• 支付意愿卖者愿意某种物品支付的最高

    P107 Willingness to pay: the maximum amount that a buyer will pay for a good .


  • 每日新闻报》一度该国所有日报拥有最高发行

    The Daily News once had the highest circulation of any daily in the country.


  • 结果表明,那些青少年时期摄入纤维最高女性摄入纤维最少女性相比,乳腺癌风险低。

    It turns out that those who consumed the highest levels of fiber during adolescents had a lower risk of developing breast cancer, compared to women who ate the least fiber.


  • 石油业的最高相当于美国石油消耗10%。

    The oil industry goes with the high end of the range, which could equal as much as 10% of U.S. consumption for as long as six years.


  • 通过植物细胞细胞壁含盐最低一侧进入含盐最高的一侧。

    When water moves through the wall of a plant cell, it will move from the side containing water with the lowest amount of salt into the side containing the highest amount of salt.


  • 用户增长最快的国家包括巴西墨西哥本月达到了最高增长10%。

    The fastest-growing countries, including Brazil and Mexico, grew at a maximum of 10% over the month.


  • 这些脱落皮屑你家尘埃的比例最高可以达到90%。

    Shed skin accounts for up to 90 percent of the dust in your home.


  • 例如如果信号编号110那么每个任务住编号最低信号,然后依次锁住信号直到编号最高的信号

    So, for example, if semaphores were numbered 1 to 10, each task would start by locking the lowest number first, working its way up to the highest numbered.


  • 欧洲美国核电厂工人所受到最高辐射50希弗。

    In Europe and America, workers at nuclear plants are meant to receive at most 50msv a year.


  • 不仅达到了目标成为促销活动中销售最高人员。

    I not only met my goal, but I also was the top salesperson on the drive.


  • 所有俄罗斯城市,海参拥有最高人均汽车

    Vladivostok has the highest number of cars per capita among all Russian cities.


  • 例如每日预测可以预期周末最低销售季末最高销售

    For example daily predictions can anticipate low sales on weekends or peaks at quarter end.


  • 发现首页一级频道页面访问时,可能到达访问最高个页面,我就决定要重新设计这个站点了。

    I was able to justify a site redesign when I found that none of the most visited pages were available from the homepage or any other top level pages.


  • 沃霍尔大概战后最有影响力艺术家全盛时期作品最高价格最大成交

    Warhol is probably the most influential postwar artist. During the boom his work accounted for some of the highest prices and largest turnovers.


  • 这种鸡蛋广告宣传灵感来源于美国曾经类似的活动,但日本上述首次,而日本一向也被认为世界上人均鸡蛋消费最高的国家。

    The AD campaign, inspired by similar advertising in the United States, is the first of its kind in Japan, said to be the world's largest per capita consumer of eggs.


  • 目前其交易低于十月最高大约35% 至 39%。

    They now trade 35% to 39% below their October highs.


  • 一债务和平时期见过最高的,对其进行削减是残酷工作

    Reducing these levels, some of the highest ever seen in peacetime, will be a brutal job.


  • 由于波斯湾在海水拥有最高含盐沉积十分迅速,这使得透明外皮呈现水晶般的面貌

    Because the Persian Gulf has the world's highest salinity for oceanic water, the salt deposits accumulate quickly, making the transparent skin take on a new crystalline appearance.


  • 称赞其他食物具有更高的抗氧化性蓝莓不如它。它我们能摄取最高的食物。

    It also boasts a significantly higher antioxidant rating than almost any other food, including blueberries, and is possibly the richest dietary source of magnesium available to us.


  • 反馈这个视频创下了吉尼斯世界纪录,成为有史以来点击最高在线广告

    Feedback: the video won a Guinness World Record for the most-viewed online AD of all time.


  • 用户临界值策略保证用户能够并发访问应用程序,并发最高上限提供商用户授权规定的限制数。

    User threshold policy ensures users can access concurrently the application up to the limit specified in a user license from the provider.


  • 地下水测试显示植物中的高达世界卫生组织最高安全15

    Tests on ground water show that levels of uranium around the plants are up to 15 times the World Health Organisation's maximum safe limits.


  • 大约四分之一女人六分之一男人每天最高摄入

    This is about a quarter of a woman's and about a sixth of a man's daily upper intake.


  • 所以,只要简简单单马铃薯改成有机马铃薯,就能产生很大潜在效果——因为用于商业出售的马铃薯农药残留最高蔬菜之一。

    A simple switch to organic potatoes has the potential to have a big impact because commercially-farmed potatoes are some of the most pesticide-contaminated vegetables.


  • (见表)国家出口2008年最高降到2009年的最低额,日本下降8.6%,德国下降6.7%,意大利降了6.5%。

    National output fell from its peak in 2008 to its trough in 2009 by a staggering 8.6% in Japan, 6.7% in Germany and 6.5% in Italy.


  • 早餐商品”(可可卡路里重要来源世界某些地方)30年来最高的交易

    The "breakfast commodities" (tea, cocoa, sugar, important sources of calories in some parts of the world) are trading at their highest levels for 30 years.


  • 19中的结果表明远程数据库数据存器能实现最佳性能因为提供最短MDB响应时间最高吞吐

    The results in Figure 21 show that a remote database data store yields the best performance, as it provides the fastest MDB response time and the highest throughput.


  • 19中的结果表明远程数据库数据存器能实现最佳性能因为提供最短MDB响应时间最高吞吐

    The results in Figure 21 show that a remote database data store yields the best performance, as it provides the fastest MDB response time and the highest throughput.


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