• 对于户外活动爱好者们来说划船各种活动。

    For lovers of the great outdoors, activities range from canoeing to bird watching.


  • 我们大马士革一天最后一次旅行

    We had one last trip to make, a day excursion from Damascus by car.


  • 根据浮游植物种类浓度海洋颜色绿色蓝色不等

    Ocean colour varies from green to blue, depending on the type and concentration of phytoplankton.


  • 参加派对的澳大利亚欧洲美国以及亚洲赶来粉丝

    She was joined by fans who had flown in for the occasion from Australia, Europe, the U.S. and Asia.


  • 周日曼哈顿亚裔社区开往博物馆的小型公共汽车,每小时一班。

    On Sundays a minibus leaves hourly from the Asia Society in Manhattan.


  • 这个网站上带物品处理时差综合症的各种各样的小窍门

    At the website, there are tips about everything from what to pack to dealing with jetlag.


  • 这些调查对象问到他们购物的频率,选项每天”。

    Participants were asked how often they went shopping, with options ranging from "never" to "every day."


  • 支派宗族,就是哥辖其余子孙,拈阄所得的城以法莲支派中分出来的。

    The rest of the Kohathite clans of the Levites were allotted towns from the tribe of Ephraim


  • SaaS终端用户桌面或者移动设备访问供应商应用程序处理业务任务的权利。

    A SaaS end user has access to the provider's application from a desktop or mobile device to process business tasks.


  • 火星存在生命唯一可信依据将会我们实验室里返回任务带回的样本提取的微生物

    The only convincing evidence for life on Mars will be when we have a microbe in the lab from a sample return mission.


  • 来自欧洲亚洲南美与会者,甚至CameroonCroatia远道而来的。

    Some came from as far away as Cameroon and Croatia; we had attendees from Europe, Asia, and South America.


  • 诺基亚售价高低不一、各档次均,就(汽车行业保时捷花冠等各类车型一样,这点不同于苹果

    Unlike Apple, it sells the equivalent of everything from Porsches to Corollas.


  • 星期天为止清楚俄罗斯是否南奥塞梯以及格鲁吉亚另外一个分离主义地区阿布·哈兹撤军意图

    It was not clear Sunday whether Russia intends to withdraw from South Ossetia and another separatist region in Georgia, Abkhazia.


  • 曲线看上去就像在“流动”一样,这是因为我们人类周围世界里提取秩序倾向即使根本就没什么秩序。

    A curve looks like it's "flowing" because our human inclination is to extract order from the world, even if there's no real order at all.


  • 今天早上非常时候,参观个农贸市场那里市郊不同地方进城来农民,在出售他们的作物。

    I might say that this morning I, very early in the morning, went down to visit a market, where the farmers from various outskirts of the city bring in their items to sell.


  • 其中包括许多人们认为不能移动的作品图尔市借来精妙不朽大理石,这墓中是查理八世两个子女

    Included are also works that many might believe were quite immovable, among them the delicately carved but monumental marble tomb of the two children of Charles VIII on loan from Tours.


  • 海洋充满人类废弃物货运船上下的浴缸玩具,也风暴冲走小船,还故意封存漂流中纸卷。

    The seas are full of the cast-offs of humanity, from tub toys that have fallen off container ships to boats swept away in storms to bottled messages deliberately set adrift.


  • 分类整理工作完成之后,整本词典不论在任何位置上的单词都应当二三句数百个例句的引文出现单词的卡片上

    When the sorting is completed, where will be for each word anywhere from two or three to several hundred quotations, each on its card.


  • 1923年夏日一天位挪威船夫两个男孩正在池塘捉鱼嬉戏,因为据说这个水塘Vefsen河游的大鱼栖歇其中。

    Two young sons of a Norwegian boatman were playing at fishing, one summer's day in 1923, in a pool that was known to hold big fish on Norway's River Vefsen.


  • 这里远方风尘仆仆一路磕头而来的,也当地的市民,清晨围绕大昭寺磕一圈长头,约小时然后回家更衣、净手、吃早饭,再去上班

    In the morning they kowtow around Vphrul - snang temple for half an hour, then go home to change their clothes, wash their hands, have breakfast and go to work.


  • 爱尔兰航空(aerlingus.com)每日伦敦希斯罗机场都柏林科克香农贝尔法斯特航班以及伦敦盖特威克机场到都柏林、科克和囊可的航班。

    Aer Lingus ( aerlingus.com) has daily flights from London Heathrow to Dublin, Cork, Shannon and Belfast, and from London Gatwick to Dublin, Cork and Knock.


  • 还记得一个意大利打来的电话

    Before I forget, there was a call from Italy for you.


  • 布莱尔斯敦通向米尔布鲁克山路

    There's a mountain road that goes from Blairstown to Millbrook Village.


  • 巴黎开出快车波尔多全程不到4小时

    There is an express service from Paris that completes the journey to Bordeaux in under 4 hours.


  • 过去年中十二个罪犯狱中潜逃

    A dozen inmates have absconded from the jail in the past year.


  • 长长的笑纹眼角一直他蓄着细长胡须的下颌。

    He had long laughter lines that creased from the corners of his eyes all the way down to his narrow strip of beard.


  • 东西突然车前出来,随即我的车就撞了

    Something darted out in front of my car, and my car hit it.


  • 窗户房顶上突出来。

    A row of small windows jutted out from the roof.


  • 博特牛津一路公共汽车,按时发车,十分便利。

    Botley is well serviced by a regular bus route into Oxford.


  • 这家商店出售的商品鞋带计算机

    The store sells everything from shoelaces to computers.


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