• 不幸是,由于这种方法未能解决通胀根本原因工资价格控制最终崩溃迄今为止受到压制的通胀再次出现。

    Unfortunately, because this approach fails to deal with the underlying causes of inflation, wage and price controls eventually collapse, the hitherto-repressed inflation resurfaces.


  • 我们似乎到达重要历史转折点提供一个最终解决我们国家根本危机机会

    We seemed to have reached a major historical turning point, offering the chance finally to address our country's root crises.


  • 虽然人们此后可以通过锻炼而充分发挥这些潜能,但无论这种来自社会改造工程多大,都无法从根本上把千差万别心智机能修复得平平整整,毫无差异,而最终实现智力上的完全平等

    Although subsequent experience shapes this potential, no amount of social engineering can make individuals with widely divergent mental aptitudes into intellectual equals.


  • 任何公司里根本业务流程这样:使一个最初的想法经过流程最终

    The most fundamental business process in any company is getting an idea from inception to where it is making you money.


  • 但是这些努力最终只会产生局部有限影响因为它们不能解决女童妇女健康需求得不到满足根本原因

    But such efforts will ultimately have a patchy and limited impact because they do not address the root causes of unmet health needs in girls and women.


  • 最终用户结果定义可以多种多样 --例如最终用户可能自动化子系统,而结果的种类也可以随着的不同而有着根本的不同。

    The definition of "end user" and "outcome" can vary -- an end user might be an automated subsystem, for example, and the nature of the outcome can vary radically from use case to use case.


  • 记住大部分放在互联网医疗信息最终为了赚钱——它们中的很多根本不是信息。

    But keep in mind that most of the medical information on the Internet was put there, ultimately, to make money - and much of it is not information at all.


  • 他们可以购买价值数百万美元电视广告——糟糕的是,他们甚至根本就不用透露最终这些广告付钱

    They can buy millions of dollars worth of TV ads - and worst of all, they don't even have to reveal who is actually paying for them.


  • 他们可以购买价值数百万美元电视广告——更糟糕,他们甚至根本就不用透露最终这些广告付钱

    They can buy millions of dollars worth of TV ads -and worst of all, they don't even have to reveal who is actually paying for them.


  • 尽管如此很多接受篇文章采访阿拉伯记者觉得埃及突尼斯发生根本的改变,这种改变最终传遍整个地区

    Still, many Arab journalists interviewed for this article feel that there has been a fundamental transformation in Egypt and Tunisia that will ultimately resonate across the region.


  • 我们最终得到的是我们根本不想要的东西似乎没有办法走出这个怪圈

    We end up with exactly what we don't want, but there doesn't seem to be a way out of the rut.


  • 但是最终也许最有用的度量影响工具根本不是度量的量本身,但是来自于成功的项目结果的故事是令人兴奋的事情。

    But in the end, probably the most useful measure of impact is not really a measure at all, but it's the kind of inspirational stories that can come from successful outcomes and successful projects.


  • 美国公司最终有了一个艰难的选择维持美国人价值体系克林顿设定互联网自由原则集中根本问题上解决。

    American companies ultimately have a tough choice to make: Uphold American values and the principles of Internet freedom set forth by Clinton, or focus on the bottom line.


  • 不可思议根本不是徒劳无功最终结果简直令人惊叹

    But the weird thing is that it's not futile at all. The end results are, quite simply, breathtaking.


  • 开心果经过烘焙后变成油腻糊状物根本可能变成意式咖啡--因为糊状物过于粘稠,即便有水分通过最终得到的不过苦涩油腻的液体,人难以下咽。

    The roast nuts turned into an oily paste, which did not lend itself to espresso - the thick paste did not let much water run through and the result was bitter and oily.


  • 当前的阵容和上赛季最终两手空空的阵容起来根本没什么加强也许温格今年不会出现去年那样可怕的伤病

    The squad does not yet look radically stronger than that which finished last season empty-handed, although Wenger will reason that injuries can surely not strike with the same severity again.


  • 盖奇这样例子以及大量随后的病例已经表明在对大脑进行根本损伤之后尽管有所改变自身最终缓慢的恢复过来。

    Yet as the case of Gage and numerous subsequent individuals has shown, the self can plod on, albeit changed, after quite radical brain damage.


  • 有一个有利因素要考虑:根本上说汇金是由中国央行支持使任何系统风险都受到控制一循环体系的责任最终中国人民银行身上。

    That could keep any systemic risk from spinning out of control. The buck in this oddly roundabout system stops at the People's Bank of China.


  • 支持莫扎特疗法效果证据最终被证明薄弱的,或许根本不存在虽然最初研究除了证实短暂有限效果之外,该小组从来没有声称过其他什么

    The evidence for Mozart therapy turned out to be flimsy, perhaps nonexistent, although the original study never claimed anything more than a temporary and limited effect.


  • 法国打着自己小算盘,谋划着将“无偿”筹集的资金救助范围扩大至希腊的私营企业(的债务),另外,发行长期国债使最终债务重组变得愈加困难,因而此次紧缩计划根本无法减少希腊的国家债务。

    The plan does not reduce that—and French machinations to roll some private-sector debt into a “voluntary” package of cash and long-term bonds may make an eventual restructuring harder (see article).


  • 如果灵魂坚定你的心正直,你根本不会怀疑你将摘取最终胜利果实

    Overcome; but if the spirit be strong and the heart be upright, no one need despair of ultimate success.


  • 第12时候,就是因为下午一点的时候喝了一杯绿茶,结果导致我在10点之前根本就没有睡意最终导致了第一次睡过头

    On Day 12 when I had the six-hour sleep, I had consumed a cup of green tea around 1pm that day, and afterwards I had a stretch of 7+ hours before my next nap.


  • 我们有已经有一个假设但是过程出现太早,我们根本改变最终结果它从主题中开始偏离的时候。

    We have a hypothesis already, but it occurs early enough in the process that we can radically alter the end result before it migrates too far from relevance.


  • 不过解决机油最终办法车辆进行比较彻底检修根本上解决问题

    However, the final solution to burn oil is relatively thorough overhaul of the vehicle, a fundamental solution to the problem.


  • 不过解决机油最终办法车辆进行比较彻底检修根本上解决问题

    However, the final solution to burn oil is relatively thorough overhaul of the vehicle, a fundamental solution to the problem.


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