• 家长他们孩子一起制作月饼月亮形面具灯笼

    Parents make mooncakes, moon masks, and lanterns with their children.


  • 柯勒律治曾在晚上还是婴孩儿子屋外赏月孩子见到月亮安静了下来,月光照亮了他的泪水

    Coleridge once took his crying baby son out of the house to show him the moon; the moon silenced him, shining on his tears.


  • 月亮如果消失对于野生动物来说灾难性的,而且人们来说,自己成长中的月亮无法陪伴他们的孩子并予以孩子快乐,如果他们决定抚养孩子的话。

    I said that moon cutbacks could be disastrous for wildlife, and that the kind of moon they grew up with might not be around for their children to enjoy, if they decided to raise children.


  • 孩子没有就此罢休进行了仔细观察,用更为笃定的语气来宣布他们观察结果:“看到了,月亮就是在跟着我们。”

    There would be another period of critical observation and the final verdict, delivered more quietly this time: "But it really is moving. I can see it.


  • 孩子长大后,可以工作当天完成而不是分成天完成,并且周末可以外出用作任何计划好像是要月亮旅行一样

    When the children are grown up, I'll actually be able to do a day's work in a day, instead of spreading over three, and go away for a weekend without planning as if for a trip to the Moon.


  • 孩子捉住月亮

    Your baby wants to catch the moon.


  • 月亮天蝎座,与位于狮子座土星相刑,与位于金牛座两端附近的土星相,那么盘主独身、没有孩子的可能性很大。

    When the Moon is in Scorpio in Square of Saturn in Leo, or in Opposition to him when he is partially in Taurus, the Native rarely has either wife or children.


  • 双子座巨蟹座这个月亮保护的孩子相对于的轻浮善变来说过于喜怒无常,多愁善感。他们那样家庭至上。你们有着完全不同兴趣爱好

    The Moon child is far too moody and sensitive for your fickle ways. You are not a homebody like the Crab. You have totally different interests.


  • 孩子的时候,我觉得太阳月亮总是跟着走,我到哪里,他们就在哪里。

    When I was little I thought the sun and moon followed me around everywhere.


  • 阴历815晚上孩子看到月亮有一位女子

    On the 15th night of the 8th lunar moon, little children on earth can see a lady on the moon.


  • 为了保护月亮孩子很大响动龙吓跑。

    In order to protect the moon, the children have to come up with a large ring of the dragons away.


  • 抬头望着月亮月亮时而云朵后面,时而又我们面前月亮,多么一个淘气孩子呀!

    I looked up and looked at the moon, the moon and sometimes hiding behind the clouds, or standing in front of us, the moon, how like a naughty child!


  • 天空看见月亮淘气孩子,它时而云朵后面时而又露面,仿佛正在躲迷藏

    Looking up the sky, I saw the moon. It was like a naughty child. Sometimes it hid in the clouds and sometimes it got out of the clouds, it seemsed to play "hide and seek" with me.


  • 月老也是月亮中国神话中——尤其是中秋节时——如此重要的原因之一。中秋节时,每个人,包括孩子,都会山顶河滩去向月亮许愿,希望能有一份美满的姻缘

    Everybody, including children, hikes up high mountains or hills or onto open beaches to view the moon in the hope that he will grant their wishes.


  • 这个月亮保护的孩子相对于的轻浮善变来说过于喜怒无常,多愁善感。

    The Moon child is far too moody and sensitive for your fickle ways.


  • 据说天上一条龙,它要把月亮下去。为了保护月亮孩子弄出很大的响动把吓跑。

    It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the frighten the dragon away.


  • 结婚,我想你生孩子,我想给你余生!——《苦月亮》。

    I want to marry you. I want to give you babies. I want to give you the rest of my life!


  • 结婚,我想你生孩子,我想给你余生!——《苦月亮》。

    I want to marry you. I want to give you babies. I want to give you the rest of my life!


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