• 此外价格上涨蔬菜广东菜、香菜葱头

    In addition, prices of vegetables have open heart dishes, Cantonese dishes, coriander, and onion and so on.


  • 有通住侯马、运城干线公路,且城至各乡镇大部分村庄,均公路大车相连

    Qualcomm has lived in Houma, Yuncheng the main highway, and the Town to the township and most of the villages have highways, road carts connected.


  • 轻质浮子在水下工程中的应用,浮子轻质材料制作、外套网袋中间孔的浮体,其上承力连接的挂钩构成。

    Float is composed of floating body made of light material, external net bag and hook with bearing cover or may be the one with central through hole.


  • 电话持续28分钟持续了11分钟。

    One call lasted 28 minutes, and another 11 minutes.


  • 猜想如果足够多可能行得建造它们不会时间吗?

    I guess that might work if you have enough boats, but won't it take a long time to build them?


  • 一些网络流行语网络语境才讲得

    Some Internet buzzwords can only make sense with the context of Internet.


  • 下学期问题不管是会计审计还是什么财务成本管理,全都要去问一部会计的百科全书,全的。

    Next semester, I will often ask her questions regardless of accounting, auditing or financial cost management. She is like a cyclopedia who knows everything about accounting.


  • 现在我们来看问题跟踪例子,该跟踪显示一个- 4499错误,这是DB 2JDBC驱动程序定义个错误代码。

    Let's now have a look at an example of a problematic trace that shows a -4499 error, one of the error codes defined by the DB2 Universal JDBC driver.


  • “拿这些作品本质来说,很多东西都能讲的因为我们可以保存下[动态]捕捉时间之后再利用这些素材结合摄像机拍摄,”卡梅隆

    "That is something that makes a lot of sense, given the nature of these productions, because we can bank all the [motion] capture and then go back and do cameras over a period of time," said Cameron.


  • 任何雅虎邮箱用户可以立即访问雅虎,那里很多与其进行视频聊天母亲以及我的朋友们

    Anyone with Yahoo Mail has immediate access to Yahoo Messenger and that's a lot of people still - people I would video chat with, from my mother to my friends.


  • 件事做法不止种,不止一个行得办法,也哪一种方法是万全之策。

    There is more than one way to do something. More than one person has had good ideas that will work.


  • 假如笔记本,成功地说服了你,让你笔记本拆开,然后我拿钳子,笔记本里乱,那笔记本肯定就坏掉了,但是大脑更好的弹性

    If you have a laptop and I persuade you to open it up for me and I take the pliers and kind of snip just about anywhere, your laptop will be destroyed but the brain is actually more resilient.


  • 学者指出的,伯利恒洞穴众多贫穷之孩子其中之一诞生,人们接受这一想法是因为别处什么地点还能说

    As scholars have pointed out, the idea of a child being born to a poor family in one of Bethlehem's many caves because there was no room elsewhere is quite plausible.


  • 这样的端坐中,身上肯定长能为兽保温的羽毛这样说得,”苏伊士

    "Sitting on a nest like that only made sense if it had feathers" to gently insulate its young, says Sues.


  • 每月信用卡债务——除非乐于贫穷这样每个月的信用卡债务才说得

    Carry a monthly credit card balance - Carrying a monthly credit card balance only makes sense if you enjoy poverty.


  • 进行多重任务,晚餐时接听偶然电话或是会上查看你的电邮真的什么不妥么?

    Is there really anything wrong with multitasking and taking the occasional call during dinner, or checking E-mail while you are in a meeting?


  • 如果正如知道的,脂肪很接近健康替代品,并且不了多少钱,那么纽约市禁止反型脂肪尝试是行得的。

    If as I believe trans fats have close and much more healthful substitutes that cost little more than trans fats, the attempt to ban trans fats in New York City restaurants made sense.


  • 一句话“如果知道你的方向,记住:条条大罗马”很适合文章所说的情况。

    The saying "if you don't know where you're going, any path will take you there" fits in nicely here.


  • 例如3两个应用程序;应用程序1HTTP端口8081进行访问,应用程序2过HTTP端口8082进行访问。

    For example, in Figure 3, there are two applications; application 1 access is via HTTP port 8081 and application 2 access is through HTTP port 8082.


  • 电极多个心房或心室,并使导入条大静脉可以规律的小幅电击模拟窦房结发挥作用

    By inserting electrodes into one or more of the Chambers of the heart, via a large vein, it is possible to mimic its function by applying small electrical shocks at regular intervals.


  • 我们可以发射着陆器该星球投放一个钻头探测器,钻几公里厚的冰面;或者尝试寻找一个巨大的裂缝进入地下海洋

    We could send a lander to drop a drilling probe through the kilometers-thick ice or attempt to find a huge fissure to access the sub-surface ocean.


  • 如果无法获得数据,如果你丰富经验或许直觉行得

    If you can't get data, if you have a lot of experience, maybe intuition is OK.


  • 然而随后便消息爆出,称实际上人脉关系四八达的说客能力指派高级法官,而这些法官不会受到辞退威胁,更不会受到调查

    But when it transpired that a well-connected lobbyist had been able, in effect, to appoint senior judges, few of those named had to resign and no investigation ensued.


  • 2001年离婚赋予了妻子项权利:如果她们丈夫虐待她们或者外遇,她们可以提出离婚。

    New divorce laws passed in 2001 gave wives the right to divorce their husbands for abusing them or having extramarital affairs.


  • 份全职工作就可以收支平衡,孩子们行得吗?

    I could make ends meet with a full-time job, but how would that work with the kids?


  • 为了赢得联合货物飞机项目阿莱尼亚相信必要l - 3合作

    To win the Joint Cargo Aircraft contract, Alenia believed it was necessary to team with L-3 Communications.


  • 大量证据表明,其它一些不那么悲悯的动机时候也会驱动这个机制,随心所欲的乱来

    There is a good deal of evidence that other and less beneficent motives sometimes make its wheels go round, tinker with its governors, and handle monkey wrenches carelessly.


  • 我们这里深圳可以客服中心购买

    Yes, we have Shenzhen Tong. You can buy it in the Customer Service Center.


  • 我们这里深圳可以客服中心购买

    Yes, we have Shenzhen Tong. You can buy it in the Customer Service Center.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定