• 热衷于服务人,而不是追求更高的名利

    He was interested in service, not self-aggrandizement.


  • 操纵媒体自己服务老手

    He was a past master at manipulating the media for his own ends.


  • 巴马还有很远如果想更好的服务的国家和这个世界——也应该这样做。

    But Mr Obama has a long way to travel if he is to serve his country-and the world-as he should.


  • 自愿服务充当司机

    He volunteered his services as a driver.


  • 公司食品工业提供灵活包装服务

    His company offers a flexible packaging service for the food industry.


  • 辆黄包车这可能古老形式人类出租车服务

    He pulls a rickshaw, probably the oldest form of human taxi service.


  • 无法想出一个连贯策略来使该服务现代化

    He has failed to work out a coherent strategy for modernizing the service.


  • 自我中心,易冲动希望周围人为服务

    He was egocentric, a man of impulse who expected those around him to serve him.


  • 站起来一个邻居家里邻居提供服务,帮邻居打扫房子周围小路

    He rose, ran to the house of a neighbor, and offered his service to dear a path around his house.


  • 是不是表示我们服务满意?

    Did he mean (that) he was dissatisfied with our service?


  • 享受服务人们都知道一位一流的专家打交道

    People who used his service knew they were dealing with a first-rate professional.


  • 示意服务结账

    He signalled to the waiter for the bill.


  • 服务招手

    He beckoned to the waiter.


  • 服务打了个响指

    He clicked his fingers at the waiter.


  • 服务送杯咖啡房里

    He ordered coffee from room service.


  • 服务很多小费。

    He gave the waiter a generous tip.


  • 以前从事临时服务

    He hired himself out to whoever needed his services.


  • 招手示意服务账单送过来。

    He beckoned to the waiter to bring the bill.


  • 旧金山酒吧服务

    He had a job tending bar in San Francisco.


  • 找茬儿服务打架结果锒铛入狱

    He picked a fight with a waiter and landed in jail.


  • 那个指了指服务迅速换了

    He pointed at the empty bottle and the waitress quickly replaced it.


  • 认识老婆时候还是油漆工是个服务

    He had met his old lady when he was a house painter and she was a waitress.


  • 一个公民认为应该社会服务不是社会为服务

    A good citizen believes that he should serve the community and not the community serve him.


  • 例如上周美国邮政总局局长帕特·多纳霍宣布计划停止周六邮件派送服务这一举措每年可以节省30亿美元。

    Last week, for example, Postmaster General Pat Donahoe announced plans to stop mail delivery on Saturdays, a move he says could save $3 billion annually.


  • 服务检查一下

    The waiter asked him to check his food dish.


  • 服务回忆起还是年轻高中生时的经历

    The waiter remembered his experience as a young high school student.


  • 离开时服务一张写着一杯咖啡贴到了墙上

    When he left, the waiter put a piece of paper on the wall saying "A Cup of Coffee".


  • 翰收到点的餐几分钟后,把服务员叫回的桌子。

    A few minutes after receiving his order, John called the waiter back to his table.


  • 为一名党员,努力为人民服务,而不考虑自己。

    As a party member, he makes an effort to serve people without thinking about himself.


  • 为一名党员,努力为人民服务,而不考虑自己。

    As a party member, he makes an effort to serve people without thinking about himself.


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