• 容器中之静止液体弯曲表面如果液体浸润容器,那么弯曲面呈

    The curved upper surface of a nonturbulent liquid in a container that is concave if the liquid wets the container walls.


  • 今年221日赛义夫告诉惊恐利比亚人:他们很快血流成河,染红大街小巷

    On Feb. 21, he told horrified Libyans that “rivers of blood”—their blood—would soon run in the streets.


  • 而且因为第二(月状物),那么可能冷却和凝聚地更快,这意味着岩石更古老。

    Also, because the second moon would have been smaller than the main one, it would have cooled and solidified more quickly, meaning that its rocks would be older.


  • 三个之内动了手术右眼胬肉给切除了

    Within three months, she'd undergone surgery to have the pterygium removed from her right eye.


  • 2008年106号飞越中的信使号”用窄镜头明亮呈放射柯伊伯陨石坑,“水手10号”阳光斜射时拍摄这区域。

    During the October 6, 2008 flyby of Mercury, MESSENGER's NAC captured a new view of the bright, radial ejecta rays of Kuiper crater that were previously imaged by Mariner 10 at a lower Sun Angle.


  • 监狱服务机构一位发言人:“921日恩hmp监狱名囚犯表现出醉调查一案件。”

    A prison Service spokesman said: "on 21 September a prisoner at HMP the Verne showed signs of intoxication, the cause of which will be investigated."


  • 然而从下面这哈勃望远镜12529日拍摄下照片来看,我们可以发现在星球附近出现个奇特的X纤维构造

    Follow-up images taken by Hubble on Jan. 25 and 29, however, revealed a complex X-pattern of filamentary structures near the nucleus.


  • 容器中之静止液体弯曲表面,如果液体浸润容器壁,那么弯曲面呈;如果没有,就呈

    The curved upper surface of a nonturbulent liquid in a container that is concave if the liquid wets the container walls and convex if it does not.


  • 不同时间片的月状长度测量不同,进行同一认定时剔除

    The different time radiography, bone length measurement values different, in that the same should be removed.


  • 37皮疹加重红斑基础皮损主要双手双前臂双膝包绕角质化皮肤的50%。

    By March 7, the rash had worsened, with umbilicated lesions with an erythematous base, mostly on the hands, forearms, neck, chest, face, and knees, encompassing 50% of the keratinized skin.


  • 支持者面尘土尺寸沙子完全不同,因此并不需要潮湿可以留下被压出的痕迹。地球有许多这样的粉末物体。

    Sceptic : A third person would have had to be there with a camera to take photographs of astronauts arriving on the moon and blasting off again.


  • 长长的茎上一小簇像喇叭魔术般的突然出现

    In August, long stalks with several clumps of trumpet -like flowers suddenly appear as if by magic.


  • 方法2004年4至2005年3之间,通过临床特征、内镜病理结果,来对比分析胃镜检查中发现慢性胃炎结节改变。

    Methods During 2004.4~2005.3, the clinical, endoscopic and pathological findings of nodular gastritis and atrophy gastritis were analysed.


  • 这颗后来叫费卢西亚奇异有机星球最早绘制于2002年10,上面反射着阳光的豆荚高大植物台AT-TE步行机丛林里缓缓前进。

    First painted in October of 2002, the strange organic planet of then-nameless Felucia depicted sun-catching pod-like plants of enormous height, with an AT-TE walker lumbering in the underbrush.


  • 据《哈佛大学妇女健康观察》2007年4报道难辨芽胞杆菌这种常见院内菌,所引起的疾病变得越来越广泛严重难以治疗

    Illness related to C. difficile, a bacterium commonly found in hospitals, is becoming more widespread, more severe, and harder to treat, reports the April 2007 issue of Harvard Women's Health Watch.


  • 方法切除胬肉自体结膜角膜缘干细胞移植方式治疗胬肉58(64),术后随访6~18

    Methods 58 cases(64 eyes)with pterygium were treated with pterygium resection and conjunctiva and corneal limbal autograft. The follow-up time ranged from 6 months to 18 months.


  • 今年221日赛义夫告诉惊恐利比亚人:他们很快血流成河,染红大街小巷

    On Feb. 21, he told horrified Libyans that "rivers of blood"—their blood—would soon run in the streets.


  • 光学集中器200一级透镜202第二级透镜204,波长转换元件110安装半圆透镜204上。

    The first stage of optical concentrator 200 is a meniscus lens 202 and the second stage is a dome lens 204, to which is mounted the wavelength converting element 110.


  • 被注入不含任何物质的小鼠发生广泛恶性肿瘤死亡,而含有BMP4物的小鼠生存时间长很多而且80%的小鼠癌细胞注入后生存时间仍长达4

    Mice that got empty beads developed large malignant tumors and died. Mice with BMP4 beads survived much longer, and 80 percent survived four months after cancer cell implants.


  • 他是纽约洛克菲勒大学RalphSteinman,是他发现树突细胞免疫系统活动中的作用,但却930日去世了

    Ralph Steinman ofRockefellerUniversityinNew York, who discovered the role of dendritic cells in activating the immune system, died on September 30th.


  • 对未加散光切口放射角膜切开术124(245只眼)患者,进行术后6 ~8观察。

    Radial keratotomy without T-cutting was performed on 245 eyes of 124 patients with 6-8 months of post-operative follow-up.


  • 这些是因为教练跟保证大名单中的一员为的是能62日前证明

    I did it because I had been assured by the Coach that I would be called in to the squad in order to prove my fitness ahead of June 2.


  • 这些是因为教练跟保证大名单中的一员为的是能62日前证明

    I did it because I had been assured by the Coach that I would be called in to the squad in order to prove my fitness ahead of June 2.


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