• 灰尘角落挂着厚厚的蜘蛛网。

    Thick cobwebs hung in the dusty corners.


  • 那个灰尘烟灰缸清洗的一声一下子碎了。

    The ashtray, splashed with ash, crashed witha clash in a flash while being washed.


  • 首先,基本上不会每天清洁浴室.....而是2-3天一次.发现灰尘积累起来了,或者需要清理一下的时候我会清洁一下.

    First, I don’t actually clean the bathroom every single day … but every 2-3 days is about right for me. I clean when I notice a little dirt building up, or if I notice something needs cleaning.


  • “初步看起来不错20分钟内我们进行再次确认现在现场太多扬起的灰尘,”一位军官回答

    "It seems good, but we'll double-check in 20 minutes.There's too much dust now," answers an officer.


  • 他用大班台上抹着,然后盯着他的指尖,看上面是否灰尘

    He passed his hand along the surface of his desk and examined his fingertips for dust.


  • 那里老鼠灰尘味道

    There was a smell of rats and dust.


  • 床上身上到处沾满了工地干活时沾上去灰尘灰色水泥粉尘,新出的砖头上的红色粉尘。

    Dil stretched out on the bed, his body still covered with the grey and red dust of cement and newly fired brick from his day of labor at the construction site.


  • 混凝土这个来自拉丁语意思不是碎石或者灰尘,这个词的原型,混合”的意思。

    Concrete is also from Latin but instead of meaning stone chips or dust, the parent word for concrete holds a meaning of growing together.


  • 可能明天死去变成只蚂蚁或成为一片灰尘,但今日生命形式珍贵的,你觉醒的能力。

    Tomorrow you could die and becomean ant, and some- one will be setting traps for you. But today you are preciousand rare and awake.


  • 环顾整个街头,看到几个妇女街角聊天无聊商店老板坐在葫芦前面,用扇子驱赶苍蝇几个小孩子弱弱玩着灰尘

    She looked around the street: a couple of women chatted on a street corner; a bored market vendor sat in front of a heap of colored gourds, fanning the flies; a few children played lazily in the dust.


  • 清理这些灰尘积在上面。

    Dust There was half an inch of dust on the books before I cleaned them.


  • 如果已经时间没动过简历,那么赶快去简历上的灰尘确保你最新的技能职责范围成就突出呈现简历上。

    If you haven't touched your resume in awhile, dust it off and make sure it highlights your most recent skills, areas of responsibility and accomplishments.


  • 我们太阳照得两眼发花,耳边就像震天声,这时候阴凉房间里喝上大杯冰镇绿薄荷水,何等惬意!窗外大海,道路灰尘被烤得炙热

    How cool was the welcome of a tall glass of iced green mint in the shady room, to heads ringing with colors and the cymbals of the sunl Outside were the sea and the road burning with dust.


  • 灰尘飞舞碎片散落的时候,人们手中的袋子护着头部什么东西破了因为站台很多

    People covered their heads with their bags as dust and small debris fell. Something sprung a leak, as there was a lot of water on the platform.


  • 28岁马丁内斯纽约一家保险公司职员。孙子可能会他们祖父又平庸,直到满是灰尘、显示我“当年勇”的东西拿出来给他们看。

    'One day my grandchildren might think their granddad is old and lame, until I bust out the dusty box of old flings,' says Mr. Martinez, 28, who works at an insurer in New York.


  • 不过这种干净燃料一直没能投入生产,直到决策者们决定限制一氧化碳灰尘微粒的排放量(它们是害烟雾的主要来源煤尘微粒则肺癌联系)。

    But the new cleaner fuel has come on stream just as regulators are clamping down on emissions of smog-causing nitrous oxides and soot-like particulates, which have been linked to lung cancer.


  • 对地球友好决定继续使用CRT电视机直到布满灰尘等到要换电视了,真的更绿色环保平板电视吗?

    The most earth-friendly decision you can make is to stick with your old CRT until it bites the dust, but when it's time for a new one, is there a truly greener flat-screen TV?


  • 城墙里面180间商铺,商品琳琅满目,蓝色牛仔裤高中生用的音乐课草稿但是些商铺已经关门,门口布满灰尘

    Inside is a courtyard filled with 180 shops, selling everything from blue jeans to High School Musical sketch pads. But many stores are shuttered and dusty.


  • 酒精强力溶剂,对碟片上指纹灰尘绝佳效果。

    Alcohol is a powerful solvent, perfectly capable of dissolving fingerprints and grime on the surface of a disc.


  • 更换镜头的时候,灰尘其他异物可以掉进DSLR里面

    Dust and other foreign matter can get inside a DSLR when you change lenses.


  • 起来灰尘味道,再那里工作看起来苍老满身尘埃的。

    It smelt of dust and old papers, and the people who worked there all seemed old and dusty, too.


  • 雷达信号可以穿透包含灰尘蒸汽蒸汽空间对于超声波装置问题的。

    Radar signals can penetrate vapor space containing dust or steam which is problematic for ultrasonic devices.


  • 除了正常的轻微氧化反应可能产生极细小颗粒外,如果里面的小颗粒过多可能由于里面钻入的灰尘

    Oxidation can create some solid particles but if there is particularly more solid in fragrance oil it might be because dust from the air has gotten into the bottle.


  • 如果你的相机可以快速摇晃感应器内建清理系统的话,使用预防灰尘堆积

    If yours has a built-in cleaning system that shakes the sensor at high speed, enable it to prevent dust from accumulating.


  • 可能导致粉尘爆炸引发了灰尘如果激起每个类型尘埃温度从而厚度取决于具体光芒

    This can result in a dust explosion if the ignited dust is stirred up. Each type, of dust has its specific glow temperature, which depends on the thickness of the layer.


  • 环境方面权威人士认为,邯郸市西区的空气中大量毒的灰尘烟雾,甚至多种致癌物质。

    Residents on the west side of Handan live in a miasma of dust and smoke that environmental authorities acknowledge contains numerous carcinogens.


  • 少年积满灰尘松散窗帘后把大衣装入手提箱。

    Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase.


  • 清洗真皮座椅能够避免真皮过早老化车主及时清理真皮油污以及灰尘,对真皮座椅使用寿命很大延长作用

    Cleaning leather seats can avoid dermal premature aging, the owner should clean up the oil leather on the timely and dust, has a great effect on the extension of the service life of the leather seats.


  • 清洗真皮座椅能够避免真皮过早老化车主及时清理真皮油污以及灰尘,对真皮座椅使用寿命很大延长作用

    Cleaning leather seats can avoid dermal premature aging, the owner should clean up the oil leather on the timely and dust, has a great effect on the extension of the service life of the leather seats.


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