• 如果大多数一样,你最终杯(然后在演出中途厕所)。

    If you're like most people, you end up buying the large (and taking a bathroom break midshow) .


  • 们中的大多数人说,我最终可能会找回钱包,但里面的钱会丢失。

    Most of them said I might get the wallet back finally but the money in it would disappear.


  • 大多数人相比更多优越条件和机会但是大一时候,父母离婚最终促使开始重新审视这个社会

    I had more opportunity and privilege than most, but the divorce of my parents in my first year of university ultimately drove me to completely check out of society.


  • 大多数工作动力最终消失时,世界开始变得奇妙

    It's a bizarre world when most peoples' main motivation to work is to eventually stop working.


  • 最终结果非常完满,能显示气温长远趋势科学界大多数对此表示满意

    The end results are good enough for showing long-term trends to the satisfaction of most of the scientific community.


  • 大多数没有做的发现机会正向走来(可能不是立即最终他们一定会)。

    Do things that most people don't do and you will see opportunities coming your way (maybe not right away but eventually they will come).


  • 虽然花费很长的时间,但是与年轻相比大多数最终学会更多忍耐

    Though it will take time, most people eventually learn to be more patient than they were when they were young.


  • 最终我们不得不大多数人一样考虑是否值得为多大学自由时光付费。

    Ultimately we're going to have to decide as a society whether that extra year of freedom is worth the financial cost.


  • 他们工作多半默默无闻我们大多数看到最终产品最终产品的前端部分。

    Their work is often behind the scenes and all that most of us see is the end product, and often just the front end of the end product.


  • 大多数认为犹太战争结束于74年,因为最终之战发生于74年,最后攻下据点马萨达。

    The end of the Jewish war is dated by most people to 74, because that's the time when the final battle took place, and the fortress that fell was called Masada.


  • 大多数对于如何设定达到目标没有受过训练他们也许会采用各种不同策略最终通过经验苦果获得一些了解

    Most people have no training on how to successfully set and achieve a goal. They may try various strategies, finally acquiring some knowledge through the bitter pill of experience.


  • 大多数必须眼见认为社会企业家相信接着他们看到。社会企业家甚至在他们开始之前就看见最终结果

    Most people have to see to believe, but I think that social entrepreneurs believe, and then they see. Social entrepreneurs have seen that end result before even got started.


  • 一旦了解大多数如何网站导航的,你作出一些改变直到他们采取路径最终通向一次销售

    Once you see how most people navigate your web site, you can then make changes until the path they take is the one which leads to a sale.


  • 在生死关头阿伦最终做出了抉择,而这样坚忍恐怕我们大多数无法企及

    Things eventually become life-or-death, and Aron does something that most of us probably don't have the fortitude to do.


  • 为什么大多数除了劳动转化最终产品汽车房子珍馐美味时候,并不能劳动满足感结合起来

    Why is it that most of us don't put work and human satisfaction together, except when it comes to the end product of work: automobiles and houses and good food?


  • 大多数有着同样经历我们最终克服晕车。

    Most people have the same experience with me and we will get over carsickness eventually.


  • 他们的教育最终变成使研究生们为大多数可能得到工作做准备

    Consequently, their education is preparing them for work that most of them won't ever get.


  • 复吸多数发生戒烟3个月内如果不要灰心泄气。请记住大多数是经过若干最终戒掉烟

    Most relapses occur within the first 3 months after quitting. Don't be discouraged if you start smoking again. Remember, most people try several times before they finally quit.


  • 表示如果最终多数意见认为设计方案应该做出修改,她确信发展局找到满足大多数需求改建方案;

    'At the end of the day, if there is a strong body of opinion that the design architecture should be modified, then I'm sure we could find a way to meet the needs of most people, ' she says.


  • 大多数最终都会使用声明式的配置文件创建修改他们应用程勋。另外个文档给出了一个简单介绍

    Most people will eventually want to use declarative configuration files for creating/modifying their applications. A simplified introduction is given in a different document.


  • 特德斯基其他学者发现很多(可能甚至是多数人)来说,生活最终会变得更加丰富更加满足

    But Tedeschi and others have found that for many people-perhaps even the majority-life ultimately becomes richer and more Gratifying.


  • 大多数都同意杖头条蛇代表六位元素之龙,但是关于他们最终所衔水晶的意义,则仍然争论不断。

    Most of them agree the six snakes on top obviously represent the six Dragon-Gods. As for the four crystals they hold in their mouths, the debate still rages.


  • 或许现代生活中的大多数认为不过天方夜谭,结果却是俩最终结为伉俪,执手偕老。

    Perhaps most of people in the modern society think that may be incredible thing. However, they got married finally. Why?


  • 然而其中许多资产非常大潜力因为多数最终还清抵押贷款

    Yet many of these assets still have significant underlying value, because the vast majority of people will eventually pay off their mortgages.


  • 同样只能有限时间内从事职业体育运动最终大多数男女老幼,都不想一直从事如此高强度工作

    In the same way people play professional sports for a limited time, eventually most people, young, old, men, women, don't want to work this intensely all the time.


  • 同样只能有限时间内从事职业体育运动最终大多数男女老幼,都不想一直从事如此高强度工作

    In the same way people play professional sports for a limited time, eventually most people, young, old, men, women, don't want to work this intensely all the time.


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