• 给出明确设计风格有助于强调房子的风格。

    Helps strengthen the style of a house, gives a clear design style communication.


  • 精致的纹样图案解决方案,有助于强调品牌东方风格。

    Delicate patterning became a uniting aspect of this solution and also served to underline the Oriental nature of the brand.


  • 操作有助于强调显示项目质量风险地方以及应该关注优先顺序

    The dashboard helps highlight areas where quality is at risk in the project and where priority should be focused.


  • 建筑不同上,中心楼梯一侧使用木材一侧使用混凝土有助于强调分区不同功能

    Throughout the various levels of the building, wood is used on one side of this central stair and cement on the other, helping to accentuate the different functions of the separate zones.


  • 戏剧所体现精神感兴趣,如果有助于强调一个观点的话并不反对有两个时代错误。

    He is interested in the spirit of the play, and he is not averse to throwing in an anachronism or two if he thinks it will help underscore a point.


  • 样本应用程序页面导航包括三个portlet(这里提供名称有助于强调页面导航流程)。

    The page navigation piece of the sample application includes three portlets (the long names are provided to help emphasize the page navigation flow).


  • 戏剧所体现精神感兴趣,如果有助于强调观点的话,他并不反对有两个时代错误。

    He is interested in the spirit of the play, and he is not averse to throwing in an anachronism or two if he thinks it will help underscore a point.


  • 法官们有时候有助于强调诉讼律师非诉律师,还有助于种在司法不至于误入歧途前对它更好理解

    ''[Secondly], judges sometimes contribute to the stresses on barristers and solicitors and a better understanding by the judiciary wouldn't go astray.''


  • 可以通过使用适当手势强调你要说的话,摇动拳头、一个下去的手势都有助于强调信息还有一种将拳头击手掌的手势也可起到相同作用。

    A shaking fist or a slicing gesture with one or both hands help emphasize a message. So does pounding your fist /into/ the palm of your hand.


  • 并列过程有助于确保最有价值的剩余结构下一步得以创建并且强调工作总是在可传递地方完成

    The Scrum process helps ensure that the most valuable remaining features are built next, and it emphasizes that work always be completed to the point of being deliverable.


  • 报告强调移除技术服务业贸易壁垒,这有助于促使服务部门出口国同意协议特别是印度

    An emphasis on the importance of removing trade barriers in service industries, such as technology, could help to bring the agreement of big service-sector exporters, notably India.


  • 但是并不认为你一再强调我们更加强大,会有助于维护和平因为也是一个威胁

    But I don't think that the cause of peace is helped by reminders that you have greater strength than we do, because this is a threat, too.


  • 亚洲国家最近土耳其经验强调及时清楚公众信息有助于保护人类健康关键

    Experience in Asian countries and most recently in Turkey underscores the fact that immediate, clear public information is critical to help protect human health.


  • 相比密密麻麻的400段落多重段落,强调重点清晰的段落分割点,重点突出标题能更加有助于读者看懂。

    Multiple paragraphs, bullet points, clear segmentation and bold headers are all easier on the reader than a chunky 400-word piece of text.


  • 本周Pennell源讯公司强调绿色科技例如服务器虚拟化有助于组委有效地控制成本减少能源消耗

    Pennell and Atos Origin this week highlighted green technologies, such as server virtualization, that could help the organizing committee control costs and reduce waste.


  • 抛光混凝土木地板之间的材料变化更是强调一点。混凝土光滑表面有助于光线反射,也厨房台面相呼应

    A change in materials from polished concrete to wooden floorboards reinforces this. The concrete's glossy surface also helps reflect light, and matches the cast kitchen countertops.


  • 蒙板滤镜效果,值得强调设计选择正确纹理图是十分重要的,有助于改善最终效果。

    I will also like to emphasise that it's very importance to choose the right stock texture for your design, as they will contribute and improve your final effect dramatically.


  • 作为新的文学观念文性理论文本之间互涉互动看作是文学的构成性因素,强调在文际关系发掘和解读文学作品意义有助于重新审视最一般意义上的写作、阅读行为。

    Be a the kind of the new literature idea, the theory of intertextuality emphasizes that the meaning explored from the relation of texts contributes to survey the meaning of the reading and writing.


  • 此外强调旅游业有助于产生新的全球秩序功能

    Moreover, it also emphasises the function of tourism which helps to produce the new global orders.


  • 同时凸轮不单符合强调新的父母来了展位有助于保持凸轮继女米歇尔(嘉宾蒂芙尼·海因斯)一致

    Meanwhile, Cam copes with the stress that comes from being a new parent, and Booth helps keep Cam's stepdaughter Michelle (guest star Tiffany Hines) in line.


  • 越来越强调智能制造有助于刺激市场增长

    The increasing emphasis on smart manufacturing will also help to stimulate growth in the market.


  • 这项技术产生宝贵资讯,用于多种用途,”运输安全署发言人贾契斯,并强调可能有助于避免安检站大排长龙混乱。

    "This technology will produce valuable data that can be used in a variety of ways," TSA spokeswoman Lauren Gaches said, noting it could help prevent snarls of checkpoints long lines.


  • 就是为什么特别强调道德戒律,为的就是使我们整个世界的互动能够和谐建造一个有助于禅定开展内心环境

    That's why the moral precepts are emphasized so that we can harmonize our interactions with the world at large and establish an inner environment that is conducive to meditative development.


  • 条谚语强调谦虚难能可贵美德保持低调吹嘘炫耀的作风有助于成功上一层楼;

    The proverb emphasizes that modesty is a kind of virtue. Keeping a low file and avoiding self-praise will help a successful man make further progress;


  • 条谚语强调谦虚难能可贵美德保持低调吹嘘炫耀的作风有助于成功上一层楼;

    The proverb emphasizes that modesty is a kind of virtue. Keeping a low file and avoiding self-praise will help a successful man make further progress;


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