• 35我们家长控制软件使能够微调访问网站确保阻止有害内容

    With 35 categories, our parental control software gives you the ability to fine tune access to websites and ensure that harmful content is blocked.


  • 本文根据网络文本中有害内容特点,提出了通过机器学习识别特定内容过滤方法

    Through analyzing a number of illegal harmful contents in information on the Internet, a new method is presented which recognizes specific information on the Internet by Machine Learning.


  • 阁下必须自行采取必要措施确保所点选网站内容没有病毒寄生虫、木马程序其他有害内容

    It is up to you to take precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use is free of such items as viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other items of a destructive nature.


  • 其它情况,对于内容(博客社会网络以及其它立场)潜在反响公司有害

    In others, it's the potential repercussions of content-through blogs, social networks, and other venues-that is detrimental to the company.


  • 坐在台电脑前面一个程序巧妙改变有害思想模式就是CBM的全部内容

    All it requires is sitting in front of a computer and using a program that subtly alters harmful thought patterns.


  • 而松茂的底片内容如此有害以至于二十天都不到地方冲洗它们后来甚至不得不趁着夜色到室外冲洗,小溪完成水洗

    For Matsushige himself, his films were so toxic that he was unable to develop them for twenty days, and even then had to do so at night and in the open, rinsing it in a stream.


  • 可以定义系统使所有资料可以达到有害内容无法使用

    You can customise the system so that all the information is within reach, while harmful content is inaccessible.


  • 删除认为有害命令不允许内容比如sudo(作为超级用户运行)rm(删除)。

    Strip out any commands that you think might be harmful and disallow things, such as sudo (running with superuser privileges) or rm (delete).


  • 这本不同其它人因为主要内容用来确定有害有利电化学的事件模型化断定方法周遭组织。

    This book differs from others in that the subject matter is organized around the modeling and predicating approaches that are used to determine detrimental and beneficial electrochemical events.


  • 第(2)款未成年有害的资料——“对未成年人有害的资料”术语下列图片图像图形图像文档或者其他可视内容

    Harmful to MINORS. — the term ' 'harmful to minors "means any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that."


  • 互联网上内容第三提供内容可能系统有害

    Internet content or content provided by third parties may be harmful to your system.


  • 电视内容改进之前使孩子不受电视的有害影响没用的。

    It's hopeless trying to protect your child from the harmful effect of television until the material improves.


  • 听到对话出现一些有害内容时,礼貌地向这些内容指出问题。

    When you hear these toxic phrases pop up in conversation, politely point it out to the person saying it.


  • 针对日益严重互联网有害信息污染问题,本文网络内容监管系统关键技术进行深入研究。

    In the wake of deteriorating harmful information pollution of Internet, this paper delves into the key techniques of Internet content-supervision system.


  • 一些无关主旨的小窗口特色设计,嵌入式应用等等都会页面设计这些一定会对主要内容表达有害

    Every new widget or feature or side-issue that you come across gets squeezed into your page design, often at the expense of the content itself.


  • 检查邮件内容附件,检查FTP传输数据禁止访问有害网站判断非法HTTP请求等

    Such as check mail contents, enclosure, check the data that FTP deliver, prohibition against interview harmful website, judge illegal HTTP claim.


  • 宽泛解释是不要那些自身他人有害内容

    A more liberal interpretation: Don't write anything that would be ruinous to you or hurtful to others.


  • 必须向实际操作有害物质附近操作工人解释材料标签信息资料的重要性MSDS的内容

    Workers who work with or near a hazardous material must have the meaning and importance of the information on the material's label or MSDS explained to them.


  • 任何不寻常活动触发警报意思是说,袭击有害内容可以探测阻止即使实际守则尚未确定

    Any unusual activity triggers an alarm, meaning that attacks and harmful content can be detected and prevented even when the actual code is so new that it has not yet been identified.


  • 环境化学研究内容主要涉及潜在有害物质下环境介质存在的浓度形态

    The research contents of the environmental chemistry mainly involve: existent forms and concentration of latent harmful materials in environmental mediums;


  • 足以造成食物中毒事故或者其他严重食源性疾患“、”有毒有害食品“的界定问题也是文章讨论内容。”

    The paper also discusses some definitions, such as being enough to cause food poisoning or other severe food borne diseases, toxic and harmful food, and so on.


  • 因此,面对新的创作动向,已不足以给出令人信服合理解释,更为有害隐性暗示引导规定艺术创作内容方向

    What is worse is that the model contains a latent function of indication guidance and regulations with regard to the contents and directions of artistic creativity.


  • 作者针对森林有害生物控制课程特点属于“森林昆虫学”“林木病理学”两门课程内容全面整合;

    Based on the course characteristics of Control to Forest Pests, a new course is developed, which combines original courses of Forest Entomology and Forest Pathology.


  • 本文简要分析了人造板装饰材料中的有害成分国家实行标准有关人造板环保性能方面的内容了重点介绍

    This paper briefly analyses the poisonous components in fitment material of panel and introduces the environmentally properties of panel in the new criterion performing in our country.


  • 为了防止控制非法有害信息进行传播,对网络传播信息进行内容过滤成为目前网络安全研究的重点问题

    In order to prevent and control illegal and harmful information to spread on Internet, it has become significant problem in network security field to filter the information spreading on Internet.


  • 我国蔬菜产品安全质量标准国家标准、行业标准地方标准几大类,标准内容包括有害金属非金属元素、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐及农药残留大限量值。

    There is national standard, trade standard and local standard in China, which include the maximum limit of harmful metal, nonmetal elements, nitrate, nitrite and pesticide residues.


  • 标准适用于各类玩具涂料,并规定了玩具用涂料中人体环境有害物质容许限量要求试验方法、检验规则和包装标志内容

    This standard has stipulated the limits of hazard substances in toy coatings that are harmful to human and environment, testing methods, packaging and marking requirements etc.


  • 标准适用于各类玩具涂料,并规定了玩具用涂料中人体环境有害物质容许限量要求试验方法、检验规则和包装标志内容

    This standard has stipulated the limits of hazard substances in toy coatings that are harmful to human and environment, testing methods, packaging and marking requirements etc.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定