• 打算图书馆查找有关信息

    She is going to the library to get information about flowers.


  • 可以知道很多有关事情,你也可以了解麦当娜

    You can learn a lot of things from the flowers. You can learn more from Madonna.


  • 目前有关研究资料极其匮乏的情况下,以上海地区城市绿地应用,对境的分类、应用形式设计原则配置手法等作了理论性探讨

    The classification, utilization styles and landscaping design for flower border were theoretical discussed, even though it has very limited materials about the related researches.


  • 为了评估这种治疗方法是否适合生活方式一点时间回答有关几个问题

    In order to assess how the treatment will fit your lifestyle, please take a moment to answer a few questions about yourself.


  • 孩子成绩通常与他们在社交网站多少时间有关如果认为没有其他因素起作用天真了。

    The poor grades of school children are also frequently linked to the time spent on social networking sites, but it would be naive to believe there are no other contributing factors.


  • 如果有关肥胖的现行联邦政策管理办法看做大杂烩的话,就是各地八门规定的侮辱

    To describe existing federal policies and regulatory approaches on obesity as a patchwork is an insult to quilts everywhere.


  • 分钟一些感激事情,这些事情和你的工作有关

    Spend a few minutes writing a list of everything that you're grateful for, related to work. Perhaps.


  • 愿意一点时间(每周几个小时而已)来写博客文章回复文章评论并且其他有关业内客户博客进行评论

    Is not willing to spend a fair amount of time (several hours per week) writing blog posts, replying to comment posters, and contributing comments to other blogs relevant to your industry or audience.


  • 人们也会一些时间分享有关死者曾经记忆

    People might spend time together talking and sharing memories about their loved one.


  • 他们打算参观所有杰克逊有关重要地方包括森林草坪纪念公园以及他位于葡萄酒之乡圣巴巴拉梦幻庄园。

    They planned to spend the day visiting key sites associated with Jackson, including Forest Lawn and the entertainer's Neverland home in Santa Barbara County's wine country.


  • W3C开始标准化过程之前,他们一部分时间征求来自W3C成员公司反馈意见信息,主要是有关W3C什么如何做的。

    Before the W3C begins work on any standardization process, they first take some time to solicit feedback and input from the W3C member companies as to what and how exactly the W3C should proceed.


  • 德诺先生称,美国原告现在更多时间陪审团解释为何某类证据的。

    According to Mr Durnal, prosecutors in the United States are now spending much more time explaining to juries why certain kinds of evidence are not relevant.


  • 事实上消费者收入减少可能他们出去的钱更多所以他们要存钱以备不时之需的想法——很可能是个有关节俭悖论

    In fact, consumers' income may actually fall more than their spending, so that their attempt to save more backfires - a possibility known as the paradox of thrift.


  • 1978年有关降低物业税率13提案以来,已经数百个提到得到了批准法则内容涉五八门教育栏都有。

    Since 1978, when Proposition 13 lowered property-tax rates, hundreds of initiatives have been approved on subjects from education to the regulation of chicken coops.


  • 霍乱弧菌主要宿主人和水源例如咸腥河口水常常有关

    The main reservoirs of V. cholerae are people and aquatic sources such as brackish water and estuaries, often associated with algal blooms.


  • 每个现象给出的解释来看,国防部(MOD)没有太多时间处理有关地球生命想法

    The explanations given for each incident indicate that the MoD does not spend a great deal of time entertaining the thought of extraterrestrial life.


  • 虽然在这里不会JAAS认证”方面很多时间(有关这个主题更多参考参阅参考资料),但是我将重点介绍一个核心组件subject

    While I won't spend much time on the "Authentication" part of JAAS here (see Resources for further references on the topic), I will be focusing on one of its core components: the Subject class.


  • 一些时间搜索可以处境有关歌词

    Spend some time searching lyrics that could relate to your situation.


  • 可能生命多少时间重温,我知道没有途径第二准备——对于把枪没有聪明反应

    No matter how many hours of my life I may spend reliving it, I know there is no way to prepare for the next time - no intelligent response to a gun.


  • 典型复活节礼物春天再生鸡蛋小鸡小兔子特别是百合这一季节象征

    Typical Easter gift is related with spring and regeneration: eggs, chicks, bunnies, flowers, especially the lily, all of them are symbols of the spring.


  • 春节到来的时候,人们格外注重有关春晚消息他们习惯每年春晚,导演也会长的时间准备

    When Spring Festival comes, people will pay special attention to the news about Spring Festival gala, they get used to watching it every year, the director will take a long time to prepare for it.


  • 本文研究我国海棠名人的故事、海棠有关文化艺术活动海棠的广泛用途初步探讨了海棠的文化内涵

    This paper explores Chinese celebrities and art activities concerned with Chinese crabapple. Its wide USES and cultural connotations are discussed.


  • 有关基金官方言论明确表示这笔如何

    Official accounts of the fund did not make clear precisely how the money would be spent.


  • 能够…的,将会倾听你的朋友那么小时此人谈一有关悲伤处境以及这里向前

    Find a friend that you can confide in, that will listen to you, spend an hour talking to this person about your sad situation, and move on from there.


  • 如今正身英国因为卫报》邀请,的时间他们讨论有关视频的问题。

    I am in the UK because I have been invited by the Guardian to spend two days with them talking about video.


  • 一些朋友一部电影,和某个家人一起晚饭,或者一天泡温泉所有这些例子都是方法来将有关正在处理有压力情况的思考释放的方法。

    Seeing a movie with a few friends, having dinner with some family, or having a spa day, all of these examples are ways of letting go with your mind about the stressful situation your dealing with.


  • 本文通过对方正地区所发现的构造及其有关构造运动形迹分析的基础上,进一步提出方正滑—形成盆地

    Based on the negative flower shaped structure and its relative structural movement track in Fangzheng area, this paper suggests that Fangzheng rift is a rifted basin formed by strike slip pull apart.


  • 本文通过对方正地区所发现的构造及其有关构造运动形迹分析的基础上,进一步提出方正滑—形成盆地

    Based on the negative flower shaped structure and its relative structural movement track in Fangzheng area, this paper suggests that Fangzheng rift is a rifted basin formed by strike slip pull apart.


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