• 显然健康人群购买保险(他们一段时间完全用不着保险)作为一种强制规定是一有效平均保险金方法

    Making it compulsory for the healthy to buy insurance (which they are unlikely to need for some time) would be the obvious way to lower the average premiums.


  • 经过靶向药物治疗的患者治疗产生有效反应时间(平均5)传统治疗患者(平均2个月)更长。

    Those on targeted drugs also responded for longer than those who were not (five months, as against two months, on average).


  • 今天情况却不同最近时间以来有效联邦基金利率平均已经低于0.3个百分点(相比之下,由于技术上的原因官方利率几乎失去意义)。

    Today, it isn't: the effective federal funds rate (as opposed to the official target, which for technical reasons has become meaningless) has averaged less than 0.3 percent in recent days.


  • 只有给定时间完成事务才能包括吞吐量统计中,因此性能指标吞吐量平均响应时间指标的有效组合

    Only transactions that complete within a given time are included in the throughput count, so the performance metric is effectively a combined throughput and mean response time metric.


  • 仿真应用结果显示,基于优化方法智能多代理系统服务时间优化前平均缩短20%,有效地提高了系统服务质量。

    The simulation results show that system's average service time under this kind of optimization method is 20% shorter than other ways, it gets obvious optimization effect.


  • 如果研究溶出度平均显示时间下降趋势趋势预示了在有效期内保持高于所注册Q值难度这种事实可能预示符合性警戒

    If the study's dissolution average shows a decreasing trend with time that indicates difficulty remaining above the registered Q-value through expiration, this fact could indicate a compliance alert.


  • 采用平均劳动时间方法确定咨询问题成本可以简化成本计算,有效图书馆之间进行资金补偿

    It will be simplified and compensate the fund among library effectively to adopt the method of average working time to confirm the cost of each question.


  • 模拟实验的结果显示副本创建策略可以有效降低数据平均访问时间

    The simulation results show that this replication strategy can reduce the average data access time efficiently.


  • 介质电导率离子浓度平均自由时间正比,与有效质量反比的结论及有关公式、表达式。

    The medium conductivity is directly proportional to ion density and average freedom time while inversely proportional to efficient quality.


  • 这些患者6部分有效持续时间平均在6个月

    Of these patients 6 achieved a partial response with an average duration of more than 6 months.


  • 背景作为检测前景目标一种有效方法课题研究重点内容分别对背景差法中的时间平均基于单(高斯模型的背景提取法进行详细研究。

    Temporal difference as a efficacious method, is the primary content of the discourse. We will detailedly research the method of time average and pick-up background base on gauss model(s).


  • 实验表明虚拟服务缓存模型具有普遍性并且可以有效地缩短服务平均响应时间

    The experiment results showed that this model is of universality, and can improve average response time of services prominently.


  • 理论分析计算结果表明,此方案可以有效降低sdl同步平均持续时间改善了sdl帧同步系统的性能

    The theoretic analysis and computation results show it greatly decrease the mean time of frame loss and amend the performances of SDL frame synchronizer.


  • 父子母子之间有效沟通时间每周平均小于小时等等造成孩子成瘾原因

    Communicate time effectively between father and son, Mu Zizhi to be less than a hour on average to wait a moment every week, it is the cause that causes the child to become addiction.


  • 结果治疗有效平均退热时间比较差异非常显著(P<0.01)。

    Results Comparing with the total treatment efficiency and average defervescence time of the two groups, there exists distinct difference (P<0.01).


  • 对照组110应用传统疗法50%硫酸镁湿敷治疗,观察两静脉治愈平均时间有效

    The other 110 patients with phlebitis in the control group were given wet application with 50% magnesium sulphate. The mean time of cure and effective rate were observed.


  • 研究了如何数据广播磁盘中设计适当的数据分配方式减少数据项的平均访问时间进而有效节约移动计算系统电源带宽

    Illustrate proper data distribution to decrease data average accessing time to a low level in datacasting disks and then to save mobile computer's electricity and bandwidth.


  • 采用风速韦布尔双参数方法测算出平均风能密度平均有效风能密度,以及风能可利用时间

    The mean wind energy density, mean effective wind energy density and annual available time of wind energy are calculated by using Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution function of wind speed.


  • 规程应用装置配制氟混合气,可以使准分子激光器有效工作时间延长2 ~3,激光器镜面的使用寿命平均延长3 ~5倍。

    The fluorine mixed gas prepared by this device, which may prolong the working hours of excimer-laser 2 to 3 times and prolong the average useful time of lens of laser 3 to 5 times.


  • 因此有效抑制这种时间非平稳空间非平均波干扰是雷达系统有效完成地面目标和低空飞行目标检测必须解决的首要问题

    The key to the settlement of the question of effective detection of ground and low air targets lies in adaptive of effective clutter suppression in airborne Radar.


  • 结果疗法缓解头痛平均时间22.58分钟,止痛的最短时间5分钟,止痛有效达100%。

    Results the average time for abdominal needle therapy to relieve headache is 22. 58 minutes, the shortest time of which is 5 minutes. The total effective rate is 100%.


  • 研究了路由恢复平均频率以及路由有效平均时间给出了这些参数的理论公式。

    For route Maintenance, some route parameters are introduced and studied such as the average frequency of route recovery and the average time for a route to be valid.


  • 实验结果表明,相对于其他一些搜索方法ENESPS有效缩短平均搜索长度明显减少色彩量化所需计算时间

    Experiment results show that ENESPS can obtain shorter averaged searching length in comparison with other methods and it can reduce the computational time of color quantization remarkably.


  • 其中使用手机频繁者(占总人数10%)年间平均有效累积通话时间高达1640小时相当于每天使用小时

    The heaviest 10 percent of users had clocked up an average of 1,640 hours of phone use spread over 10 years, which corresponds to about half an hour a day.


  • 仿真结果表明蚁群算法与模糊控制相结合智能控制技术,更有效降低通行车辆交叉口平均延误时间,更适应复杂多变的交通环境。

    The results indicates the algorithm can effectively reduce the average delay time of vehicles in the intersection, Correspondingly enhance the passing capacity of the intersection.


  • 结果随访时间平均18.7个月,总有效率为90%。

    Results The average time of follow up was 18.7 months.


  • 结论最长发声时间可作为衡量嗓音功能有效指标之一。发声气容量肺活量比率平均气流做为衡量嗓音功能的临床指标均有意义。

    Conclusion Maximum phonation time, the mean airflow rate and ratio of phonation volume to vital capacity can be used as indicator in clinical application.


  • 通过实验对比PLAC其他位置相关缓存替换策略更为有效提高了缓存命中率缩短了查询平均响应时间

    The contrast experiments show that the PLAC increases cache hit rate and shortens query average response time more effectively than other location dependent cache replacement strategies.


  • 通过实验对比PLAC其他位置相关缓存替换策略更为有效提高了缓存命中率缩短了查询平均响应时间

    The contrast experiments show that the PLAC increases cache hit rate and shortens query average response time more effectively than other location dependent cache replacement strategies.


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