• 点击OK之前增加服务器网页输入完整信息

    Enter complete information on the Add Server page before clicking OK.


  • 获得更多信息参考MySQL数据库服务器网页(参阅参考资料)。

    For more information, please refer to the MySQL Database Server page. (See Resources.)


  • 通过对动态服务器网页技术介绍讨论了如何利用其技术访问后台数据库

    This paper discusses how to create Web application by using active server page (ASP) technique to access background database.


  • 需要的话可以重新下载网页修复增加服务器界面或是点击其他网页按键,然后再回到增加服务器网页

    If necessary, reload the page to restore the Add Server interface, or click another page or another TAB and then navigate back to the Add Server page.


  • 网页指定模式优先权高于服务器中所指定的模式。

    The mode specified within the webpage takes precedence over the mode specified by the server.


  • 浏览器网页服务器发送一个服务请求时,可能会发生错误

    When a browser requests a service from a web server, an error might occur.


  • 然后服务器客户机发送一些描述有效负载(比如网页图像)的响应头最后向客户机发送文件。

    The server then sends the client some headers that describe the payload (such as a Web page or image), and finally sends the file along to the client.


  • 恰恰相反网络整个本质它颠覆,存在服务器上供谷歌梳搜索的网页变成世界各地人们彼此连接分享生活的平台。

    Rather, the entire nature of the Web has been transformed from a bunch of pages on servers that Google crawls, to the world's people connected to each other and sharing their lives.


  • 一个网页可以包含服务器生成的、并且由客户机浏览器解释的文本HTML标记

    A Web page contains both text and HTML markup that is generated by the server and interpreted by the client browser.


  • 看来虚拟财产只是网页显示大量像素或是服务器中的无形数据只有虚构世界中才具意义

    Virtual property may appear to be just a lot of pixels on a web page or invisible data in a server, something that only has meaning in an imaginary world.


  • 这样帐户信息通常正是基于网络(或者甚至是终端机)登录某台服务器的的同名帐户,而且往往能用接管整个系统或是篡改网页

    Such account information is often precisely the same used for web-based (or even terminal) logins on a server, and can be used to take over entire systems or deface web pages.


  • 一个文本传输协议(FTP)通常用来服务器转移上传网页的。

    A File transfer Protocol (FTP) is usually used to transfer or upload the web pages from a server.


  • HTTP应用程序显示采用两个SIP用户代理服务器 (UAS)地址口号网页启动它们之间连接

    The HTTP application will display a Web page that takes the address and port numbers of two SIP User Agent Servers (UAS) and initiate a connection between them.


  • 服务器不再只承载简单超文本链接语言(HTML)这种网络早期通用语言,网页增加了浏览器内运行软件功能

    Servers no longer dish up simple hypertext markup language (HTML), the web's early lingua franca. Increasingly, web pages are bona fide pieces of software that are executed in the browser.


  • 电子名片传到服务器提供你的网页地址。

    Upload your vCard to a server and supply the url.


  • 事实上,情况恰恰相反:网页服务器即便是TLS 1.0版本之上接纳tls 1.11.2连接也可能会使一些浏览器表现混乱,从而惹怒用户潜在的投资者。

    In fact, the opposite was true: by even accepting TLS 1.1 and 1.2 connections in addition to 1.0, a web server could confuse some browsers, annoying users and potential punters.


  • 第二阵营使用诸如emacsVim文本编辑器手工编码HTML然后通过FTP客户端完成网页上传到Web服务器世界看见欣赏它,希望如此。

    The second camp USES a text editor like Emacs or Vim to code HTML by hand and an FTP client to upload the finished page to a web server for the world to see and, hopefully, appreciate.


  • Web服务器通过处理基于HTTP协议请求来使网页显示在Web浏览器

    A Web server serves pages viewed in a Web browser by processing the requests over the HTTP protocol.


  • Web开发社区人都知道Ajax允许服务器发出异步的辅助请求,并直接网页显示结果(如图4所示)。

    Ajax, as the Web development community well knows, allows you to make asynchronous auxiliary requests to the server and display the resulting output directly on the Web page (see Figure 4).


  • 浏览器Web服务器请求网页由于因特网,它传播到世界各个角落。

    The browser retrieves Web pages from Web servers that thanks to the Internet, can be pretty much anywhere in World.


  • 设计器通过创建网页图像完成后一些可以尝试面前的东西FTP这些您的Web服务器的图像。

    After a designer is done with creating the images for your web page, there are still some things you can try before you FTP those images to your web server.


  • N级结构中的应用服务器负责提供远程访问的业务逻辑组件表现网页服务器使用本网协议通过网络访问这些组件。

    The application servers in n-tier architecture host remotely accessible business components. These are accessed by the presentation layer web server over the network using native protocols.


  • 网页编写代码服务器通信时,无论使用Ajax还是普通表单POST甚至链接,打交道的HTTP

    When you write code in your Web page to communicate with a server, whether it's using Ajax or a normal form POST or even a hyperlink, you're just talking HTTP.


  • xml格式网页服务器接收请求

    To receive a request from a server in your Web page in XML format.


  • xml格式网页服务器发送请求

    To send a request from a Web page to a server in XML format.


  • 服务器事件处理无状态扁平的、静态架构替代。方式非常类似网页传给Web浏览器的方式。

    On the server side, event processing was replaced by a stateless, flat, and static architecture, very similar to the way Web pages are delivered to Web browsers.


  • SecuritySpaceWeb网站InternetcookieReport网页通过这些cookie名称发行它们服务器联合起来,从而提供了一些频率分析

    The Internet cookie Report page of the Security Space Web site offers some frequency analysis through associating the cookie names with the server that issues them.


  • 服务器运行额外网络程序用于处理RationalRequirementsComposer资源转化为网页缩略图。

    An additional Web application that runs on the server is used for handling the conversion of Rational Requirements Composer resources into thumbnail-sized images.


  • 凭借72个国家95000服务器,2,200名员工Akamai的传输服务承载了全球15%30%的网页流量

    And with 95, 000 servers in 72 countries, and 2, 200 employees, the company delivers 15 to 30 percent of all Web traffic worldwide.


  • 当时这个软件新颖之我们服务器运行网页作为用户界面。

    What was novel about this software, at the time, was that it ran on our server, using ordinary Web pages as the interface.


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