• 对于有毒有害物质的要求,本公司执行rohs标准

    We carry out ROHS standard for the poisonous and harmful product.


  • 禁止开采放射性有毒有害物质超过规定标准煤炭

    It is prohibited to mine the coal containing toxic or harmful substances, such as radioactive and arsenic substances, that exceed the limits prescribed.


  • 禁止开采放射性有毒有害物质超过规定标准煤炭

    It is prohibited to mine the coal with toxic or harmful substances, such as radioactive and arsenic, that exceed the prescribed limits.


  • 第十九条从事养殖生产不得使用有毒有害物质饵料饲料

    Article 19. Baits or feedstuff containing poisonous or harmful substances shall not be used in the aquatic breeding production.


  • 进行妥善处理污泥中的重金属有毒有害物质必将造成污染

    Heavy metals and other poison in sludge will lead to the second pollution, if we can't dispose sludge properly.


  • 物质燃料烟雾中含有大量有毒有害物质,对人体呼吸系统等造成不良影响

    Biomass smoke contains lots of toxic and harmful substances which may impact the health of human.


  • 原有碱性氰化物镀锌工艺存在有毒有害物质排放对人体伤害国家强制限制

    Conventional alkaline cyanide zinc plating process was compulsively restricted for its emission of toxic and hurtful substances and harm to the environment and human being.


  • 结论方舱机动医疗系统的超压集体防护系统大气环境中的有毒有害物质实施有效防护。

    Conclusion: the collective overpressure protection system can protect the mobile medical shelters against the toxic and noxious materials effectively.


  • 第四十九海洋工程建设项目不得使用超标准放射性物质或者有毒有害物质材料

    Article 49 materials containing radioactivity in excess of standards or materials containing toxic and harmful substance easy to dissolve in the water may not be used in a Marine construction project.


  • 施用农药化肥农业投入品进行灌溉,应当采取措施防止重金属其他有毒有害物质污染环境

    When conducting pesticides, chemical fertilizers and other cultivating additions or irrigating, measures shall be taken to prevent pollution from heavy metals and other toxic and hazardous substances.


  • 选择含有有毒有害物质无毒无害物质低毒物质替代技术上已没有障碍经济上可行产品

    Selecting the Products having no barrier of using the substituted technologies of non hazardous or low hazardous and being economic feasible.


  • 伴有有毒物料泄漏事故发生时,现场泄漏有毒有害物质威胁现场应急救援人员的生命安全。

    When the accident, which the leaked toxic substances happening, the leaking toxic substances will make hazardous to the people who is in the accident.


  • 城市污水厂污泥制备活性炭可以用于污水处理,去除有毒有害物质具有良好环境效益社会效益

    We make activated carbon by sludge. It can be used for sewage treatment, it can remove poisonous substances, it has a good environmental and social benefits.


  • 选择产量较大,应用广泛含有有毒有害物质环境威胁破坏,对人体健康损害大的产品材料

    Selecting the Products and materials having great output and extensive use, in which the hazardous substances contained have a big threat and destroying effects on the environment and human health.


  • 几十年来,有毒有害物质美国各地工业垃圾堆放场隐蔽废弃湖、甚至一般垃圾堆放场随意丢弃。

    FOR decades, toxic substances were discarded carelessly in industrial dump sites, hidden waste lagoons and even ordinary garbage dumps across America.


  • 一种有毒有害物质石化装置设备进行检修需要氨进行回收,否则容易造成环境污染人体伤害人员中毒事故的发生。

    Ammonia is a poisonous and harmful substance that should be recovered during equipment maintenance so as to avoid it leaks out to pollute environment and hurt human.


  • 锦纶66帘子布浸胶含有大量天然胶乳间苯二酚甲醛乙烯有毒有害物质,其生产废水COD浊度特别

    The dipping solution (DS) of nylon-66 cord fabric contains latex, resorcinol, formaldehyde, ammonia, ethene and butyl benzene. The COD content and turbidity in DS wastewater are very high.


  • 湿地植物人工湿地中起着非常重要作用不但可以直接摄取利用污水中的营养物质吸收富集污水中的重金属有毒有害物质

    Marsh plant has very important function in constructed wetlands system. It has not only adsorption and application nutrient in sewage, adsorption and enrichment heavy metal of sewage.


  • 指出随着发达国家绿色包装产品要求越来越严格,作为包装产品的上游产品之一,纸张、纸浆有毒有害物质控制限量要求应该引起高度重视

    With more and more strict requirement for green packaging products in developed countries, more and more attention should be paid in the control and limitation of toxic and harmful substances


  • 设计生产销售以及进口过程中标注有毒有害物质元素名称及其含量,标注电子信息产品环保使用期限等措施;

    During design, manufacture, selling and import, to mark or declare the names and value of the poisonous and harmful substances or elements, and its time limit for environmental concerning.


  • 电子信息产品污染控制指为减少消除电子信息产品含有有毒有害物质元素而采取下列措施

    The Control of the Pollution of electronic products is the following methods aims to decrease and avoid the poisonous and harmful substances or elements contained in electronic products.


  • 国家规定其他有毒有害物质元素

    Other poisonous and harmful materials or elements set by nation.


  • 第十六条进口电子信息产品应当符合电子信息产品有毒有害物质元素控制国家标准行业标准。

    Item 16. The importing electronic products should meet the national and industrial standard towards controlling poisonous and harmful substances or elements.


  • 欧洲有害物质限制(RoHS)指令限定欧盟国家出售新的电子产品使用许多有毒原料

    In Europe the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive limits the use of many toxic materials in new electronic products sold in the European Union.


  • 塑胶手套防止颜料有害物质一些画家会宁可选择有毒溶剂不是新的更安全材料

    He is wearing plastic gloves to protect himself from the toxic chemicals in the paint; some painters prefer the old, poisonous solvents and pigments to the new healthier materials.


  • 有毒有害物质元素电子信息产品中含有的下列物质或元素。

    The Poisonous and Harmful Substances or Elements means that in electronic products, there are to the followings.


  • 有毒有害物质元素电子信息产品中含有的下列物质或元素。

    The Poisonous and Harmful Substances or Elements means that in electronic products, there are to the followings.


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