• 传统有限单元常用时间积分相比,时空有限元精度稳定性方面具有一定优越性

    Compare to the conventional finite element method and common-used time integration methods, the space-time finite element method has some advantages in precision and stability.


  • 说明采用七自由度单元有限元进行矩形截面简支梁弯翘分析很高精度可以代替繁琐解析

    The result shows seven-freedom unit finite element method has high precision to analyse simple beam of rectangular section, it can replace complex analytic solution.


  • 采用文克尔模型基础等长单元有限元显著地提高计算速度

    By the equilong unit finite element method based on the Wenkel model, the computation is speeded up remarkably.


  • 采用有限单元升船机卷筒结构进行整体计算提出有限元分析力学模型筒壳、幅板的强度及刚度作了全面分析

    The paper USES finite element method to calculate the whole reel structure of a ship lift and presents the mechanical model of finite element analysis for the structure as a whole.


  • 超级普通有限元划分基础上进行二次单元划分的一种半连续化

    Super finite element method is a semi-continuous method to unit quadratic division on the basis of ordinary finite element division.


  • 提出一种处理铸件铸型界面问题的虚拟界面单元,并给出有限元计算公式

    In this paper a fictitious interface element method dealing with thermal resistance between casting and mold is presented, and the finite element formula is given.


  • 基于渗流有限元理论单元固定网格编制了堤内压盖渗流有限元程序

    A seepage finite element program was developed based on seepage FEM and imaginary elements fixed mesh method.


  • 基于局部作用原理,借用有限元离散插值技术引入自动机演化思路,得到一种新的力学计算——单元

    Based on principle of local action and the idea of cellular automata, a new mechanical method cellular element method is presented through inducting the discrete techniques of finite element method.


  • 工程设计领域,许多工程结构用有限元单元进行分析,极大地提高了设计精度带来了巨大效益

    The application of the finite-element method in lots of the engineering designs has improved the design accuracy and brought giant benefits.


  • 采用有限元建立不同管道元件单元刚度矩阵单元质量矩阵,最终形成管道结构的刚度矩阵和总质量矩阵。

    Finite element method is used to build up element stiffness matrix and element mass matrix. After the combined total stiffness matrix and the total mass matrix are obtained.


  • 采用特殊单元考虑水流冲刷作用,避免了传统有限元程序计算一些复杂繁琐工作

    The special soil element method, which avoids some complex work in traditional methods, is supported in this paper to consider the action of current scour.


  • 本文有限元的基础上利用弹簧单元模型来分析。

    Based on the finite element method, a spring element model is used.


  • 基于s - R分解原理更新拖带坐标有限元分析这类构件,有利于跟踪变形物体中各的变化,保证单元质量守恒

    Updated co-moving coordinate finite element based S-R decomposition theorem is convenient to track deformations of points in the deformed configures, to assure the mass equilibrium of element.


  • 导出型薄板单元模型应用于有限元线(FEMOL)求解平行四边形斜板弯曲问题

    A parallelogram oblique element model is developed in the Finite element Method of Lines (FEMOL) for the solutions of oblique plate bending problems.


  • 应用有限单元温度场微分方程进行求解,计算过程借助有限元分析软件ANSYS完成

    The differential equation can be solved by finite element technique, and the calculation process was done by the finite element technique software ANSYS.


  • 笔者用有限元进行分析,给出了单元线性刚度矩阵增量刚度矩阵。

    Finite element method is used in the analysis. The linear incremental and stiff matrices are derived.


  • 讨论了有限元高速模拟计算中出现滑移问题单元畸变问题,给出相应处理

    The problems of sliding surface and severely distorted element in hyperveiocity impact simulations are discussed, and the corresponding solving ways are proposed.


  • 数值流形基于有限元结点四结点单元

    Usually the numerical manifold method (NMM) is based on meshes of three - or four-node element.


  • 就三梭柱单元导出了棱有限元1-形式线性插值基函数

    The edge finite element interpolation function of 1-forms for prism is derived.


  • 生成反映结构物理特征几何特征适应有限元网格应用自适应有限单元法的必要环节

    So how to generate adaptive finite element mesh that can reflect physical and geometric characteristics of the structure is a necessary step to apply AFEA.


  • 建立了预紧挤压筒有限元分析模型通过理论比较论证了接触单元模拟装配可行性。

    The FEA model of prestressed cylindrical receptacle is built, and it shows contact element can be applied to simulate shrink-fit by the comparison with theoretical solution.


  • 目前,计算总纵极限弯矩的主要三种,即非线性有限元理想结构单元逐步破坏分析

    There are three main methods by far, nonlinear finite element method, idealized structural unit method and progressive collapse analysis method.


  • 采用轴对称有限元计算油罐整体应力,引入接触单元模拟地基底板的相互作用。

    The axisymmetric finite element method was proposed to calculate the whole stress of tank. This method applied the contact element to simulate the interaction between foundation and tank bottom.


  • 讨论利用有限元单元法对高速铣齿机床主轴结构进行分析及优化设计

    It presents the method applying FEA to the structure analysis of the spindle box of milling machine.


  • 本文提出构造有限单元——精确有限元

    In this paper, a new method, exact element method for constructing finite element, is presented.


  • 研究表明,基于固有应变弹性板单元有限元大型焊接结构的焊后变形预测可以实现的。

    The results indicate that the FKM based on the inherent strain can predict the deformation of the large welding fabrication.


  • 本文首次成功地将压力不连续非协调单元罚函数用于挤出胀大流动有限元计算

    The problems of creeping flow of Newtonian fluid extruded from a plane slit or a circular pipe are simulated using several kinds of finite element method.


  • 本文运用ANSYS软件,采用死活单元对离子喷涂的涂层应力进行有限元计算,进行了定性的分析。

    The thermal stress during spraying is simulated and analyzed by element birth and death method with ANSYS software.


  • 有限元出现我们解决问题提供了有效的途径只要边界条件足够准确单元足够可以逼近真实情况

    The appearance of the finite element method would provide us a way to solve it. We can approximate the true situation as long as the division is exact and units are small enough.


  • 有限元出现我们解决问题提供了有效的途径只要边界条件足够准确单元足够可以逼近真实情况

    The appearance of the finite element method would provide us a way to solve it. We can approximate the true situation as long as the division is exact and units are small enough.


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