• 这些项目包括风力发电机下水道获取甲烷以及用于过滤工厂烟囱有害工业气体技术

    These include wind turbines, capturing methane from sewage works and technology used in factory chimneys to destroy harmful industrial gases.


  • 色度印染废水目前公认有害工业废水之一,其中主要含有染料染料中间体等难降解的有机物。

    The wastewater with high color degree from print and dye plants is considered as the most pernicious industrial wastewater.


  • 自有调查报告显示炒货瓜子染色剂添加有害工业添加剂上海市有关部门市内炒货瓜子生产商展开调查。

    Authorities in Shanghai are inspecting the city's roast seed producers after an investigative report found that harmful industrial additives were being added to roast seed dyes.


  • 工业废料有害因为其中许多毒性很强的材料

    Industrial waste is even more harmful since there are many highly poisonous materials in it, such as copper and lead.


  • 这些非正规工业几乎不采取预防措施保护工人防止垃圾之类的有害物质。

    Many of these "informal" industries take few precautions to protect workers from hazardous materials like lead and mercury in the waste.


  • 由于化学物质造成的中毒伤害,这些化学物质包括以前的军用化学战剂合法有害家用工业化学品

    Chemical. Poisoning or injury caused by chemical substances, including ex-military chemical warfare agents or legitimate but harmful household or industrial chemicals.


  • 水污染同样有害海洋整个生态平衡正在受到破坏,工业废水使许多河流生物死亡。

    The pollution of water is equally harmful. The whole ecological balance of the sea is being changed and industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless.


  • 怀孕早期婴幼儿接触工业化学物品损害大脑发育但是仅有少数(这样有害物质)得到控制,研究者星期三

    LONDON (Reuters) - Exposure to industrial chemicals in the womb or early in life can impair brain development but only a handful are controlled to protect children, researchers said on Wednesday.


  • 仁溪流过大高雄台南一度充满工业废料,还被评为全国有害一段河流之一。

    The Erjen River, which flows through Greater Kaohsiung and Greater Tainan, was once full of industrial waste and ranked as one of the most hazardous stretches of water in the country.


  • 有害垃圾既有工业大规模产生的,也有个人较小规模产生的。

    Hazardous waste is produced both on a huge scale by major industries and on a relatively tiny scale by individuals.


  • 环境组织化学物质(双a)可能儿童动物有害但是塑料工业协会一样FDA和欧洲食品管理机构都称这种化学物质安全的。

    Environmental groups say the chemical, bisphenol a, can hurt children and animals. But the FDA and European regulators, as well as the plastics industry, say it is safe.


  • 将此落后的技术运用基础工业有害的。

    It 's bad to use such backward technique in basic industry.


  • 一个有效工业卫生计划必须能够防止员工接触即刻反应有害因素以及接触之后时间内才引发的疾病

    An effective industrial hygiene program must be able to prevent the harmful factors of employee contact immediate response, and long time after exposure in diseases.


  • 硫化氢沼气以及一些工业气体中的有害成分,不但可以导致管道设备腐蚀而且危及人们健康

    Hydrogen sulfide is a harmful impurity of the biogas and some industrial gases, not only it can cause the pipeline and equipments corrosion but also can threaten the human safety.


  • 城市环境卫生:城市垃圾无害化处理率达到90%,一般工业固体废弃物综合利用率主要有害废弃物无害化处理率均达到85%。

    Urban sanitation: Sound urban garbage treatment rate of 90%, the general comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste and hazardous waste harmless, the main processing rate of 85%.


  • 鲁道夫·瓦尔德:有害废弃物主要工业产生的。

    Rudolf Walder: Hazardous waste is mainly produced by the industry.


  • 电热锅炉没有任何烟尘有害气体排放,解决工业锅炉煤烟型污染根本措施

    The electric boiler, which has no any smoke and harmful gas effluence, is a fundamental measure for solving the smoke pollution caused by industrial boilers.


  • 煤炭工业环境有害

    The coal industries had harmful effects on the environment.


  • 多食人体无益更何况许多商家采用工业制剂进行漂白更是有害身体

    Agent, eat on the human body no good, not to mention a number of unscrupulous businesses using bleaching agents, industrial use, but also harmful to the body.


  • 人类工业产品排出各种有害气体重金属导致温度上升,冰川融化海平面升高海水颜色吸入更多热量

    Human industrial products of all kinds of harmful gas emissions of heavy metals and lead to rising temperatures, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, sea blue color inhaled more calories.


  • 煤气生产过程中排大量有毒有害污水水量成分复杂浓度种很难处理工业污水。

    The large quantity of toxic and harmful sewage with complex components and high density, which is discharged in the course of the coal gas production, is a kind of hard-treated industrial sewage.


  • 航天工业科研生产过程涉及众多危险有害因素造成了危险数量类型多样情况复杂局面。

    The scientific research and production process of aerospace industry involves many dangerous harmful factors caused hazard points of various types, the amount is large and complex situation.


  • 烟草工业通过各种先进科学技术手段竭力降低卷烟烟气中的有害成分提高卷烟吸食安全性

    To improve the safety of cigarette smoking, the tobacco industry scientists strive to reduce the harmful ingredients in cigarette smoke through a variety of advanced science and technology.


  • 硫化氢沼气以及一些工业气体中的有害成分,不但可以导致管道设备腐蚀而且危及人们健康

    Hydrogen sulfide is a harmful impurity in the biogas and some industrial gases. It can not only cause the pipeline and equipments corrosion but also can threaten the human safety.


  • 应用沥青凝聚装置静电回收净化技术净化有害烟气回收有价值工业原料

    Using asphalt coacervating facilities and electric static recovery and cleaning technology can not only clean toxic flue gas, but also recycle valuable industrial materials.


  • 无公害工业生产要求制革企业放弃制革工艺中沿用传统有害物质,采用方法生产高质量皮革制品。

    The rawhide industrial production without environmental pollution needs to give up the traditional method and apply modern techniques to improve rawhide quality.


  • 甲醛既是合成树脂有效成分又是工业系统有害污染源

    It is the effective ingredient of synthetic resin, but it also is toxic pollutant of industrial system.


  • 甲醛既是合成树脂有效成分又是工业系统有害污染源

    It is the effective ingredient of synthetic resin, but it also is toxic pollutant of industrial system.


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