• 2015年,比利时所大学科学家加入了这些蚂蚁行列他们来到沙漠一个时间极端高温天气下追踪蚂蚁,挖掘蚂蚁的巢穴。

    In 2015 these ants were joined in the desert by scientists from two Belgian universities, who spent a month in the extreme heat tracking the ants and digging out their nests.


  • 忍受着巨大困难经过瓦萨奇山脉盐湖沙漠洪堡河沿岸后,他们终于上旬到达了内华达山脉。

    After suffering great hardships in the Wasatch Mountains, the great Salt Lake Desert and along the Humboldt River, they finally reached the Sierra Nevada Mountains in early October.


  • 非常炎热罗马变成令人窒息的沙漠许多企业甚至会关闭,所以应该尽量避免这个时候来访

    July and August are unpleasantly hot, and Romans traditionally desert the stiflingly hot city in August, with many businesses closing; try to avoid visiting at this time.


  • 正是时候,导游保证说,我们水中下行走来对付沙漠中的炎热

    It was June, and the guide had assured me that we'd cope with the desert's incandescence by hiking in water and hiking by moonlight.


  • 一个明媚清晨悄然离开位于墨西哥州时髦温泉真理结果”(原名白兰鸽温泉镇),直奔东南面广袤沙漠

    Early one clear, still morning this past May, I slipped out of the funky old hot-springs town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, and headed southeast into the high desert.


  • 2005年108日,大众汽车穿越128英里的莫哈韦沙漠赢得DARPA的机器人竞赛的“挑战”。

    OnOct. 8, 2005, a Volkswagen managed to drive itself 128 miles acrossthe Mojave Desert, to win Darpa’s “Grand Challenge” robotrally.


  • 不过浩浩荡荡的车队92日隆隆驶过沙漠成功护送台中国制造的水轮机后,卡加克现在算作是一场迫切需要的胜利。

    But Kajaki now counts as a badly-needed success, after a great convoy lumbered through the desert to deliver a Chinese-built turbine on September 2nd.


  • 片“鲜花沙漠一种自然现象,每年的七、,多种多样鲜花都会这里盛开。

    The 'flowery desert' is a natural phenomenon in which flowers of great diversity appear in July and August.


  • 2008年627日内蒙古林浩特戈壁沙漠边缘降雨量达5.6厘米——地区50年前设立监测站以来记录的最大值。

    On the edge of the Gobi desert in Xilin Haote, Inner Mongolia, 5.6 cm of rain fell on 27 June 2008 - the most since a monitoring station was established in the area fifty years earlier.


  • 一百1911年3,《美国经济评论》(American EconomicReview)登出了第一篇文章,内容是关于美国西部被太阳晒到起泡的沙漠灌溉的。

    ONE hundred years ago, in March 1911, the American Economic Review (AER) published its first article-on irrigation in the "sun-blistered" deserts of the western United States.


  • 2010年717日宁夏银川附近白芨滩自然保护区沙漠,一名妇女正在植成网状,防止沙子随风而起。

    25Chinese women lay straw in a grid to prevent the sand from drifting in the wind in the desert of Baijitan Conservation Area near Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on July 17, 2010.


  • 官方数据显示居住食品沙漠人口数量已经有所下降,2009年的2350万降至今年五官网公布的1350万。

    Official figures for the number of people living in food deserts already show a decline, from 23.5m in 2009 to 13.5m at the launch of the website in May.


  • 造成铜价上涨的另个原因是智利8发生的一起铜金矿塌陷事故,地点位于科皮亚波附近的阿塔卡沙漠

    This growth also comes after the country braved the collapse of a copper-gold mine in the Atacama Desert near Copiapó in August.


  • 美国探险家史蒂夫-福塞85澳大利亚西部沙漠启动了热气球开始了他若干次只身驾驶热气球环游世界失败后的尝试

    US adventurer Steve Fossett on Sunday launched his balloon from the Western Australian desert in another attempt to become the first to fly a balloon solo around the world.


  • 他们最终那里一个到6个星期,在旅部先遣队返回沙特时候我们沙漠消耗时间。

    They ended up staying up there for like a month-6 weeks, and we just rotted away in the desert with the Bde advance party back in Saudi.


  • 去年十三辆车在莫哈韦沙漠排成一条线,寻求一百万的比赛奖金

    Thirteen vehicles lined up last March to race across the Mojave Desert, seeking a million in prize money.


  • 母亲1954年内华达州沙漠黄昏遭遇U FO

    In April 1954 my mother and I had a UFO encounter in the desert of Nevada at dusk.


  • 沙漠风暴行动开始于1991年1,工作组根据护送任务医院其他弱势舰艇联盟

    After Operation Desert Stormbegan in January 1991, the Task Group undertook escort duties for hospital ships and other vulnerable naval vessels of the coalition.


  • 去年日,伊拉克士兵不到4小时越过伊拉克科威特之间80英里沙漠

    It took Iraqi soldiers less than for hours to cross the 80 miles of desert between Iraq and Kuwait City last August 2.


  • 2006年617日世界防治荒漠化干旱主题沙漠美丽与土地沙漠化的挑战

    "The beauty of deserts - the challenge of desertification" is the theme of World Day to Combat desertification and Drought on June 17, 2006.


  • 2008年6 5号考古学宣布,2008年62开罗南部沙漠中塞加拉,重新发现了遗失座金字塔的塔基。

    June 5, 2008—The foundations of a pyramid long lost under the sands of Egypt lie exposed on June 2, 2008. Archaeologists today announced the rediscovery of the ruins in Saqqara, south of Cairo.


  • 2008年6 5号考古学宣布,2008年62开罗南部沙漠中塞加拉,重新发现了遗失座金字塔的塔基。

    June 5, 2008—The foundations of a pyramid long lost under the sands of Egypt lie exposed on June 2, 2008. Archaeologists today announced the rediscovery of the ruins in Saqqara, south of Cairo.


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