• 资格叫牌的足够实力叫牌的,用在一手牌中。

    Strong enough to be bid. Used of a hand of CARDS.


  • 资格叫牌有足够实力叫牌的。在一手牌中。

    Games Strong enough to be bid. Used of a hand of CARDS.


  • 保护补助”不成熟产业直到该产业足够实力在海外竞争,这样的主张千头万绪的。

    The argument for protecting or subsidising “infant industriesuntil they have become strong enough to compete abroad is complicated.


  • 也许相信自己足够实力供应商谈判或者与无线通信运营者移动运营系统上达成一个协议

    It may believe itself strong enough to negotiate with each provider, or it may want a deal for its mobile operating system from wireless-telecoms operators.


  • Google足够实力在线存储服务带入主流

    Google has enough clout to take online storage mainstream.


  • 足够实力进入苏格兰国家队。还是定期回来所以下次他回来时我会跟他谈谈心里话需要自己决定

    He comes back here on a regular basis so next time he's down I might have a quiet word in his ear, but it's for him to make that decision.


  • 汇丰银行状况看起来不是非常强势,但是还是有足够实力承认自己的不足

    HSBC does not look in a great state, but remains fit enough to be able to admit its weaknesses.


  • 逐步增加时间阳光照射直到他们有足够实力考虑太阳自己的存在

    Gradually increase the time and sun exposure until they are strong enough to take the sun on there own.


  • 若是要达成这样协议必须实力足够信心,并乐于自己打赌;同时,你还必须足够信任客户会一直守信

    To make such an agreement, you have to have enough faith in your ability to be willing to bet on yourself, and you have to trust the client to live up to his end faithfully.


  • 这会艰苦比赛欧战的每场比赛都会很艰难我们足够实力赢得冠军

    It's a tough game. Every game in Europe is tough but we have enough quality to go out and win that game.


  • 蓝军球星认为埃里克松球队足够实力明年德国的世界杯作为

    The Blues star thinks there is enough quality in Sven Goran Eriksson's squad to ruffle a few feathers in Germany next summer.


  • 足够出色阿森纳上阵,你于为英格兰踢球因为不少英格兰队球员阿森纳踢球实力。“温格回敬说。”

    "When you are good enough to go to Arsenal, you are good enough to play in the England team, because there are many players who play for England who would not play at Arsenal," retaliated Wenger.


  • 实力团队精神主要的因素足够实力个人都重要,这球赛看到的另一点

    I think the strength and group spirit are the main factors, but it is very important for everybody to have enough strength, which is another point I can feel from the match.


  • 当然领跑英超让我们开心。但是赛季第一场比赛就告诉过你们,我们足够实力精神,我们已经整装上阵

    Of course being top of the league is a great pleasure but since the first day in pre-season I told you that the team had plenty of quality and the spirit and Arsenal were ready for this season.


  • 经理觉得球队需要朝气,我们应该足够实力拿下3分的。

    The manager felt things needed freshening up and the team was good enough to win the match. I agree.


  • 证明足够实力而且证明其他人看我也可以做到

    I wanted to prove that I had the qualities and also prove to certain people that I could make it.


  • 但是对于多数人33%受访人群表示,富裕意味着足够的经济实力,且不用担心工资不够用的问题。

    Rather, to many, being rich means having just enough to not worry about the next payday - that's according to 33% of those questioned.


  • 但是就像勒布一轮意大利证明的那样,有足够实力克服恶劣条件,他始终冠军的力争夺者,因为的比赛中一路领跑直至获得冠军。

    But as he proved on the last round in Italy, where he ran at the front on all three days, Loeb is well equipped to master the difficult conditions and is a favourite for victory.


  • 博尔主教练阿勒代斯相信自己球队足够实力周日足总杯阿森纳出局

    Big Sam confident of Gunners glory Bolton manager Sam Allardyce is confident his side have enough about them to knock Arsenal out of the FA Cup on Sunday.


  • 同样重要的,需要足够经济实力

    Similarly important, needs you have sufficient income.


  • 看看我们阵容,看看我们的可用球员数量,我们足够实力的球员。

    When you look at the squad we have and the number of players we have available, we have enough quality players.


  • 相信我们足够实力可以过去,未来比赛,我们一个机会展示出这点

    I believe we have enough quality to live with that, and we have a good opportunity to show that in the coming games.


  • 开发企业要求二级以上开发企业,足够资金实力

    Requirements on corporation to open up: The corporation must be second level or higher, and it must have enough capital.


  • 世界公开赛第三轮自我感觉打的不错但是2 - 3输给了詹姆斯·麦克贝恩,要知道我赛前一直认为我有足够实力获胜。

    I played quite well at World Open, but still lost out 3-2 to James McBain, it certainly didn't go all to plan.


  • 世界公开赛第三轮自我感觉打的不错但是2 - 3输给了詹姆斯·麦克贝恩,要知道我赛前一直认为我有足够实力获胜。

    I played quite well at World Open, but still lost out 3-2 to James McBain, it certainly didn't go all to plan.


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