• 月球成为月球房地产市场紧缩最新受害者

    The Man in the Moon has become the latest victim of contraction in the housing market.


  • 月球成为月球房地产市场紧缩最新受害者

    The Man in the Moon has become the latest victim of contraction 1 in the housing market.


  • 信念就是看见天使云端舞蹈知道星空惊奇以及月球智慧

    To believe is to see angels dancing among the clouds, to know the wonder of a stardust sky and the wisdom of the man in the moon.


  • 我们感到疑惑:如果科学家送上月球为什么他们不能找到治疗普通感冒方法呢?

    It makes us wonder if scientists can send a man to the moon, why can't they find a cure for the common cold?


  • 1961年,肯尼迪总统宣布美国年内一个送上月球时,这些听起来也不太实际。

    In 1961, when President Kennedy declared that America would send a man to the moon by the decade's end, those words, too, had a dreamlike quality.


  • 巨大山坡奇怪地想起月球景观

    The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape.


  • 美国送上月球的那一年

    It was the year the Americans put a man on the moon.


  • 守夜灵魂能很理解月球居民语言

    The watchman's spirit understood the language of the inhabitants of the moon pretty well.


  • 随着美国宇航局计划2020年重返月球星座计划”取消,还会推动下一代完成一计划呢?

    With the cancellation of Nasa's Constellation programme to return Americans to the moon by 2020, who is to inspire the next generation to finish it?


  • 2050年,地球上将口过多,超过1亿将生活在月球和其他行星上。

    By 2050 there will be too many people on the earth and over 100 million people will be living on the moon and other planets.


  • 娥五号机器探测器成为中国首个将国旗送上月球的宇宙飞船。

    The Chang'e 5 robotic probe has become China's first spaceship to bring the country's national flag to the Moon.


  • 灰色的月球表面,五星红旗映衬着黑暗的天空,这一幕是由嫦娥机器探测器的着陆器上的相机拍摄的,然后发送到地面控制中心。

    The scene of the Five Starred Red Flag against the dark sky on the grey lunar surface was taken by a camera on the Chang'e s robotic probe's lander and then sent to the ground control.


  • 一个能够使登上月球世界应当能够使更多儿童得到蚊帐的保护。

    A world that can put a man on the moon should be able to put more children under bednets.


  • 具有讽刺意义的,恰恰是对月球痴迷使宇航局目前困境

    Ironically, it was an obsession with the moon which got NASA into its current mess.


  • 但是他们错了,如果我们不是如此匆忙行事,我们不但可以月球可以大一笔。

    That idea is false. If we had not been in such a hurry, we not only could have landed a man on the moon, we could have done it at a profit.


  • 之内约翰·伦绕地飞行不到年,我们送上月球

    Within five years, John Glenn was orbiting Earth, and less than a decade after that, we put a man on the moon.


  • 60年代时,有预测2000年类可以在月球度假

    Holidays on the moon by 2000, as forecast in the 1960s?


  • 奥尔德林不久跟随阿姆斯特朗舷梯成为月球上登陆的第二

    Aldrin soon followed Armstrong down the ladder to become the second man to stand on the moon.


  • 宇航局希望政策解放资源以便将更多精力投入到开发新的飞船火箭,将送上远于太空的距离月球小行星火星

    This policy, Nasa hopes, will free resources to invest in a new capsule and rocket capable of sending humans beyond the space station to destinations such as the Moon, asteroids and Mars.


  • 他们的研究团队发现,与真相比机器送上月球简单易行,至少需要空气粮食,更不用考虑如何让它回来。

    The team found that sending a robot to the Moon is far easier than sending a person - it does not need air or food and there is no return trip.


  • 公司希望利用他们飞船发送遥控机器月球的暗区收集样本探索位于月球南极的艾特肯盆地太阳系最古老火山口盆地之一

    The firm hopes to use remote controlled robots dispatched from their spacecraft to collect samples and explore the South Pole-Aitken basin on the Moon, one of the oldest craters in the solar system.


  • 赢得比赛参赛机器必须挖掘150千克(330模拟月球土壤,并小时内装入一个容器

    To win, a robot had to excavate 150kg (330lb) of simulated lunar soil and move it into a container in less than half an hour.


  • 送上月球复杂这样一种方法太过复杂

    Sending man to the moon is too complicated, too complex for such an approach.


  • 通过广告硬件工程项目获取利润比如制造自动驾驶汽车以及月球发送机器

    It also takes profits from ads and directs them toward tough engineering projects like building cars that can drive themselves and sending robots to the moon.


  • 月球丰富可以使太空建立基地比较容易,可提供饮用水火箭燃料成分

    Having an abundance of water on the moon would make it easier to set up a base camp for astronauts by providing drinking water and an ingredient for rocket fuel.


  • 我总叫做登上月球第二们几乎立刻就给我冠以这个令尴尬的头衔而不是把我称作‘首次登月行动的成员’。

    That is a degrading title right off the bat, instead of being a member of the first landing mission to reach the moon.


  • 我总叫做登上月球第二们几乎立刻就给我冠以这个令尴尬的头衔而不是把我称作‘首次登月行动的成员’。

    That is a degrading title right off the bat, instead of being a member of the first landing mission to reach the moon.


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