• Boston.comThe BigPicture一张图片来自有联系的服务

    Take Boston.com's The Big Picture, for instance: Each of those large images come from wire services.


  • 展示邮件文件是如何影响服务性能提供减小数据库收件箱以及全文索引开销技巧以及其他用户管理员设计人员提供的方法。

    We show how large mail files can affect server performance, and offer tips for reducing database and Inbox size, the cost of full-text indexes, and other ideas for users, administrators, and planners.


  • 服务付给

    She paid me a large sum of money for my services.


  • 去年中国货物进口超过1万亿美元世界第二进口国外国产品服务提供了机遇

    Last year, China became the world's second largest importer, purchasing over 1 trillion us Dollar-worth goods, providing enormous opportunities for goods and services from other countries.


  • 因此正如我们前面命名服务时应以易用性目标所指出的,名称选择对易用性影响非常

    So as we stated above in Services are named to maximize consumability, the choice of names greatly affects consumability.


  • 介绍说自己名字叫孟他正结束了汉族商人服务自告奋勇旅馆去。

    He introduced himself as Mon and volunteered to escort me to a hotel, just as soon as he'd finished serving a large table of Han Chinese businessmen.


  • 富邦集团是台湾第二金融服务集团资产值达三百七十亿美元,2003年营业额四十六亿美元,税后纯利四亿一千九百万美元。

    FubonTaiwan's second-largest financial-services group, with assets of $37 billion, earned $419 million in after-tax profit on revenues of $4.6 billion in 2003.


  • 如果查看我们改善服务性能而推荐10 注意事项,请查看 “IrisToday侧栏 “ 改善服务器性能 10 方法”。

    To see a list of 10 things we recommend you look at to improve server performance, see the "Iris Today" sidebar, " The top 10 ways to improve your server performance."


  • Azure不同之处在于,尽管Microsoft打算提供自主的Azure托管服务,但平台同样也是运行本地工作站企业服务而设计的。

    One big difference with Azure is that while Microsoft intends to offer its own hosted Azure services, the platform is designed to be able to run on local computers or corporate servers as well.


  • 现在谣言美国另外通讯巨头中至少有一家本周加入iPhone提供网络服务行列

    So now rumor has it that at least one of the other three U.S. carriers may add the iPhoneiPhone to its roster next week.


  • Comet浏览器提供延迟数据传输技术集合,它两个主要的技术是“ forever -framelong - polling ”在相当的程度上减少Ajax服务端的多次数据检测查询

    Comet is a set of techniques providing low-latency data transit for the browser. The two most popular techniques, "forever-frame" and "long-polling", significantly reduce latency over Ajax polling.


  • 更多时候小型企业接管商店店铺市场服务

    More often, the market served by small businesses is taken over by large stores and shops.


  • 告诉海盗行最终会通过国家服务然后就拿加入了其中

    He told me it was a national service with a lot of money in the end. Then I took my gun and joined them.


  • 伴随重组规模减员服务质量出现滑坡不足奇,这一点理解。但是,我想问,什么百慕?难道只是巧合而已吗?

    So, it comes as no surprise that with reorganization and massive staff cuts, service often slips. I get that. But still, why Bermuda? Perhaps just a coincidence.


  • 当时第三联机服务提供商AOL在经过最初的多事之秋后,于年前刚刚上市

    AOL, then the third-largest online service provider, had gone public only a year earlier, after some fairly rocky beginnings.


  • 还向事务所发出信号,暗示自己打算过早压制它们,让他们继续有能力审计客户提供赢利丰厚的税务服务,这会进一步赢得四事务所的好感。

    He will further please the big four by signalling that he plans no early crackdown on their ability to do lucrative tax work for audit clients.


  • 公司产品共有4系列,500多个品种专业品牌厂家提供OEM服务

    Company product altogether 4 big series, more than 500 varieties, professional for brand manufacturers provide OEM services.


  • 社区安全服务社会化体系构成主体社区自身的安全服务力量外来社区安全服务社会力量;

    There are two main bodies for constructing the system of community security service:one is the community's own security service force, the other is the outside social force.


  • 全球品牌公司提供OEM/ODM服务我们真诚服务富有竞争力价格欢迎您的加盟

    We provide OEM/ODM service for global famous brands. We will give sincere service and most competitive price to welcome to join us.


  • 但是高校图书馆如何利用假期段时间积极有效地开展工作更好地读者服务图书馆面临问题

    How the university library to do its work effectively in the period of the holiday and to serve the readers better have become a big problem faced by the library.


  • 了一服务工作,我不得不起来工作,人们需要早茶,我他们服务

    I find a job as waiter, I have to work early in the morning, people need to have their breakfast, I serve them.


  • 避暑夏令营孩子们提供便利那儿阳伞游泳衣塑料救生圈各类饮料等出租售货服务

    The summer camp offers convenience to children. There, large sun shades, swimming suits, plastic life buoys can be hired and various drinks bought.


  • 中国联通中国电信运营商之一,提供宽带移动通信业务一体全业务通信服务

    China Unicom is one of the leading telecommunication operators in China, providing integrated telecommunication service in terms of broadband, fixed-line and mobile communication.


  • CK系列船用程控电话系统、中、小型舰船提供整船内部电话服务的设备。

    CK series Marine automatic telephone system is application for all kinds of vessels; It support automatic exchange service for auto telephone.


  • 负责业务团队建设管理,公司打造壹支国际化业务拓展客户服务团队。

    Responsible for the construction of the three divisions, build an international team with business expansion and customer service for the company.


  • 我们着眼于服务客户致力于客户提供与“其他知名国际咨询公司质量相媲美专业服务

    We are client service oriented and committed to the quality of Big Four and other well-known international consulting firms.


  • 追求卓越客户提供最优质产品永续服务我们永恒不变经营理念

    The forever management idea of Dafu people is to pursue excellence and provide best-qualified product and continuous service.


  • 我们自己的辛勤付出,伴随当今知识经济舞台始终如一客户提供优质的服务

    We by own industriously will pay. Follows now the knowledge economy big stage. Constant is the customer provides the highest quality service.


  • 居网江西云网航天云网平台提供优质服务质量。

    Kang Ju Jiangxi cloudnet - - network space cloud network three platform to provide quality of service for you.


  • 居网江西云网航天云网平台提供优质服务质量。

    Kang Ju Jiangxi cloudnet - - network space cloud network three platform to provide quality of service for you.


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