• 尽管语言消失问题仍然严重,但还是希望的。

    While the problem of disappearing languages remains a very serious one, there is hope.


  • 北卡罗莱纳州教育顾问黛博拉·塞霍恩说他们学到技能——如何逻辑地思考问题整理结果——适用任何编码语言

    The skills they learnhow to think logically through a problem and organize the resultsapply to any coding language, said Deborah Seehorn, an education consultant for the state of North Carolina.


  • 潜在问题因为加入语言功能本身就是风险的了,附加的功能拖进来是加大风险

    This is potentially a problem, because adding big language features is already risky, and dragging additional features along for the ride only ups the risk.


  • 很多其他东西注入语言人们谈论事情框架问题方式

    There are a lot of things that get inserted into the language, like the way that people talk about things and frame issues.


  • 后者方法显然很大优势,它具语言定义功能,这种定义可以最佳的方式解决手头问题

    The latter approach has the obvious advantage of providing a clean slate, enabling the definition of a language that is optimally suited to the problem at hand.


  • 问题在于标注语言BPMN本身多难,而是多人认为BPM开始于BPMN,结束于BPMN。

    The problem isn’t that BPMN, as a notation, is too hard. It is that too many people think that BPM starts and stops with BPMN!


  • 国家语言进行搜索营销一定难度随着We b站点涉及国家语言增加问题会成倍增加

    Search marketing in a single country in one language has its difficulties, but problems multiply as the scope of your Web site adds countries and languages.


  • 下述问题密切联系,“庶民以哪种语言讲话?”

    It has to do most vividly with the very question, "Which language should the subaltern speak in?"


  • 翻译过程本身引入本地语言问题不同,程序员还是趋向于这些所解决的本地语言问题本质直观评价

    Programmers also tend to have a more intuitive appreciation for the nature of NL problems solved by these classes, as opposed to those introduced by the translation process itself.


  • 内容处理程序应该针对问题就是翻译语言集合

    The other issue your content handler should address is the set of languages for which you have translations.


  • 不过,各个语言正在努力解决这些问题应当参考相应语言绑定文档了解哪些限制(如果)。

    However, the language teams are hard at work to address that, and you should refer to the documentation of your language bindings to see what (if any) limitations apply.


  • 这里一个很好的关于双语学习语言结构以及语序的问题例子

    As regards the structure of the language, the order of words is a good example for studying bilingualism.


  • 这种语言几个严重漏洞程序员利用它们实现一些使用其他方式难以实现的技巧使问题更加严重(或者更好取决于询问的对象)。

    To make things worseor better, depending on who you askthe language has a couple of powerful holes programmers use to perform clever tricks that are otherwise difficult.


  • 对于UML语言以及相关工具使用不同层次这取决于处理问题类型

    There are different levels to using UML and related tools, depending on the type of problem I'm working on.


  • 语言机能障碍是否由于大脑右半球受伤引起的?研究这个问题的过程中,科学家发现了一个十分现象:语言障碍病人往往多少幽默感。

    But when they tested to see if certain language disorders were due to damage to that hemisphere, they made an interesting discovery: the same patients also tended to have poor senses of humor.


  • 这种错误非常明显弄出来的东西设计都会为什么问题涉及编程语言时,事情就变的扯不清楚?

    Obviously that's false: anything else people make can be well or badly designed; why should this be uniquely impossible for programming languages?


  • 重大国际问题上,我们立场一致相近许多共同语言共同利益

    Zhu said that both China and Cameroon have the same or similar viewpoints on major international issues, and share many common grounds and interests.


  • 不过由于这些顾虑UML2.0 在某种程度上进行了模块化允许选择性使用一些语言模块以便解决语言复杂度问题

    With this concern in mind, nevertheless, and in order to deal with the problem of language complexity, UML 2.0 was modularized in a way that allows selective use of language modules.


  • 翻译标准问题可以外文原著信息特征进行分析信息特征实在内容特征、语言风格特征、具体行文特征。

    The problem of Translation Standard can be analyzed from the information features of original language, which covers features of its content, language style and organization.


  • Ruby语言虽然很多令人喜爱之处,一些问题

    There are a lot of things to like about the Ruby language, but there are some concerns too.


  • 回答问题觉得不需要现如今英语作为世界上广泛使用的语言多么重要

    To answer this question, I feel needless to say that nowadays, as a world-wide spoken language, how important English is.


  • 其实语言不是主要问题主要自己什么目的是不是存心对方一起白头到老还是别的目的。

    In fact, the language is not the main issues, mainly to see what their purpose is not deliberately want to tell each other with old age to the elderly, or are there other purpose.


  • 本文文化变迁视角分析了达斡尔族这一类语言文字民族双语教育面临共同问题

    This article analyzes the common problems the minor nationality such as Dawoer Nationality with Language but without Character faced from perspective of culture change.


  • 需要一个技术人员能力去思考这些问题,并用客户语言客户解释需求

    You will need a technologist that is capable of thinking beyond syntax and can speak to the client needs in business terms.


  • 大部分口头语言正在受到威胁灭绝危险,这种情况英国人来说是个严重问题

    That most of these are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people in Britain.


  • 虽然记者数据获取法律斗争正在不同欧洲我们更多语言问题

    Though reporters there still struggle with data access laws being different from state to state, in Europe we have the additional problem of languages.


  • 对外汉语教学一个问题经常被人们忽略,即使在教材编写中也是如此,就是不同时代语言差异问题

    This paper brings up a problem which emerge in teaching Chinese as foreign language . It is the neglect of the difference between the works written in early time and in present stage.


  • 对外汉语教学一个问题经常被人们忽略,即使在教材编写中也是如此,就是不同时代语言差异问题

    This paper brings up a problem which emerge in teaching Chinese as foreign language . It is the neglect of the difference between the works written in early time and in present stage.


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