• 拒绝中国市场有效假设

    Thus, weak-form efficient hypothesis could not be accepted in China.


  • 基于这种假设分析可能一个高度竞争个人主义社会有效

    An analysis based on such assumptions could be valid for a highly competitive, individualistic society.


  • 相对湿度恒定假设重要的,因为大气中的水蒸气红外波长辐射的另一种有效吸收剂

    The assumption of constant relative humidity is important, because water vapor in the atmosphere is another efficient absorber of radiation at infrared wavelength.


  • 结果就是编译进行主动的内联决策才能得到更高性能然后这些决策依据假设不再有效时,就会收回这些决策。

    The result is that the compiler can make aggressive inlining decisions to achieve higher performance, then back out those decisions later if they are no longer based on valid assumptions.


  • 查看这种假设是否有效(也是清单1一个可能用途),我们来看一下这个编辑器标签有关默认拖放行为

    To see if this assumption is valid and, hence, a possible use of Listing 1, let's have a look at the default drag-and-drop behavior associated with Editor tabs.


  • 由于核心假设人类理性市场又是有效的,所以,人们快乐时光如何维持下去的担忧胜过了风险关注

    Since the core assumption was that man is rational and markets are efficient, concern about risk took a back seat to concerns over how to make the good times last.


  • 假设所有输入有效的,并且没有无效状态核查

    Both assume that all inputs are valid and no checks for invalid state are made.


  • 解释说需要进行一个试点实验来看二氧化碳能够安全有效储存如此海底假设是否正确

    He explains that a pilot study is needed to see if assumptions are correct that carbon can be stored safely and efficiently this far below the ocean.


  • 组织高层管理者们忽略了一个事实尽早计划事实上只是思维试验不如他们之为基础假设有效

    Managers higher in the organization lose sight of the fact that early plans are really just thought experiments that are no more valid than the assumptions on which they are based.


  • 我们假设知道怎么表达,这样我们关注如何有效表达艺术了。

    Since we assume you already know how to speak, we're going to focus on the art of making effective presentations.


  • 为了做出衰老年轻假设,细胞修复过程必须神秘地变得更加有效——现实中可能发生的。

    To assume that the aged individual is becoming younger the damaged repair processes must mysteriously become more efficient - which doesn't happen in reality.


  • 通过这些研究可以检验一种假设现代壳体要比古代壳体更为有效从而用前者取代后者。

    Studying these will test the hypothesis that modern shells are more efficient than ancient ones, and thus out-competed them.


  • 当然不是有效假设验证

    This, of course, isn't very effective hypothesis testing!


  • 关注细节运用a/b对比测试尝试验证假设,从而寻找有效的、得到最优结果设计

    Pay attention to the details. Use A/B split testing to test your hypothesis and find out what is the most effective design that achieves better results.


  • 我们应该不时地重新审视我们实践基础假设重新有效

    We should reexamine our practices from time to time and revalidate the underlying assumptions.


  • 所有这些理论多或少假设为基础:不是理性的行为体市场总是有效的。

    All are based, to one extent or another, on the idea that people are irrational actors, and that markets aren't always efficient.


  • 假设例子中,解决方案UK法定管辖权中有效

    An example of an assumption would be that the solution is only valid with UK legal jurisdiction.


  • SOAP传输方面扩展性经常需要进行导致兼容性问题隐式假设有效负载数据编码方面的可扩展性也是如此

    Just as the extensibility of SOAP with regard to transports often causes implicit assumptions which create compatibility problems, so does this extensibility with regard to payload data encoding.


  • 假设市场完全有效,大卫·斯文森可能现在的成绩。

    If markets were perfectly efficient, David Swensen could not have done what he did.


  • 用户代理阅读策略之后,可以假设至少段时间有效的,因此过期之前无需再次阅读条策略。

    Once the user agent reads the policy, it can assume that it is in effect for at least that long, so it doesn't have to read the policy again until it expires.


  • 动量效应提出了一个更深层次重要问题如果市场理性的,有效市场假说假设的那样,那么市场把资金分配给收益最大用途

    The momentum effect raises a further important issue. If markets are rational, as the efficient-market hypothesis assumed, then they will allocate capital to its most productive USES.


  • 现在假设度量过程有效

    Assume for now that the measurement process is valid.


  • 上述反射性对称性作用使人们抛弃有效市场假设彻底反思监管机制

    The role of reflexivity and the asymmetries identified earlier ought to prompt a rejection of the efficient market hypothesis and a thorough reconsideration of the regulatory regime.


  • 很明显,能够做到一点的必然了解到,有效市场假设深层的东西。

    I believe it's clear that it is and that people who do so are people who understand more than the core efficient markets theory.


  • 原来假设数字整数但是需要确保有效假设

    My original assumption limited the Numbers to integers, but I need to make sure that this is a valid assumption.


  • Simon(1947)认定组织研究如此频繁做出安排存在有效假设恶劣的循环论证

    Simon (1947) concludes that the assumption so often made in organizational studies, that an arrangement is effective because it exists, is a circular argument of the worst sort.


  • 例如假设获取一个有效AWS连接包含消息队列柄,我可以如清单4所示检索消息。

    For example, assuming I've got a valid connection to AWS and a handle to a queue containing messages, I can retrieve messages as shown in Listing 4.


  • 假设XML文档有效的,dtd2s ql可以创建正确

    But assuming the XML document is valid, the right tables and column were created by dtd2sql.


  • N8MailN7Mail 所用配置相同的,所以可以假设这种分布有效的。

    This profile is the same in N8Mail and N7Mail as it was in R6Mail, so you can assume this distribution to be valid.


  • 假设我们一直获得完全有效email地址,那么段脚本看上去没有任何问题。

    The script looks harmless enough assuming that we will always get a completely valid email address.


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