• 我们从事创造工作,都是因为我们良好品味才从事这项工作的。

    All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste.


  • 研究表明完成高度创造事业年龄超过40科学家中,相当进入领域年龄一般要大。

    Studies show that a disproportionately large number of the scientists who produce highly creative work beyond the age of forty entered their field at an older age than is usual.


  • 包括研讨会活动项目这里很多机会能有创造参与其中。

    There are plenty of opportunities for the creative person to become involved, including workshops and events.


  • 们都很乐意想到现在读这个故事的孩子们,当他们第一次读到时,意识到曾经在很短的时间里,在一个很小的地方,一群没偏见的创造了一个关于对别的爱和善意的动的故事。

    We both love thinking of the children reading the story today, coming to it for the first time and realizing that once, for a short time and in a small place, a group of prejudice-free people created a touching story of love and kindness towards others.


  • 因为越来越创造改变重要的是越来越多的不同的组合

    Because you have more and more people creating change and more importantly, you have more and more combinations of people.


  • 仅此一个事实便可解释为什么成功创意一直以不停地创作来度过时日他们必须这样他们创造是因为就是使他们活着的部分原因

    That one fact alone explains why successful creative people keep creating well past the time in which it's necessary for them to do so; they create because it's a part of what makes them come alive.


  • 在那里接触了线已经战胜疾病每天都受到结核病威胁儿童青少年那些创造历史防痨献出毕生精力科学家

    There he met people on the front lines; people who have beaten the disease, children and teens who face the threat of TB every day and scientists who have dedicated their lives to making TB history.


  • 然而政策讨论中发生奇怪事情:大西洋两岸,在物当中,出现了一种共识就是在创造工作方面可能应该任何事情。

    Yet a strange thing has happened to policy discussion: on both sides of the Atlantic, a consensus has emerged among movers and shakers that nothing can or should be done about jobs.


  • 身边充满各个领域激励激发创造抱负

    Surround yourself with inspiring people from a wide variety of fields who encourage you and stimulate your creativity.


  • 意识一个有创造能力的媒介因此怎样看待感受其他,你就自己经历中把他们当成这样

    Your mind is a creative medium; therefore, what you think and feel about the other, you are bringing to pass in your own experience.


  • 意识一个有创造能力的媒介因此怎样看待感受其他,你就会自己经历中把他们当成这样

    Your mind is a creative medium; therefore what you think and feel about the other you are bringing to pass in your own experience.


  • 如果认为自己一个创造,您可能需要远离信息架构组织寻找能够帮助创造性的方式思考的

    If you don't consider yourself to be a creative person, then you either need to get out of information architecture or look to others in your organization who can help you think creatively.


  • 可以奋斗一生试图创造完美生之事实总是怀疑是否原本更好的路可以走。

    You can struggle through life in an attempt to create the perfect path, but the truth is you will always wonder if it could have been better.


  • 我们期望创造能够充分发掘这个展示潜力

    We look forward to the day when creative people can fully explore the potential of this display.


  • 这样双重压力迫使一个有创造转移注意力他的生活

    This double pressure forces a creative person to turn his attention to private life.


  • 相信计算机我们用来满足好奇心发明创造的神奇工具——它们帮助甚至是最聪明自身力量无法应对的难题都将迎刃而解

    I believe that computers are the most incredible tool we can use to feed our curiosity and inventiveness—to help us solve problems that even the smartest people couldn't solve on their own.


  • 但是调查显示20%员工充分地参与他们工作中”,创造性的更是少之又少。

    But surveys show that only 20% of workers are "fully engaged with their job". Even fewer are creative.


  • 一个有创造和预见性的,他不断地追求,使作品达到更高标准

    He is a creative visionary. He pushes the line until the production meets with his high standards.


  • 创意不会满足创造出了一些东西,真的他们满足的时刻在他们正在创作时候

    Creative people are not satisfied with having created something, really - they are most satisfied when they are creating something.


  • 心怀希望第一个理由我们创造奇迹大脑

    My first reason for hope is the marvel of the human brain.


  • 就是刘恩沛正在寻找东西——那些创意爱好创造一个办公零售展览为一体的空间

    This is what Mr Liu is looking for - a mixture of offices, retail and exhibition space for those of a creative bent.


  • 如今这个世界,做个”创意”、“着手创造”、“能力将想法变成现实”的已经并不再是一件难事了。

    It’s easier than ever to be creative, to create, to imagine and make what’s imagined become reality.


  • 电影小说爱情世界上受欢迎主题。当陷入其中时,有创造几乎很少三思

    Right from movies and novels to poems and songs, love is by far the most popular subject in the world and creative people seldom think twice before flirting with it.


  • 查理吉尔---帮助有创造得到他们需要东西,他一个默默支持你的

    Charlie GilkeyHe helps creative people get their stuff out into the world. He is a metaphor ninja.


  • 我们来创造如何帮助其他进入创造状态的。

    Seeing someone is a state of creativity does wonders for helping others reach that state.


  • 作为一个创意其实并不是赚钱或者分享创造,你因快乐创造

    As a creative, you're not really creating because you're trying to make money or share it with people - you're creating because you enjoy creating.


  • 不是唯一创造独特感觉

    You're not the only one who has a unique sense of creativity.


  • 优待看到这些觉醒在忙什么他们开始创造转化涟漪

    I have the privilege of being able to see what many of these conscious people are up to, and they’re starting to create transformational ripples.


  • 优待看到这些觉醒在忙什么他们开始创造转化涟漪

    I have the privilege of being able to see what many of these conscious people are up to, and they’re starting to create transformational ripples.


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