• 下面岩石五十垂直离。

    There was a sheer drop of fifty metres to the rocks below.


  • MushValley 现代化首都亚的斯亚贝巴东北方向160公里给人的感觉上千英里

    Mush Valley is only about 160 kilometers northeast of the modern capital city, Addis Ababa, but it feels as though it could be a thousand miles away.


  • 一条危险的蛇多近?

    How close have you been to a dangerous snake?


  • 如果一支镜头或者便携数码相机那么这个场景就是你准备的。

    If you have a macro lens, macro feature on your lens or compact camera then this is for you.


  • 火车站不远条人工运河也许一条天然也不得而知,它黄色天幕下,突起的两岸边斜着一些小棚屋

    Down near the station was a canal, or perhaps it was a river, hidden away under a yellow sky, with little shacks pasted slap up against the rising edge of the Banks.


  • 现在已经处方(包括)框架参数,我将复制一个文本文件公开以便网上镜。

    Now that I had my prescription (with PD), and my frame measurements, I copied it into a text file and kept it open as I shopped online.


  • 马丁·路德·梦想已经四十五过去了美国朝着对于公正伟大呼唤实现迈出重要的一步。

    Forty-five years to the day after Martin Luther King spoke of his dream, America will take a giant leap towards the realisation of that great call for justice.


  • 这样摄影用武之地,它使我们看到世界非常细小的东西,很大程度上帮助我们更加了解和认识世界,让我们生活增添色彩。

    This is where macro photography comes in. It gives us a glimpse into the world of the very small, which goes largely unnoticed by us as we hurriedly shuffle through our day.


  • 海战许多发生美国海岸线之外,一些战役却发生在美国海岸线很远国际海域

    Many battles took place just off the coast of the United States. Many others took place farther away, in international waters.


  • 堤雅曼谷两小时车程,四十年前,参加越战美国大兵发现纯朴清新、布满珊瑚的海湾时,芭堤雅还不过是渔村

    A two-hour drive from Bangkok, Pattaya was little more than a fishing village four decades ago when U.S. soldiers fighting in the Vietnam War discovered a pristine, coral-filled bay.


  • 堤雅曼谷两小时车程,四十年前,参加越战美国大兵发现纯朴清新、布满珊瑚的海湾时,芭堤雅还不过是渔村

    A two-hour drive from Bangkok, Pattaya was little more than a fishing village four decades ago when U. S. soldiers fighting in the Vietnam War discovered a pristine, coral-filled bay.


  • 如果我们太空定义地球轨道比如大概地面高度160至350公里航天飞机飞行的轨道,两点可以揭穿长城传言

    If we take "space" to mean a low Earth orbit such as the one traveled by the space Shuttle roughly 160 to 350 miles above Earth, the Great Wall claim fails twice.


  • 这些离岸数据中心安置岸边3-7英里远的海里,漂浮50 - 70米深水上

    The offshore data centers would site 3 to 7 miles offshore and float in about 50 to 70 meters of water.


  • 墨尔本海滩奥兰多东南90分钟路程沿海城市那里当地人需要游客争夺空间因为那里相对安静海滩

    Melbourne beach, a coastal town 90 minutes southeast of Orlando, where locals don't have to compete with tourists for space on the relatively quiet beaches.


  • 座前线城市阿富汗坎大哈三至四小时车程。

    Quetta is a frontier city about a three-hour drive from Kandahar in Afghanistan.


  • 颗行星围绕着小于偶们的太阳的恒星转动,而这颗恒星鱼座架座星群42光年之遥。

    The trio of planets orbit a star slightly less massive than our Sun, 42 light-years away towards the southern Doradus and Pictor constellations.


  • 斯坦福线性加速器实验室地下设施已经了一个X射线激光器的频率频将具跨越数个足球场长度

    One X-ray laser already exists in an underground facility at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory, where it spans several football fields in length.


  • 连接地方块骨头被称为骨。

    At the point where the foot connects to the leg, there is one bone called the talus.


  • 这里云南西部腾冲一个小时左右车程,腾冲只几十万人口,中国算是相当城市

    Filming today is in a tiny village about an hour's drive from Tengchong, a city of several hundred thousand -- relatively small by Chinese standards -- in western Yunnan.


  • 发电机大陆的最5.2海里,南塔基特岛计划中的主叶片14

    The minimum distance from the mainland is now 5.2 nautical miles; Nantucket town is 14 miles away from the proposed blades.


  • 这种称为微米光电新型光电元件(MTPV公司也就是因此而得名)平方厘米能够产生5-10的电量,这与普通光伏电池相比大幅增加

    This approach, which is being called micron-gap thermal photovoltaics (hence MTPV), is capable of generating 5-10 watts per square centimetre, a massive increase over what has been possible before.


  • 两个设备揭开这个谜:镜头相机一副内置了微型双目显微镜的重金属框架手术眼镜

    I have two devices to me solve mysteries like that: a camera with a macro lens, and a pair of surgeon's glasses, which are heavy metal frames with little binocular telescopes mounted on them.


  • 腹腔镜前端个体积极微小镜头镜头连接特殊摄像机,可以外科医师电视显示器看到放大的病人内部器官

    A laparoscope (a tiny telescope connected to a video camera) is inserted through the cannula, giving the surgeon a magnified view of the patient's internal organs on a television monitor.


  • 私立学校那些在职的,孩子以及学校较的人提供了弹性课程

    Proprietary schools offer flexible classes for those with jobs, children or remote homes.


  • 1951年7月末告诉,在我们营地5英里的地方,一个美国飞行员打下被俘虏了

    At the end of July 1951, I was told about an American pilot who had been shot down and captured five miles from my unit.


  • 2005年,文学家报告银河系中心二十万光年处,颗恒星在以非常快的速度移动

    In 2005 astronomers reported an extraordinarily fast-moving star some 200,000 light-years from the galactic center.


  • 2005年,天文学家报告银河系中心二十万光年处,颗恒星非常快的速度移动

    In 2005 astronomers reported an extraordinarily fast-moving star some 200, 000 light-years from the galactic center.


  • 看过以上消息,也许佛罗里达海边游泳不再件令人愉快事情,尤其是最近发现十万只鲨鱼出没海岸不远的地方

    With that in mind, it might not be such a good time to swim off the coast of Florida, where 100, 000 sharks were recently spotted swimming close to shore.


  • 看过以上消息,也许佛罗里达海边游泳不再件令人愉快事情,尤其是最近发现十万只鲨鱼出没海岸不远的地方。

    With that in mind, it might not be such a good time to swim off the coast of Florida, where 100,000 sharks were recently spotted swimming close to shore.


  • 这个3266平方千米地区,大约832人口南部,内布拉斯加州医学内布拉斯加州科技农业大学机场3分钟的车程。

    This 3.266-square-kilometer community of approximately 832 persons in southern Nebraska's Medicine Valley has the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture and an airport three minutes away.


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