• 是指小刀上的锋利刀片构成切割工具

    Knife means a cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade attached to a handle.


  • 厨子冷笑神经质表现,把只腾着热气有柄杯子在我手里

    The cook grinned at my exhibition of nerves, and thrust into my hand a steaming mug.


  • 使茶壶灌满水然后烧开,我拿出红色有柄大杯然后咖啡看着咖啡颗粒渐渐进入瓷杯骨髓里

    I filled the kettle and put it on to boil, I took out my old red mug and filled it with coffee watching as each coffee granule slipped in to the bone China.


  • 主要产品、扫把工具沙滩以及加工各种木制工艺品材料

    Main products are round log handle of besom, mopstick, shank of tool, handle of beach parasol as well as processing a wide range of wooden craftwork materials.


  • 凯姆勒住在纽约州布法罗市(Buffalo, New York),是一强烈妒忌性情的菜贩承认次夫妻吵架之后小斧杀死妻子。

    Kemmler, a Buffalo, New York, vegetable peddler with a strong jealous streak, confessed to killing his wife with a hatchet following an argument.


  • ,小刀几个一个的小刀,不用折起来收内。

    A small knife with blades or a blade that can fold into the handle when not in use.


  • 钻机切割部分通常尖头螺旋状图案并且可以更换用在上。

    The cutting part of a drill usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock or.


  • 操控赛车更多,慢慢开始觉得驾驶

    The handling is better, the car has more grip, and is generally more fun to drive.


  • 内部密封胶圈,密封胶圈表壳上的接触保证潮气不能进入手表机芯

    Put the table inside the sealing ring, sealing ring and the handle head case tube on contact, in order to ensure the movement of water and moisture can not enter the watch.


  • 钟形独特的器官通过附着身上一端连着虫体。

    Bell-shaped worms there is a unique long-handled-shaped organ attached to the fish through its body one end of the handle attached parasites.


  • 打开了盖子哈利前凑了凑,看到里面像是一个金杯两个精致的耳

    She opened the lid. Harry edged forward a little to get a better view and saw what looked like a small golden cup with two finely wrought handles.


  • 把刀角质

    The knife has a horn handle.


  • 主体部分的根状固着器固着于海底、中空以及中空气囊分支出去叶片很像是更高等的植物

    Its body which has a large rootlike holdfast a hollow stipe and branching blades with hollow gas bladders resembles that of higher plants.


  • 一种两用淋浴喷头,喷头喷头,其特征在于所述喷头的由表面粗糙多孔石料制造在现布水板外套装表面粗糙的多孔性布。

    Dual-purpose shower head consists of handle and head and features that the water distributing plate is either one made of rough porous stone or conventional one with one cover of porous coarse cloth.


  • 通常两个平底一个

    Usually cooking POTS have two small handles but pans have one long handle.


  • 胚珠方向直生胚珠时,合连成一条直线,当胚珠是倒生胚珠或弯生胚珠时,合点和珠之间一定距离

    When ovule orientation is orthotropous the chalaza corresponds to the point where the funicle is attached but in anatropous and campylotropous ovules the chalaza is some distance from the funicle .


  • 因此,细胞间盘基网发育一个重要组成部分调控形态发生过程信号转导密切相互作用关系。

    The adhesion molecules and the cell-cel adhesion are important parts of Dictyostelium development, and may interact with the signal transduction process relating to morphogenesis of Dictyostelium.


  • 钻头螺纹钻头,螺纹分为内螺纹和外螺纹。

    The core bit includes shank and thread, which consists of male thread and female thread.


  • 这种结构常见龙骨(鼠)芯。

    This kind of construction is known in the knife world as "full tang" or "narrow tang".


  • 调整图像大小机制两种尺寸属性窗口

    There are two mechanisms for resizing an image: the sizing handles and the Properties window.


  • 顶端方便晾干

    A hole in the top of spoon handle, easy to dry.


  • 结论了解垂体鞍区肿瘤位置关系肿瘤及保护垂体指导意义

    Conclusion to understand the relationship between the pituitary stalk and sellar tumor offers an instructive significance for the total resection of a tumor and preservation of the pituitary stalk.


  • 心里掖了不论怎么副尊容,随身带着个坠子的鼻烟盒象牙的,还棋子扇子教堂地图。

    Under his vest he carries a little pear. However you look at him it is always the same panorama: netsuke snuffbox, ivory handle, chess piece, fan, temple motif.


  • 擦了擦,又活动了一下鞘里刀身我们等待时间,他不断地咽口水,就好像我们通常什么东西卡在喉咙里似的

    He cleared the hilt of his cutlass and loosened the blade in the sheath; and all the time we were waiting there he kept swallowing as if he felt what we used to call a lump in the throat.


  • 擦了擦,又活动了一下鞘里刀身我们等待时间,他不断地咽口水,就好像我们通常什么东西卡在喉咙里似的

    He cleared the hilt of his cutlass and loosened the blade in the sheath; and all the time we were waiting there he kept swallowing as if he felt what we used to call a lump in the throat.


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