XML and JSON formats, the server will return the stock data serialized as text.


  • 服务器可能必须返回联合查询请求数据受到工作负载增加负面影响

    Source servers may be negatively impacted by increased workload when they have to return data that is requested in a federated query.


  • 用于返回来自不同服务器不同数据各种结果

    Could be used to return the results from tables that reside in different databases on different servers.


  • 有些Ajax应用服务器xml格式返回数据比起html来,一个巨大进步不够理想

    Some Ajax application servers send back data in the form of XML. This is a huge improvement over HTML, but it is also suboptimal.


  • 然后submitForm()返回false因此Send按钮onclick表达式返回 false,指示Web浏览器不要表单数据提交服务器

    Then, submitForm() returns false so that the onclick expression of the Send button can return false, indicating the Web browser must not submit the form data to the server.


  • JsonRestStore 还可以用于将用户修改后的数据通过POSTPUT操作返回服务器

    The dojox.data.JsonRestStore can also be used to return user-modified data back to the server through the POST and PUT operations.


  • 然后用户单击submit按钮时,服务器接收到提交表单数据返回一个消息

    Then, when the user clicks Submit, the server is sent the form data and replies with a message.


  • 注意displayCart()一个回调函数,由服务器返回Cart响应数据调用

    Note that displayCart() is a callback function invoked with the Cart response data from the server.


  • 客户机首先代理服务器发送请求然后代理服务器连接请求外部服务器数据返回客户机。

    The client sends the request to the proxy first; the proxy then connects to the (outside) server that was requested and returns the data to the client.


  • 客户机不再需要这个文件时,将提交剩余更改,并将布局副本返回数据服务器然后关闭文件。

    When the client no longer needs the file, it commits any remaining changes, returns its copy of the layout to the metadata server, and closes the file.


  • 因为命令请求获得用户个人信息,所以应用服务器访问数据中的客户信息将信息返回客户机

    Since the command is to get the user's profile, the application server accesses the customer information from the database and returns it to the client.


  • ,您能检索某些元素—在本例中是一个,它容纳服务器返回信息以及包含发送服务器数据表单

    As you can see, you retrieve certain elements-here, a that will house the message back from the server-as well as the form that contains the data you want to send to the server.


  • 高层级,意味着统计数据包含花费客户端、网络数据服务器及其返回所有时间

    At a high level, this means statistics are available for the total time spent on the client, over the network, on to the database server, and back again.


  • 利用简单HTTP消息可以服务器通信服务器可以返回xml格式数据

    With simple HTTP messages, you can communicate with the server, and the server can return the data in XML format.


  • 客户机应用程序组件使用JDBCSQLJ访问EII服务器管理的异类数据服务器透明地集成不同种类数据结构返回这些数据

    Client applications or components use JDBC or SQLJ to access disparate data managed by an EII server, which transparently integrates heterogeneous data and returns it in a tabular structure.


  • 客户机应用程序组件使用JDBCSQLJ访问EII服务器管理的异类数据服务器透明地集成不同种类数据结构返回这些数据

    Client applications or components use JDBC or SQLJ to access disparate data managed by an EII server, which transparently integrates heterogeneous data and returns it in a tabular structure.


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