• 哈利赫敏当然还有罗恩这三朋友给了我们许多欢乐

    Harry and Hermione - all right, and Ron - are dear friends who've given us much pleasure.


  • 我们永远铭记我们的中国朋友 2008年取得成就,所有的一切都欢迎来自世界各地运动员观众他们的微笑与欢乐证明了本届奥运会的成功。

    We will remain forever grateful to Chinese friends for what they have accomplished in 2008. Everything was done to allow athletes and spectators from around the world to feel welcome.


  • 朋友一起,可以带来欢乐帮助渡过生活艰难时期认为独处才可以塑造自身。

    Being with friends can be fun and can help you get through the rough spots in life, but it's the time alone, I think, that forms you as a person.


  • 战略上麦当劳通过接纳中国文化传统表明自己中国消费者朋友欢乐愿望梦想所在

    Strategically, McDonald accepted by the Chinese culture and traditions shown itself to be a friend of Chinese consumers. is the joy and the desire to dream of the host.


  • 圣诞节意义就是欢乐给予分享欢笑家庭朋友

    The spirit of Christams is joy, giving, sharing, laughter, family and friends.


  • 圣诞节欢乐时间我们希望假日季节带给快乐家人团聚朋友,时间休息反映期待新的一年

    Christmas is a time of joy and peace, and we hope the holiday season brings all of you happy reunions with families and friends, and time to rest and reflect as you look forward to a New Year.


  • 这些同她接触人中,有一个富有欢乐艺术朋友,名叫约翰·。

    One of those people was John Kenyon, a wealthy and convivial friend of the arts.


  • 仅仅是朋友分钱尽管打赌却给参与者带来了友谊欢乐

    Simply 7 cents from my friends, though a bet it was, rendered participants with both friendship and happiness.


  • 啊,吧,最爱的人感受到的甜蜜,好让家人欢乐朋友爱慕您的人的欢乐不会变为嫉妒令我伤心

    Oh! Think of me, my sweet beloved, so that I may feel it and so that your joy amid your delightful family, your kind friends and admirers may not be changed into bitterness and grief for me.


  • 夏天很快过去了。朋友一起度过了许多欢乐时光,也收到此时法国丹尼斯写来的一些有意思的

    The summer passed quickly, full of good times with my friends and interesting letters from Denise, who was in France.


  • 患难之中我们需要朋友帮助支持鼓励。取得了成绩,我们需要朋友分享欢乐

    When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys.


  • 当然了,我们希望的,还是今后日子里结识更多朋友大家一起追寻幸福和欢乐吗?

    Of course, we hope most that in the following days we can make much more friends with whom we can pursue happiness. Shall we?


  • 朋友相处融洽,知道别人不一样,带来欢乐志趣相投激发的灵感,并且能让他有时间能静静观看比赛。

    She gets along with his friends, understands him like no other, makes him laugh, shares his interests, stimulates his mind, maybe even lets him watch a in peace every once in a while.


  • 跋山涉水,穿越过斑驳的森林,走过四季变换,结识新的朋友分享新的见闻,为她所到之处带去自然的治愈欢乐笑容

    She has wandered far, and fared through forests bright and drear, in every clime and every season, gathering friends, sharing news, bringing laughter and healing wherever she goes.


  • 那天音乐花丛中,金先生从容欢乐通过家人朋友娓娓诉说,弥漫开来,温暖着每个

    On that day, among music and clusters of flowers, Mr. Jin's easy-going and happy happy life was told by family members and friends, which warmed the soul of every one present.


  • 一同旅行朋友越多,开始杂事越多到了周二周三欢乐的队伍到达最开心的状态

    The more traveling companions you have, the more chaotic things might be at the start of the week, but comes Tuesday and Wednesday, your merry band of pranksters will find its groove.


  • 真正的朋友分享所有我们痛苦我们所有的欢乐朋友我们应该小心选择那些这样优点

    Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys. While making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities.


  • 那些欢乐时光:朋友闲聊开怀大笑的事情孩子们一起玩耍……

    Happy momentschatting with a friend, something which made you laugh, playing with your kids…


  • 那些欢乐时光:朋友闲聊开怀大笑的事情孩子们一起玩耍……

    Happy momentschatting with a friend, something which made you laugh, playing with your kids…


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