• 如果覆盖的范围有限那么就是希望,比起完全没有医疗保障人们还是情愿选择便宜的医保。

    The hope is that people will prefer cheap, if limited, health care to none at all.


  • (瑞恩先生一次解决问题数量有限预算方案未触及另外一个最大项目——社会保障制度国家养老金方案)。

    (There are limits to the number of live rails Mr Ryan is willing to grasp at once: his budget leaves intact the biggest single item in the budget, Social Security, the state pension scheme).


  • 法国主义模式再审理论基础可概括有限刑罚主义人权保障至上主义,德国主义模式概括为部分实体真实主义。

    The rational of the French model can be generalized as limited punitive power and supremacy of human rights protection and the German model can be generalized as limited substantive truth principle.


  • 技术创新人才匮乏,技术创新资金短缺法律保障体系健全导致小企业技术创新所发挥作用有限

    There are short of technology innovation talent and fund, and law system protected is not perfect, all above lead to limit action of technology innovation for small-scale enterprise.


  • 赛事组织者安全保障责任时承担注意义务注意义务是一种有限义务

    The organizers bear duty of care in all its security responsibility, but the duty of care is a limited obligation.


  • 预算有限个人通常会分清轻重缓急:保障生活必须品,然后才希图奢侈品

    Individuals with limited budgets usually get their priorities right: they provide themselves with necessities before trying to obtain luxuries.


  • 二者关系采取有限相关原则,能够在兼顾实行性的基础上最大限度实现刑法人权保障的价值追求。

    About the relationship between the two things, principle of relevance not only can be put into practice easily but also can do good to guarantee freedom and human rights.


  • 有限责任制度实现股东有效保障的同时,暴露出不利于公司债权人的弊端。

    However, when the limited liability system carries out its effective protection of the shareholders, it also exposes its mal...


  • 论文旨在探讨股份有限公司股东资讯保障

    This thesis is meanly to focus on the shareholder's information right of a company limited by shares.


  • 笔者有限材料保障纯粹放弃全面性提高真实性方法研究苏格拉底法律思想

    So in order to study Socrates' legal thoughts, the author uses the methods of limiting materials to ensure the purity, and giving up comprehensiveness to improving authenticity.


  • 开关科技有限公司一直保障产品品质核心价值,以满足客户需求宗旨

    Lee Ming Switch Technology co., Ltd. has been to protect the quality of products as the core value, to meet customer needs for the purpose of.


  • 如何有限时间到达救援目的地保障航空飞行安全有着十分重要的意义。

    How to arrive at the succor destination in the limited time is very important for the aviation flight security.


  • 目前,我国图书馆信息资源共享体系数量不少,但是非常著名的比较有限究其原因缺乏套合理运行机制保障措施

    At present, the library information resources sharing systems are quite a few, but very well-known extremely limited, reason is the lack of a reasonable operating mechanism and safeguards.


  • 有限保障经费实现高可用度要求,就必须建立装甲装备的使用可用度维修保障费用优化模型

    Optimization models of armored equipment operational availability and maintenance support cost must be established in order to achieve availability objective under limited support cost.


  • 苏州欧文纳人力资源职介有限公司(以下简称“欧文纳”)是经苏州市劳动社会保障批准认可,工商行政管理局登记注册的专业人力资源服务供应商。

    Suzhou Al-winner HR Co. , Ltd is a professional HR company for international enterprise service and solution. It had already got authorized from Suzhou Labor and Social Security Bureau.


  • 意外保险服务乃专提款咭客户而设的意外死亡保障保障细则大新人寿保险有限公司之保险单条款为准

    The Accidental Death Insurance provided by Debit Card is governed by the Master Policy issued by Dah Sing Life Assurance Co., Ltd.


  • 多年活跃于中国市场的医疗器械制造商高新生医疗器械有限公司发现,使用科思创聚碳酸酯制作的式氧合器有效地保障患者安全

    Wego New Life medical Devices Co., Ltd, a well-known medical device manufacturer in China, has found Covestro polycarbonate an ideal material for membrane oxygenators to ensure safety for patients.


  • 多年活跃于中国市场的医疗器械制造商高新生医疗器械有限公司发现,使用科思创聚碳酸酯制作的式氧合器有效地保障患者安全

    Wego New Life medical Devices Co., Ltd, a well-known medical device manufacturer in China, has found Covestro polycarbonate an ideal material for membrane oxygenators to ensure safety for patients.


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