• 某种意义上,有效市场需要所有人和所有分析员完成埃里克·研究

    In a sense, efficient markets would require that everybody and every analyst completes Eric Lee's study.


  • 他们希望智能光线公司可以帮助他们管理这些大量数据有效获取意义结果

    They are looking to Intelligent Light to help them address the need to manage this large data and efficiently extract meaningful results.


  • 按照意义有效阅读方式来组织手册内容。

    Your handbook should be organized in a manner that is meaningful to you and effective for your perusal.


  • 如果不能保证做事有效,那么追求效率毫无意义,你必须向着目标努力

    On effectiveness. It's not worth being efficient if you're not doing something effective, meaning that you must work toward your goal.


  • 这些手段之所以有效可能是因为模仿别人有进化上的意义——躲避危险或者寻找食物栖身之所

    It's likely that such ruses work because it made evolutionary sense to copy neighbours, to avoid danger or find food and shelter.


  • 意义重大因为现在小规模脱盐很少有效方法,可以用贫穷国家偏远地区作为紧急使用

    That meets a significant need, he says, since at present there are few efficient methods for small-scale desalination, both for emergencies and for use in remote areas in poor countries.


  • :“即使拥有世界有效警力减少社会暴力行为你们不能取得重大意义的成果。”

    "Even with the most effective police force in the world, you will not achieve significant reductions in violence across society; you'll just be keeping a lid on it," he says.


  • 有效标题需要明白整个故事,他们压缩几个意义词组

    To write an effective headline, you must read and understand the story and compress the most important information into a few meaningful words.


  • Diigo真正意义书签变为更加有用有效数据搜集工具

    In a very real sense Diigo transformed the bookmark into a more usable and effective data collection tool.


  • 除了使用一些有效数据表示存储策略外,在确认什么可形成意义单词方面,bogofilter尝试智能化些。

    In addition to using some efficient data representation and storage strategies, bogofilter tries to be smart about identifying what makes a meaningful word.


  • 例如对于长度是不是一个意义标尺足够的正数值或者指定文件是不是ImageMagick有效图像文件类型,我们没有进行验证

    For example, we do not validate that length is a positive number big enough for a meaningful ruler or that the file specified is a valid image file type for ImageMagick.


  • 今天情况却不同最近段时间以来有效联邦基金利率平均值已经低于0.3个百分点(相比之下,由于技术上的原因官方利率几乎失去意义)。

    Today, it isn't: the effective federal funds rate (as opposed to the official target, which for technical reasons has become meaningless) has averaged less than 0.3 percent in recent days.


  • 不论什么种类跑车小型货车,高速公路都有效地工作这种意义说,您到达您需要地方

    Whatever kind of car you're driving, be it a sports car or a minivan, the highway functions efficiently, in the sense that it gets you where you need to go.


  • 某种意义JTS默默无闻恰恰成功因为非常有效隐藏事务管理很多细节因此我们没有听说过或者谈论过很多关于它的内容。

    The obscurity of JTS is in some sense due to its own success: because it hides the details of transaction management so effectively, we don't hear or say very much about it.


  • 有效不过那些抵免对于能源设备安装实际意义容易搞清楚超出在这儿论及范围

    This is useful, but the actual benefits of those credits to energy installations are not easy to figure, and beyond the scope of what I can write about here.


  • 狭义市场可能有效分配资本进行多产应用意义上则如此。

    Markets may be efficient in a narrow sense but not in the sense of allocating capital to its most productive use.


  • 个调校你的心智,消除那些有效率的思想反省神志的过程,渐渐的,将会转而注重意义想法

    It is about conditioning your mind to clear out the inefficient thoughts that race through your consciousness. And, over time you will focus on meaningful and useful thoughts.


  • 我们需要确保我们自己的生活意义,有目标孩子们才能仿的好榜样

    We need to be sure we're living our lives with meaning and purpose so they have a good example.


  • 健康大脑有效剔除摒弃无价值意义数据,好我们能够记住重要的。

    A fit brain will efficiently screen out and discard worthless or meaningless data so it can remember what's important.


  • 有些归纳有效,演绎有效性,如果这样,那么他们两种不同意义有效

    Some people do talking about inductive validity and deductive validity and if they do then they are using valid in two different senses.


  • 结局找到方法保持疟药杀虫剂有效性同时不会引起进化进行响应,这将会一个意义重大的突破

    The upshot is that discovering a way to retain the anti-malarial benefits of insecticides without provoking an evolutionary response would be a significant breakthrough.


  • 这就是种族阶层相交——没有这种意义状况的理解没有现代种族主义形成有效挑战

    Herein lies the intersection between race and class - without an understanding of which little sense can be made, and no effective challenge mounted, against modern racism.


  • 简单地活着人类带到了物质层面他们或许有效乃至目的意义何在

    Simply existing brings humans down to the level of objects; they might have utility or even purpose, but where is the meaning?


  • 有效性更加具有生物学意义解释一种称为纤毛细小毛发结构有关,排列鼻腔以及鼻窦腔内

    A more biological explanation for how the Neti pot works has to do with tiny, hair-like structures called cilia that line the inside of the nasal and sinus cavities.


  • 当前形势下维护公约权威促进公约全面有效实施具有重要的现实意义

    In the current situation, to safeguard the authority of the CWC, promote its all-round and effective implementation holds greater realistic significance.


  • 不管怎么说有效执行已有的条约出台新的协议有实际意义

    In any case, better than new rules would be more effective enforcement of those that already exist.


  • 积极意义上来说精神卫生个人保持健康社区有效运作基础

    In this positive sense, mental health is the foundation for individual well-being and the effective functioning of a community.


  • 如果最近制裁有效推进伊朗六国进行意义谈判,那么六国必须想出让伊朗对他们重建信心的方法。 为了此事,六国最近可谓是破了头皮。

    The six have been chewing their pencils of late, trying to think of confidence-building steps that Iran—and theymight take if the latest sanctions do help nudge it into more meaningful talks.


  • 另外我们容易陷入自己的工作清单上,很有讽刺意义这些清单就是用来帮助我们一时间有效的。

    Else, it's easy to become trapped by our own to-do lists, which is ironic given that they are supposed to help us be more productive in the first place.


  • 另外我们容易陷入自己的工作清单上,很有讽刺意义这些清单就是用来帮助我们一时间有效的。

    Else, it's easy to become trapped by our own to-do lists, which is ironic given that they are supposed to help us be more productive in the first place.


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